Attitude to books and stories- Individually, with other children and with adult/s
Participates with interactive books.
Begins to retell stories.
Retells stories in own words.
Relates to own experiences. / Turns pages independently.
Retells stories using story props.
Retells stories in heritage language.
Retells, aware when own version departs from original. / Turns pages accurately.
Retells stories with expression.
Memorises chunks of language of own well-known books.
Notices and self-corrects when own version departs from original. / Knows front and back (according to heritage script).
Retells familiar stories.
Retells joining in predictable structure.
Enjoys listening to taped stories. / Hums the rhythm of familiar stories.
Enjoys word play.
Joins in repeated sections.
Retells, imitating sound patters. / Enjoys playing with sounds.
Joins in, echoing sound patterns.
Enjoys chanting rhymes, rhythmic phrases.
Retells using rhythm of text. / Enjoys trying new words.
Joins in with rhymes.
Sings/tells rhymes. / Joins in action and movements of rhymes.
Joins in echoing words
Knows some rhymes by heart.
2. Individually and with other children / Reading Illustrations
Chooses to take books to and from home.
Looks for favourite stories.
Tells story to self.
Reads to friends/toys. / Brings own books from home.
Chooses books on a familiar theme.
Reads in role.
Concentrates for sustained periods. / Looks for familiar stories.
Chooses comforting books.
Imitates adults.
Discusses books with friends. / Chooses books thoughtfully.
Tells stories while playing.
Finds a special place to read.
Enjoys reading own made books. / Comments on illustrations.
Identifies humour/other emotions in illustrations.
Asks questions about illustrations.
Predicts content from the cover. / Mulls over illustrations.
Anticipates what will happen from illustrations.
Recognises books by the cover.
Retells in own language using illustrations. / Begins to notice detail.
Chooses books for specific illustrations.
Matches books illustrated by the same person.
Retells in book language using illustrations. / Notices detail.
Reads illustrations making connections with own experiences.
Chooses book by specific illustrator.
3. With adults / Print Awareness
Willing to share books with encouragement.
Willing to hold book.
Comments on story.
Discusses a story with an adult. / (One to one)
Responds to invitation ‘come and share a book with me/us’.
Turns pages with encouragement.
Asks to share stories with adults.
Responds to ‘I wonder what …?’ /
Holds book with encouragement.
Talks about a story with encouragement.
Asks ‘who wrote it?’.
Asks questions during story discussion. / (In a group)
Concentrates in small group story time.
Joins in discussion in a small group.
Joins in discussion in a large group.
Concentrates in large group story time.
Responds with enthusiasm in story sessions. / Notices print in the environment.
Aware of different fonts and styles.
Recognises own name.
Recognises books by the print on the cover. / Notices and matches logos.
Notices print – what does that say?
Recognises shapes of high interest letters.
Recognises books by the same author. / Shows interest in print of home language.
Knows print carries messages.
Matches initial letters.
Recognises letters from names. / Aware of heritage scripts.
Interacts with print in display.
Recognises names of friends/family.
Finger scans left to right.
Aware of punctuation.