December 12thh, 2016
1. Welcome
2. EPAC Update-November/December 2016
a. Ms. Ortega – Nothing New not SIT for November
3. Employee Benefits Update
a. Nurse Garay – Premiums with CIGNA may go up. Healthy Challenge maintain don’t Gane. Campus challenge to start in January.
4. Direction 1: Safe and Supportive Learning Environment-Smith
a. ID Cards for Dismissal – Mrs. Smith has passed t
All of Kinder
1st grade teachers - 3
3rd grade – 1 person
SIT will let us know who is missing.
Please make sure that the ID’s are being used.
5. Direction 2: College and Career Readiness-Macias
a. College Shirt Thursdays-No Jeans
Can Wear Jeans this whole week. Merry Christmas
6. Direction 3: Highly Qualified, Effective Faculty and Staff-Macias
a. Accountability Rating – campus will be given a campus rating, will be coming out in January.
b. Benchmark Testing Schedule - Distributed Spring Benchmark schedule. SPED teachers will be pulled for testing. Will be timed just like regular assessment. In January we will be going over the Assessment. Lower grade teachers will be asked to assist with testing.
7. Direction 4: Home and Community Partnerships-Macias
a. January 11th-Parent Teacher Conference 5 to 7 – Will be handing out permission slips to start January 24th all the way to March intersession on Tuesday and Thursday.
b. January 25th-Early Release
c. Climate Survey – We will start with the climate survey. Mrs. Arellano will be training on the climate survey. We are truly looking to improve our practice.
8. Direction 5: Accountability for All-Macias
a. 12/16-Christmas Luncheon at 12:00-Grade Level Pot Luck Sign Up Sheet
b. AR Party-1/6 – 2nd 9weeks testing closed this Friday at Movie and Popcorn AR party.
c. Writing Benchmark-1/17:
d. Group Pictures-1/17 -
9. Grade Level Concerns
a. PreK-none
b. Kinder - none
c. 1st - none
d. 2nd – Social Studies and Science and Writing not to be scanned only reading and math.
e. 3rd
f. 4th
g. 5th
i. Nurse- Door nobs and the sinks are not being cleaned. Custodians are temporary in the evening. If they are not cleaning your rooms Admin . needs to know in order to document. We have had a lot of turn around as far as Temporary Temps. Everyones room should be cleaned daily. Floor should be swept and mopped every day and student desks or tables should be cleaned every day. Mrs. Ortega’s room is hardly cleaned and trash is not being picked up. Please do not wait with this issued send an e-mail to Mrs. Smith , but carbon copy Mrs. Macias so that she can Keep them accountable.
j. Library
k. Counseling
Christmas Get Together
K-PK – Potatoes
1st – Waters
2nd – Green Salads
3rd – Tostada
4th - Pasta salads
5the – Vegetables
Will take a poll by tomorrow so that we can inform everyone how many for the following day.