1.Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of December 2, 2009 & January 6, 2010.
2.General Manager's Report.
3.Authorization for the execution of MBTA Contract No. A29CN04, Science Park/West End Station Accessibility Improvements, Boston, Massachusetts, with Barletta Heavy Division, Inc., for a sum not to exceed $10,395,717.
4.Authorization for the execution of MBTA Contract No. A40CN01, Harvard Square Station Vertical Transportation Improvements, Cambridge, Massachusetts, J.F. White Company, for a sum not to exceed $3,932,396.
5.Authorization for the execution of MBTA Contract No. D07CN01, Ashmont Station Finishes Project, Dorchester, Massachusetts, with J.F. White Contracting Company, for an amount not to exceed $9,658,400.
6.Authorization for the execution of Amendment No. 15 to MBTA Contract No. S45PS02, Accessibility and Renovation Improvements to Ashmont, Fields Corner and Shawmut Stations, with Cambridge Seven Associates for additional Design Engineering Services, for an estimated sum not to exceed $126,524.03.
7.Authorization for the execution of Amendment No. 30 to MBTA Contract No. S00PS11, Planning Services, Operations Facilities South Side Commuter Rail Track/Signal (D010A), with HNTB Corporation, for additional Design Engineering Services, for an estimated sum not to exceed $346,045.
8.Authorization for the execution of a contract with N/S Corporation of Inglewood, California, to replace ten MBTA bus wash systems, at a total not to exceed $1,644,932.
9.Authorization 1) to purchase a one year Property Insurance policy, including Boiler & Machinery Insurance and Terrorism Insurance, covering real and personal property including rolling stock, having a total combined replacement value of $6.2 Billion, subject to a blanket policy limit of $1,000,000,000, and a self-insured retention of $5,000,000, commencing on March 1, 2010, through Marsh USA, Inc. (insurance broker) and FM Global (insurance carrier), subject to an annual cost (inclusive of broker fees and membership credits) of $1,410,000; and 2) to continue the Authority’s commitment to achieve and maintain Highly Protected Risk (HPR) status, in our facilities and operations, which entitle the Authority to significantly reduced insurance premium rates.
10.Approval of Statement of Facts concerning the Assessment of Cities and Towns for FY2011 in accordance with Section 9 of Chapter 161A of the General Laws.
11.Certification to the MBTA Advisory Board on the voting strengths for the 175 Cities and Towns in accordance with Section 7A of Chapter 161A.
12.Authorization to approve the issuance of one or more series of Sales Tax Bonds, Assessments Bonds, special obligation bonds and/or grant anticipation notes by the Authority or another tax-exempt issuer for the benefit of the Authority in an amount not to exceed $252,600,000.
Authorization for the Recording Secretary to Certify the preceding Votes immediately following the Meeting.
Note: This agenda has been prepared in advance and does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this Meeting.
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Ten Park Plaza, BostonMA, 02116-3974
4/21/20194:25 PM