9:30 A.M., SUNDAY, August 4, 2013

Talon Lake Campground and Marina

Hosts: Dave & Nancy Humphries


a)Mike Wilson, President of LTCA, welcomed the group and thanked Nancy and Dave for their hospitality. Approximately 35 persons were in attendance.

b)The published Agenda indicated “Welcome to guests, Chief Clifford Bastien and Jim Sutton, Topic: Proposed Algonquin Land Claim” President Wilson indicated that he had e-mailed an invitation as well as a voice mail but had received no response. President Wilson opened the floor to discussion of the Algonquin Land Claim and the potential impacts on Lake Talon and immediate area. President Mike indicated that he had attended the meeting in North Bay but there was no discussion regarding Lake Talon. Parcel 293 is a relatively large tract of land on the south shore of Lake Talon. See

There were no details as to what purpose this land was to be utilized for but other parcels in the North Bay – Mattawa area were slated for development. It was agreed that relevant information would be posted on the LTCA website at President Mike was authorized to write to the Algonquin Land Claim Group as well as our MPP and MP on behalf of the LTCA. Barry Pond asked for a specific Motion to that effect.

It was moved by Ken Davies and seconded by Dan Donnelly that the LTCA express our strong concern about the removal of land from the Provincial Park (Pcl. 293) as part of the Algonquin Land Claim Agreement and that the parties involved be asked why this land is now suitable for development and that the LTCA President and other delegates be empowered to engage in immediate dialogue with regard to this matter and to utilize the published FOCA talking points as the basis for our case.


The discussion continued for approximately one hour and various points were raised about what planning controls will apply to any future development ; that housing is not appropriate in this location due to the rocky and swampy terrain; that excessive fish harvesting may become a problem and that the MNR had erred in selecting sensitive park property when other Crown Lands would be more suitable.

A Committee consisting of President Mike Wilson. Ken Davies, Don Wallace, Barry Pond, Brian Baker and George Davies was struck with the immediate task of contacting Bonfield Township Reeve Randy McLaren to determine what role the Township has already played in this Land Claim process and more specifically what planning controls would Bonfield Township have with respect to any future development of Parcel 293.


Minutes of LTCA Meeting – Page 2

2. a) Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting, August 5, 2012

It was moved by Barry Pond and seconded by Linda Wilson that the Minutes of the August 5, 2012 Annual Meeting be approved. CARRIED

b)Business Arising from Minutes

Dredging near Launching Ramp at Blanchard’s Landing

The Members were advised that dredging of the launch ramp is still under consideration by the Township of Bonfield but nothing has transpired in the past year.

Condition of Blanchard’s Landing Floating Dock

Brian Baker advised that the floating dock at Blanchard’s Landing is the responsibility of the LTCA. It was agreed that Volunteers Scott Ross and Brian Baker would undertake repairs immediately at no cost to LTCA. The dock was successfully leveled with two concrete blocks the following day.

LTCA Website

Brian Baker reported that the new Website is up and running at

And that approximately 100 Members e-mail addresses are currently contained in the LTCA database. MailChimp is being used to send communications to Members. Members can communicate to the LTCA at

Mr. Baker asked the President and/or Executive to provide their permission for any items suggested to be posted on the LTCA Website.

LTCA Signing

Brian Baker advised that it was subsequently determined that our Agreement with the MNR prohibits signs being installed. It was also reported that the MNR does not want signing at other park locations, i.e. Ecology Centre at Mattawa Provincial Park, and that it was probably in the LTCA’s best interest not to initiate such a request. This was agreed to by the Members present.

Discontinuance of LTCA Member Mailing

It was agreed last AGM that the annual LTCA Mailing of Newsletter, Invoice, etc. be discontinued as a cost saving and the member communication be accomplished by the Students and the LTCA Website. There was information presented both in favour and against the change in practice. Student Supervisor Larry Lanctot advised that the Students will be able to contact all existing and potential Members by the end of this year’s work term. It was agreed that the LTCA Newsletter was urgently required to accompany the Students.


