Clemson Fencers
Year 2015-2016
Article I
Section 1.The name of this organization shall be the Clemson Fencers.
Article II
Section 1.The purposes of the Clemson Fencers are as follows:
A.To teach the sport of fencing and its three respective weapon styles (foil, epee, sabre)
B.To promote competitive fencing at Clemson University.
C.To promote sportsmanship in fencing.
D. To promote fencing in South Carolina.
Article III
Section 1.Membership in the Clemson Fencers shall be extended to all members of the Clemson University community for those of 17 years or older and will be granted to all who qualify and have paid dues.
Section 2.Dues shall be charged to all members and payable to the Treasurer.
A. Returning members shall be held liable to pay dues by the first organized meeting; this requirement to be waived as necessary with majority agreement of present members once quorum has been established.
B. New members shall be held liable to pay dues after a previously agreed-upon time has passed for prospective members to make an informed decision regarding their desire for continued participation with the Clemson Fencers.
C.Dues shall be set by the officers each semester prior to enactment. Two-thirds majority is required to set or change dues. These dues will be included in writing in the club's annual by-laws.
Article IV
Section 1.Voting Officers of the Clemson Fencers shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary/Risk Control Officer, the Treasurer, and the Equipment Manager.
Section 2.Duties of the offices are described in the 2012–13 Club Sports Manual on pages 7, 8, and 9.
Section 3.Election of officers shall be held as the need to fill vacated positions arises.
A. No term limits shall be enacted unless a two-thirds majority vote agrees on such a proposal after quorum has been established.
B. Removal of officers from their office shall be henceforth termed IMPEACHMENT.
1) Grounds for impeachment shall include, but are not limited to failure to perform the duties required of one's office to an acceptable level of competency.
2)The process of impeachment is to be begun by a majority of the officers, during a formal executive meeting, declaring a no confidence in the officer in question. The declaration is to be brought to the entire club's attention at the next club meeting, where a discussion of the problem shall occur. A vote of all present members (which must include a minimum of two-thirds of all members) will be taken. Three-fourths vote must be achieved in order to remove a person from office.
C.Election of open officer positions will be by majority vote.
Article V
Section 1. The choice of a faculty advisor will be left to the club members.
Article VI
Section 1.At least two-thirds of the total club membership shall be present in order to constitute a quorum for the transacting of all official business, with the exception of officer quorum, which requires the presence of no less than two-thirds of all officers.
Article VII
Section 1. Any proposed amendment to this constitution shall be submitted in writing and read at a regular meeting.
Section 2.All proposed amendments must receive a simple majority by a quorum of officers, after which a two-thirds majority of all members must be obtained.
Section 3.Once Sections 1 and 2 of Article VII of this constitution have been satisfied concerning a specific proposal, it shall become a binding amendment of this constitution.