April 11, 2011

6:00 P.M.


1. Call to order and roll call of members

2. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag

3. Consideration and action to approve the agenda

4. Teachers of the Year & District Teacher of the Year Awards

Helen Paul Learning Center – Linda Edwards

J.W. Sam Elementary – Sandra Edwards

Cherokee Elementary – Robin Froese

Wells Middle School – Bryan Wesson

Catoosa High School – Hager McClain

District Teacher of the Year – Linda Edwards

5.  Administer the Oath of Office to Ms. Robin Hughes to Board Seat #4 as Member

6. Student Board Member Report

7. Best Practices Presentation – Helen Paul Learning Center

8. Requests to address the Board

9. ACCT - Report

10. Superintendent’s Reports/Comments

11. Approve or Disapprove General Consent Agenda

All of the following items will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items.

The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and vote whether to approve the items and reports as presented. We will take time to appropriately and adequately discuss each item before moving to the next item on the consent agenda.

A.  Minutes of March 7, 2011, Regular Board Meeting Minutes and April 5, 2011 Special Board Meeting Minutes

B.  New Activity Accounts, Activity Fund Transfers, Encumbrances, Purchase Orders, Accounts Payable, Building Fund Warrants, and/or Fund Raising Activities and Treasurers Report

12. Discussion and possible action to approve applications for use of the school trademark/logo

13. Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2011-12. This resolution authorizes filing the Form 471 applications for funding year 2011-12 and the payment of the applicant’s share upon approval of funding and receipt of services

14. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Municipal Accounting Systems, Inc. for the 2011-2012 school year

15. Discussion and possible action to approve CLEP Plan for 2009-2015

16. Discussion and possible action to approve Summer School Drivers Ed Program at a cost of $140.00 per student in district and $165.00 per student out of district which must be paid in full before class starts

17. Discussion and possible action to approve Professional Development Plan for 2011/2012 school year

18. Discussion and possible action to approve Local Application for Secondary Career Tech Programs for 2011/2012 school year

19. Discussion and possible action to approve Summer School June 6-30, 2011Monday thru Thursday for our elementary students finishing first through fifth grades and 3rd Grade Reading Academy – paid thru Title 1 and Reading Academy Grant

20. Discussion and possible action to approve contract with Department of Rehabilitation Services Transition School-To-Work providing vocational services for Special Education Students at no cost to the district

21. Discussion and possible action to approve Therapy Works Contract paid for through IDEA Flow through special education funds

22. Discussion and possible action to approve Summer School for High School and Middle School

23. Discussion and possible action to approve World Changers Contract for June 27 thru July 2, 2011

24. Discussion and possible action to declare surplus 9 Home Senior football jerseys: #40, #17, #21, #32, # 24, #5, # 8 to be purchased and replaced by the senior players at $100.00 each

25. Discussion and possible action to approve the Application for Sanctioning of Booster Clubs

26. Discussion and possible action to accept any resignations submitted since the last meeting of the Board of Education

27. Motion and vote, if necessary, to convene in Executive Session Pursuant to

25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1) (Supp. 2007) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, for the purpose of discussing

A.  Any or all certified and non-certified staff and assignments for 2011-12 fiscal year

B.  Glenn Britt – Bus Driver – New Route

C.  Rebecca Boevers – Cafeteria - Replacement

28. Motion and vote to acknowledge return to open session

29. Statement by Board President of executive session minutes

30. Motion and vote, if necessary, to approve matters discussed in Executive


31. NEW BUSINESS: (If any, of an emergency nature or that was not known at the time agenda was posted.)


The Board may discuss, make motions, and vote on all matters appearing on the agenda. Such vote may be to adopt, reject, table, reaffirm, rescind, or to take no action on any item.

Where Posted: Posted on the exterior doors of the Administration Center, Board of Education Meeting Room and on the District Website.

Date and Time: April 8, 2010, 4:00 p.m.

Name of Person Posting Notice: Sandi McKim

Title: Assistant to the Superintendent