Minutes of LTCA Meeting – Page 3

3.Financial Report, January 1/December 31, 2012

Mike Marrs reported on the Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the year ending December 31, 2012. (Appendix A) Cash on hand at end of period December 31, 2012 was $7,261.94 as compared to $7,609.71 the previous year. Nancy Humphries was thanked by everyone for her efforts and excellence as Treasurer.

It was moved by Mike Marrs and seconded by Diane Wallace that the Treasurer’s Report for the year ending December 31, 2012 be approved.


4.Membership Report

Nancy Humphries reported that to date we have 85 paid members as compared to 145 last year. The drop off was directly attributed to no mailing in 2013. In 2008, we had 113 paid members – that was the year we did not have any students. In 2009, we had 122, in 2010, 141 and in 2011, 153 paid members.

5.2013 Summer Work Report

Nick Lanctot, Jordan Guy and Will Steel reported on the work done to date on the lake.

They cleaned up campsites and lakeshores during the week and visited residents on the weekends. Their report is Appendix B.

6.Regional Association Representatives

Nil Report

7. MNR – Control of Dam / Operation / Safety

Dave Humphries reported that the water level was very high (2nd highest ever) in the early Spring but that all logs were removed at that dam and flow was restricted due to debris which could not safely be removed. Current water levels are high but still within the 2 ft. marker that the Ministry of Natural Resources works within. Mr. Humphries calls in readings every Monday and also on Wednesdays during high water levels. Fishing has remained the same as in previous years. There was some concern expressed about Native fishing in the Fish Sanctuary areas which was thought to be prohibited.

8.Water Quality Testing

Deb Fullerton was absent and no report was received and it was unclear as to whether readings were taken earlier this year.


Minutes of LTCA Meeting – Page 4

9.Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Association Report

Ken Davies reported that the FOCA website

had considerable interesting and relevant information for LTCA Members. His 2013 FOCA Report is posted on the website.

10.Logging Issues

No report.

11.Update on Land Use

Brian Baker reported that the Algonquin Land Claim has a large Parcel 350 and several smaller parcels north of Lake Talon in Olrig Township.

Ken Davies reported on the Highway 17 Realignment Study and indicated that the future highway would have relatively easy access via Talon Lake Road and Maple Road but not Pine Lake Road. Info is available at

see Appendix D.

12.Provincial Park Matters

Bill Mountain reported that the Lake Talon – Mattawa River route is now more heavily used for canoe and kayak day-trippers due to increased regulations and costsin Algonquin Provincial Park. Mr. Mountain will try and contact these firms in an effort to generate a financial contribution to the efforts of the LTCA.

13.Election of Officers

Jeanne Laframboise resigned as Secretary. Brian Baker volunteered to look after this AGM Minutes only. Pam Corazza graciously volunteered to assume the role of LTCA Secretary. Jeff Allen agreed to assume the responsibility of Newsletter Editor and would commence work immediately to prepare and publish a brief Newsletter so that the Students would have one available to distribute to existing and potential Members.

President: Mike Wilson

Vice President: Bill Mountain

Treasurer: Nancy Humphries

Financial Audits: Mike Marrs

Lake Stewards: Dave Humphries, Chris James, Rick Miller, Rick Gater, Bob Davies

Secretary: Pam Corazza

Newsletter Editor: Jeff Allen

Communications Officer: Brian Baker

FOCA Representative: Ken Davies


Minutes of LTCA Meeting – Page 5

Student Manager: Larry Lanctot

Nipissing Forest Resource Management Contact: Chris James

Land Use Committee: Mary Marrs and Ken Davies

Water Quality Testing: Deborah Fullerton

14.Site/Date of 2014 Annual Meeting

Camp Conewango

Owners: Marcel and Anita Reutemann

9:30 a.m., Sunday, August 3, 2014

15.New Business

Aircraft Touch and Go Flight training still occurs but is prohibited in Provincial Parks.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.