CB:PSB Leadership Standard for Professional Bankers

Exposure Draft for Public Consultation - January 2014

The CB:PSB Board is particularly keen to receive comments on the Leadership Standard only. The accompanying Guidance is provided for context and understanding. These documents are available on the CB:PSB website.

To have your views included, please complete the survey by 21 March 2014.

  1. Before completing this survey please indicate which of the following you represent?

☐Government body

☐Professional body


☐Trade Union

☐Customer Focus Group



Other (please specify)

  1. If you are happy to provide us with your email contact details we may contact you regarding your responses, provide you with the results of the exercise and provide you with future updates on the work of the CB:PSB.

The CB:PSB Board is particularly keen to receive comments on the following:

  1. Are the CB:PSB’s expectations of professional bankers with leadership responsibilities, in respect of the balance of professional (including technical) knowledge and skills, and leadership knowledge and skills, appropriate?



Any other comments:-

  1. Are the Professional Knowledge, Skills and Performance Indicators set out in Section A of the Leadership Standard appropriate for professional bankers with leadership responsibilities?



Any other comments:-

  1. Are the Professional Knowledge, Skills and Performance Indicators set out in Section B of the Leadership Standard appropriate for professional bankers with leadership responsibilities?



Any other comments:-

  1. The Leadership Standard is aimed at professional bankers with leadership responsibilities for developing, promoting and embedding a culture of customer-focused, ethical professionalism consistent with the values, attitudes and behaviours set out in the Chartered Banker Code of Professional Conduct.

This will always include the Chief Executive, members of the senior management team and their direct reports, as a minimum. In your view, whatlevel(s) of professional bankers should the Leadership Standard apply to?


  1. Do you believe that implementation of the Leadership Standard will help build, over time, greater public confidence and trust in individuals, institutions and the banking industry overall?



Any other comments:-

  1. Please add any additional comments in the box below.

The CB:PSB would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your responses.