Argentina- Description of Methodology
- Political Boundaries:
The Republic of Argentinais stretched between 22 and 55 Southern latitude, just from North of the Tropic of Capricorn to near the WeddellPeninsula of Antarctica. Argentina shares border with Chile to the West, Boliviaand Paraguay to the North, and to the East with Brazil and Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean. Total surface area of Argentina is about 2,800,000 sq. km. Argentina is divided into 23 provincias (provinces) and a distrito federal (federal district).
2.Data Sources:
Population data for the 23 provinces of Argentina for the year 1990 were obtained from the publications“Statistical Yearbook Republic of Argentina 1994,”" and “The Argentine Economy 1993,”published by the Republica Argentina and Consejo Tecnico De Inversiones, S. A., respectively.
The file Argentina_Provinces containing information regarding longitude, latitude, RIG’s, Grid Area, and ZPop was obtained from the g-econ server. This file was prepared by Steven Citron-Pousty or Kyle Hood. Arc View program was also used to calculate RIG’s. The RIG’s computed through Arc View and obtained from the Argentina_Provinces file were comparable.
Provincial GDPdata(Dirección Nacional de CuentasNacionales), were obtained from the website of MinisterioEconomia, Argentina.
First the grid area figures were converted into square kilometers using 1square mile = 2.59 square kilometers. Then, the sub cell population was computed using the formula [RIG * grid area * population density], and re-scaled the resulting sub cell population to fit the 1990 total population. Sub cell GDP was calculated using the formula [sub cell GDP = [income per capita * 1990 sub cell population], where income per capita = [total GDP/Population], and aggregated the sub cell values to the cell level using the "collapse" command in Stata.
The cell GDP was rescaled with the National GDP and further re-scaled to fit the GDP (1990, US $ 1995) MER and PPP.
Geographical units for downscaling economic data23
Geographical units for economic data23
Geographical units for GPW population522
Grid Cells349
Major Source for Economic Data:
- Republica Argentina., "Statistical YearbookRepublic of Argentina 1994."
- Consejo Tecnico De Inversiones S. A., "The Argentine Economy 1993," Issue No. 32.
- Dirección Nacional de Cuentas Nacionales, Ministerio Economia.
- The Economist Intelligence Unit., "Country Profile: Argentina, 1994-95."
Prepared By:Qazi T. Azam
Date:April 7, 2005
Data File Name:Argentina_Calc_Qa_040705.xls
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