Powell Township Board
Regular Meeting
PO Box 319, 101 Bensinger, Big Bay 49808
Tuesday June 20th, 20177:00 PM
Draft Minutes
Approved Mintues 7/18/17
1. Call to order at 7:00 PM, by Supervisor, at Powell Township Hall.
2. Pledge of allegiance.
3. Roll Call:
- Present: Joe Stanley (Trustee),Linda Gamble (Clerk), Darlene Turner (Supervisor)
- Absent: Denise Hudson (Trustee), Arline Erickson (Treasurer)
4. Agenda: Motion made to approve June 20th Agenda (Gamble/Stanley). All yes, motion approved.
5. Approval of Minutes:
- Motion made to approve May 16th minutes (Stanley/Turner). All yes, motion approved.
- Motion made to approve June 8th Meeting of the Whole Minutes (Gamble/Stanley). All yes, motion approved.
6. Revenue & Expenditure Report: Motion made to approve the Revenue & Expenditure (Stanley/Turner). Looking for an amount in transfer out which must ask Treasurer later on. Will also have to ask the Treasurer about the professional fees, refunds, and balance. Street Funds question hasn’t been collected though everything though we budget to spend and that is the same situation in the Sanitation Fund. All yes, motion carried.
7. Treasurer’s Report: Water fund is coming in short but it shouldn’t be. Will have to look further into the error
8. Approval of Bills:Motion made to approve the bills (Stanley/Turner). All yes, motion carried.
Committee and Department Reports
a)Ambulance Department:6 calls, 1 cancelled prior to arrival and 1 cancelled from the fire hall; June 5th meeting discussed July events for 4th of July Parade, Fire on the Bay, and Bay Cliff Event; No Ambulance Meeting in July
b)Fire Department:2 calls; providing traffic control 4th of July and Fire on the Bay; using the boat in the new trailer for Fire on the Bay
c)Emergency Management: Met with the Supervisor of Republic Township to help them; discussed with Theresa Schwahlback to create and provide an emergency plan for Powell Township versus using the Marquette Township Plan.
d)Parks & Recreation:Burns Landing is moving on fine; 4th of July Parade is set to be the same route; the roads will be passable for the parade; ice cream will be still served at Draver Park
e)Water Department: it’s a mess. Old water lines that were forgotten were discovered. Getting more control of the situation. Discoloration in water is normal
f)Sewer Department:going good. Taking a beating from the water system improvements but being corrected shortly after the issues
g)Zoning Department:meeting 6:30pm June 21st, 2017. July and August meetings will be cancelled.
Public Comment:
- none
Unfinished Business
1)Water Grant:
a)Motion made to approve Draw Request #10 for $342,431.65 (Stanley/Turner). Roll Call Vote: Turner, yes/ Stanley, yes/ Gamble, yes/ Absent: Hudson & Erickson. Supervisor declares resolution approved.
b)Motion made to approve Change Order #2 for difference of $20,422.91 (Gamble/Stanley). Roll Call Vote: Stanley, yes/ Turner, yes/ Gamble, yes/ Absent: Hudson & Erickson. Supervisor declares resolution approved.
New Business
1)Fire Department:none
2)EMS: motion made to approve David Weber as driver only (Gamble/Stanley). All yes, motion passed.
3)Parks and Recreation: motion made to approve $500 for 4th of July activities like saw dust pile, games, and ice cream (Stanley/Gamble). All yes, motion passed
4)MCSWMA-Recycling Ordinance
a)Motion made to approve Recycling Ordinance (Gamble/Turner). On further discussion, Gamble withdrawn motion
b)Motion made to table MCSWMA-Recycling Ordinance (Stanley/Gamble). All yes, motion passed
5)Motion made to purchase two signs that say “watch for children” on KCH for total $80 (Gamble/Stanley). All yes, motion passed.
6)Motion made to purchase new computers for clerk and deputy clerk $1600 (Gamble/Stanley). All yes, motion passed.
7)Motion to resurface one block of Balkeandat Intersection of KG for $40,000 (Gamble/Stanley). All yes, motion passed.
8)Motion made to approve improved sidewalks for $45,000 (Stanley/Turner). All yes, motion passed.
9)Motion made to approve $110,000 Loan from River Valley, 5 years, 2.63% (Gamble/Turner). Stanley said no, motion failed.
10)Motion to table the contract to hire Keith LaCross-CPA (Gamble/Turner). All yes, motion passed.
Public Comment
- P.TenEyck- No color guard for 4th of July Parade at this time
- B.Ford- Need to have military members for color guard
- J.Gertz- will be interested in Marqtran meeting for discussion on using the tax amounts that have gone to Marqtran
Next regular meeting: July 18th, 2017at Township Fire Hall
Meeting Adjourned at 7:43pm by Supervisor Turner
Samantha Morin - Recording Secretary