Training on Private Land (TOPL)
Please read the following before completing your TOPL request form.
TOPL requests are required for the following,
1. All training outside MOD or RFCA owned property,
2. When training on any land, woods, forests, footpaths, bridleways and water features either private or local authority owned.
TOPL requests are not require for the following,
1. Shows, fetes or galas where Cadets are attending as guests or participants when no training is being conducted. (Police must be informed of Cadets attending if not already done so by event organisers).
2. All activities where Cadets are attending at public events i.e. Parades, Recruiting Events, Award Ceremonies etc. (Police must be informed of Cadets attending if not already done so by event organisers).
If a TOPL is required please follow the guide below which will ensure the request form is filled out correctly and can be processed quickly without having to be returned and thus delaying approval.
The following must happen when filling out the application.
Box 1 TOPL BID NUMBER – leave blank.
Box 2 UNIT CONDUCTING TOPL –complete all boxes.
1. Type of activity – Pick one delete all others.
2. Dates - a. Detachment local area TOPL 12 months insert dates to and from.
b. Expeditions and DofE expeds duration of expedition only.
3. UIN – HSY ACF UIN: T0432A.
4. All Contact details must be entered.
Box 3 CONFIRMATION OF THE UNITS REASON FOR TOPL: complete 1 reason only delete all others.
Box 4 DISTRIBUTION: leave blank.
Box 6 EXERCISE INFORMATION – complete all boxes if no information or not applicable enter N/A.
Please ensure traces, maps, or photo copies of routes being used are attached when submitting the application (again will delay application if none attached).
If the training is going to take place on privately owned land a letter from the land owner must be submitted with the application stating that authority has been granted for the land to be used/accessed by HSY ACF (Annex A).
All Adventurous Training which requires Land owner’s approval must me submitted on the relevant authority letter (Annex B).
TOPL requests for detachment training to take place on any land owned either privately or local authority must have a letter(Annex A)/email stating approval has been granted for that detachment to train on that area and must also included dates to and from (12 months). At the end of each training event (or monthly) an endex clearance form (Annex C) must be sent to 4 Bde LTAR ().
Send all applications to Trg Clerk at County HQ. either electronically (quickest) via email to or hard copy to County HQ, this will then be forwarded to HQ 4th Inf Brigade.