Binghamton University Panhellenic Emergency Policy
(Created August 2017, Passed September 2017)
The Binghamton University Panhellenic Council encourages all member organizations of our community to have their own emergency procedure to follow in the event any of the following situations arise.
In the event of a medical emergency at a council or chapter function, contact the following:
- Emergency Medical Services
- Harpers Ferry (607)
- Vestal EMS
- Vestal Police
- Binghamton Police
- Chapter or Council President
In the event of a fire emergency at a council or chapter function, contact the following:
- Vestal Police and Fire Department
- Binghamton Police and Fire Department
- Chapter or Council President
In the event of a severe weather emergency, follow the procedure as determined by the University when on campus. During severe weather while off-campus, use your judgement based on the type of weather. During severe snow and cold emergencies, stay indoors to prevent hypothermia and avoid driving if possible to avoid accidents because of poor driving conditions. During extreme heat emergencies, stay indoors in air conditioning to avoid potential heat related illness. During extreme rain and wind conditions, stay indoors. In the event of extreme flooding, stay off the roads to avoid poor driving conditions and potential bodily harm, should an individual get caught in flooding. In the event of extreme winds, remain indoors. Should it become so extreme a localized storm system forms, seek protective shelter away from windows and doors.
In the event of a bomb or terror threat, follow local or University procedure, depending on the location of the incident, and remain calm.
In the event of an extended power loss on campus, contact the Resident Director of the community you are located in and follow the procedure according to them and the University. In the event of an extended power loss off campus, contact the landlord, the local police and if you directly deal with the local power company, them as well. If power is not restored within 12 hours contact the University for possible assistance.
- PERSONAL (i.e. discovery of a long-term illness of a sister, sudden death, etc.)
In the event of a personal emergency, chapters should remain sensitive to all those immediately impacted by the emergency. All other chapters should be supportive of all those impacted. In the event of this, chapters should follow their own specific policies, locally and nationally. If a personal emergency occurs as a result of any of the previously stated emergencies, contact your national organization as well as the chapter and council president.