NOVEMBER 16, 2011

The meeting of the Ventura County 4-H Council was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Council President Jenean Bass at the 4-H conference room at 669 County Square Dr., Ventura, Ca. Officers present were Secretary Anita Wilvert and Corresponding Secretary Debbie Meyer-Morris.

Leaders, Teens, and Parents Present Were:

Travis Tucker, Bardsdale Jenna Kelton, Del Norte

Doug Kelton, Del Norte Nancy Mahon, Citrus V.

Monica Stanley, Citrus V. Mike Callahan, Chief P.

Jacob Callahan, Chief P. Diana Enos, Somis

Chris Garmon, Ventura County Fair

Gina Larson, Chief P. Jackie Larson, Chief P.

Heidi Marshall, Loma Vista Liz-Ann Collins, Mira M.

Dayle Morris, Las Posas Gwyn Vanoni, Office

Rose Hayden-Smith, Office

The flag salute was led by Jenna Kelton and the 4-H Pledge by Dayle Morris.

Board Reports:

The minutes from the September 21, 2011 meeting was reviewed by all council members. Additions and corrections were called for. Monica Stanley made the motion to add that the new livestock enrollment deadline is December 31. It was so noted and has been included in November 16, 2011 minutes.

Motion was made by Travis Tucker and voted on to accept the corrected minutes for November 16, 2011.

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The treasurer’s report was given and reads as follows:

Beginning balance $`18,015.28

Expenses-Award Pins 54.00

Deposit 34.00

Grants Expense 638.60

Total $ 16,698.19

Correspondence Secretary read a thank you note from Bronson Smith a premium book award winner.

Debbie Meyer-Morris presented dates so far booked for the 4-H calendar that is being prepared. They are:

Fashion Review ?

Food Fair ?

Practice Presentation Day: 3/13/12(Mandatory)

County Field Day 3/17/12

County Presentation Day 3/24/12

Sectional Field Day 5/17/12

Horse Fair 7/13/12

County Fair 8/15/12

Record Books Due 8/23/12

County Record Book

Judging 9/15/12

All Star Applications Due 10/?/12

Record Book Awards 11/1/12

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Event Reports:

The All Star report was given by Dayle Morris and Savanna Stanley, it was reported that the last work day for their ongoing project was last Sunday November 12, 2011 and that the next work day would be in January, date to be announced. They also announced that they had received the Golden Clover Award which is a prestigious award given by the state. Nancy Mahon told council what the award consists of. Awards night went well; it started on time and ended on time. A letter from the Oxnard Power Plant stating that they had gotten the $7,000 grant to go toward the grand opening and support of the project they have worked on was reported. TIC announcement by All Stars encourage all teens to attend January 20-22 2012. Enrollment must be received by 12/10/2011.

Science Night report was by Diana Enos who reported their focus on Wind Energy was attended by 13 kids. They hope to have it next year at the 4-H office.

Equine Play Date-was given by Jackie Larson that the first play date was October 28, 2011 with 22 kids present. There will be no fair grounds use due to the new construction and new places are being looked for. Some of the questions that were being asked to take to fair ground officials were: What kind of condition is the arena going to be in and will it be restored?

Pigmy Goat Species Chairs Gina Larson and Karen Beasley went over goats in new area.

Fair Ground Breaking reported by Jenna Kelton that the November 10, 2011 ceremony went well and the William Clark center will take four months to complete and will be ready for the 2012 fair.

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Committee Reports:

Fair Review: Travis Tucker

*Livestock & Equine: Improvements & Recommendations:

*Auction was a success.

*Camping needs improvement: Concerns are more bathrooms are needed. The state park will not leave the restrooms open at night.

*One Judge for all species if qualified could be recommended.

*Pigmy Goats can only be shown at fair. This is being worked on to change.

*Pigmy Goats walkway needs to be bigger.

*A new class of Miniature steers will be added as a class to the 2012 fair. These animals should be 48” at the hip.

*4-H Uniforms: The fair says: The uniform described is ‘no pants inside boots’. The hat will be properly placed on head. If the hat falls off, the exhibitor should ignore it and keep going. The fair will support the above 4-H Uniform description.

*Market Animals: Must be the 4-H project leader's responsibility for ethics regarding the animal’s eligibility to enter fair.

Fair Expo: Travis Tucker: Kim Leach is in the process of changing the entry book. She will get back to us about it.

Fair Board: Travis Tucker:

*Budget is being worked on. City of Ventura wanted to thank 4-H specifically for clean ups.

*Proficiency Review: Gwyn Vanoni

It was suggested that proficiencies be brought to leaders to see if changes will be made and input considered and action taken.

Hi 4-H Teen Council: Gwyn Vanoni

*Next year 14 and older countywide council to organize events in 2012.

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Emerald Star Project Guidelines: Gwyn Vanoni

*Sent via e-mail with agenda for leader review. Working to get update, more age appropriate, more online interfacing is available for approval. The guidelines were gone over by Gwyn Vanoni and her suggestions are: 1. Self-Directed projects for high schoolers who can apply. 2. Late entry member might get updated by internet. 3. Ideas on Online for projects might be: County Wide Beach Day Clean up, Youth Hospital Wing, Club to club incorporating safety into their project meeting. Motion to approve the Emerald Star Project was made by Dayle Morris, seconded by Jenna Kelton, Motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Next meeting will be Wednesday January 25, 2012 at the 4-H office.

Respectfully submitted


Anita Wilvert

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