2013 PRESTIGE Awards
CSTA International Sport Event of the Year Award
presented by
Tourism Winnipeg
Nominee Information
Event Name
Event Dates / Event Location (City and Prov)
Name of Key Contact and Title
Organization responsible for delivering Event
Email / Phone
Event Rights Holder (International organization which awards event to bid city)
Email / Phone
Nominator Information
Nominator Name
Local Media Information
Please identify up to three members of the media who covered this event.
Media Outlet:
Media Outlet:
Media Outlet:
CSTA PRESTIGE Awards Luncheon
If selected as a finalist, will a representative of the nominated event be able to attend the 2013 PRESTIGE Awards Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, April 10th in Ottawa, ON in conjunction with Sport Events Congress 2013?
If yes, please identify the person: ______/ Yes
Disclaimer: I verify that the information contained in this nomination form is accurate to my knowledge.
Signature of Nominator

Nominations due by 8 pm EST February 14, 2013

To view additional PRESTIGE Award information please visit: www.canadiansporttourism.com

Send completed forms via email in MSWord to:

The CSTA International Sport Event of the Year presented by Tourism Winnipeg recognizes the overall success of an outstanding international sport event held in Canada in 2012. The event rights holder is an International governing body/entity and a Canadian community bid against other international communities and won the right to host the event in Canada. Participants in the event can be from Canada and elsewhere. The event’s international broadcasting reach will be a significant part of the evaluation criteria.


·  Point form is acceptable

·  Each question garners a certain number of scoring points

·  Each answer should be limited to the max word count

Question 1: Describe why this event was significant. Include details regarding execution success, challenges that were overcome, impact on sport development, financial goals, hosting professionalism, sustainability measures and media coverage and international broadcasting impact.
Max. 350 words.
Score: /30
Question 2: Describe how this event contributed to the development of sport tourism in the host community (e.g. economic impact, hosting expertise, inclusion, infrastructure enhancement/development, partnership development, environmental sustainability).
Max 350 words.
Score: /30
Question 3: Describe how this event affected local community spirit. Describe the approach to volunteer recruitment, retention, training, motivation and recognition.
Max 250 words.
Score: /20
Question 4: Please describe how the event positively affected the local sport community and the ways in which the event impacted the lives of others.
Max 200 words.
Score: /10
Question 5: Describe a ‘WOW’ factor that set this event apart from other events hosted in Canada in 2012.
Max 150 words.
Score: /5
Question 6: Please provide data for the following event components:
Score: /5
Name and population of host community:
# of participants (including athletes, coaches, officials):
# of spectators:
# of volunteers:
# of volunteer hours:
Overall budget:
Economic Impact (Using STEAM):

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