2018 Progress Report

Due: August 1, 2018

Grant Amount:

Grant Date:

Instructions and Intent

The purpose of the Year-End Report is:

·  To receive year-end information on the status of program or service that has been supported by a grant from the United Way of Greater Fort Dodge

·  To ensure that the intent of the grant was addressed by the grantee.

·  To document the success of the program and if expected outcomes were achieved.

Agency or Organization ______

Program: ______

Person Completing the Report: ______

1. Please write a brief summary (approximately 100 to 150 words) describing how the

grant funds were used and the what were the outcome(s).

2. Has your agency experienced any significant changes in mission, financial condition

or personnel since January 2018? _____ yes _____ no If yes, please explain:

3. How many persons (unduplicated) were served in this program over the past twelve months?

4. Please identify the percentage of persons from various counties that were served by

this program (if this data is available).

5. Is the year-end number of persons served consistent with the number of persons

that you projected would be served? ____ yes _____no

If not, please explain the variance.

6. Changes and adjustments

Did you need to make any changes or adjustments to this program because of unforeseen changes in staff, clientele, community needs, funding, etc.?

Yes _____ No _____

If yes, please explain.

7. What challenges or obstacles did you face in attempting to reach the goal(s) of this


8. Please write a brief narrative (approximately 150 words or less) of a recent success

story that effectively describes the impact that the grant funds had on a family or

individual. (Please note, the narrative should be written in a format which you believe is

appropriate for publication for United Way of Greater Fort Dodge marketing

purposes. Use additional sheet if necessary.)

I attest that the information provided in this report is up-to-date and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Executive Director Date

United Way of Greater Fort Dodge

24 N 9th Street, Suite B • Fort Dodge, IA 50501
515.573.3179 • www.UnitedWayFD.org