“Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t”
This manual is to serve as a guide for CHS track and field athletes and parents. This handbook contains information concerning the basic rules, expectations and procedures. For any issues or concerns not covered in this packet please feel free to notify and discuss with the coaching staff.
Rules and Expectations
Practice Expectations
o Be dressed and ready to go in Coach Gibbons classroom (Room #315) or the cafeteria by 2:45pm
Ø Be ready to give 100%
Ø Follow all directions from coaches
Ø Dress for practice.
o Workout clothing will remain consistent with FCPS Dress Code.
o When the temperatures is cooler this season be prepared to wear layers, hats and gloves. If you are not dressed properly you will be dismissed from practice (this would count as an unexcused absence).
o Have proper running sneakers! (See shoe guide or ask coaches if you have questions).
Ø NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES AT PRACTICE (this includes at the team meeting)
o Attendance at practice is an absolute must!
o In the event an athlete must miss or be late for practice, prior approval from the coach is necessary.
o Missing practice
§ Excused for family emergencies, a medical illness or academic requirements
§ Unexcused- will result in a meet suspension, more than one offense can be grounds for removal from the team
o If you need to leave practice early, notify the coach ahead of time. This will only be excused for family emergency or medical situations.
Get the most that you can out of practice…
Ø Give 100%
Ø Don’t use practice as social time
Ø Be ready to FOCUS- keep drama out of practice
Ø No electronic devices at practice
Ø Demand the best of yourself and your teammates
Ø No moods or attitudes
Ø Avoid negative comments and complaining during practice
Ø Focus on positive rather than the negative
Ø Take suggestions and criticisms without making excuses
Ø Push yourself and allow the coach to push you beyond what is comfortable
Ø Track your progress—keep a training log
Ø TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY—see athletic trainer if needed!
"The will to win means nothing if you haven't the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner
Training Rules
Ø These are in place for your health and safety. The use of chemicals affects you physically and emotionally. The use of alcohol, drugs, etc. is against the law.
Ø This is one way to resist peer pressure. Training rules can help you from making poor choices.
Ø Don't do anything detrimental to yourself, to the team, or to the school; or the coaching staff will deal with you in an appropriate manner. The consequences may range from a suspension to removal from the team.
Academic Expectations
Ø Maintain academic eligibility
o Minimum of a 2.00 GPA
o No “F” grades
Ø You are to keep up with all school work and behave in an appropriate & responsible manner throughout the school day.
Ø Student athletes will occasionally miss class for meets. It is the athlete’s responsibility to give the teacher prior notice and make up any missed work.
Ø Organize time…prepare for upcoming tests and complete assignments.
Ø The successful student recognizes his/her academic and athletic commitments and balances his/her time accordingly.
School Attendance
Ø Must attend school and classes regularly
Ø You must be ON TIME
o If you are late you need a legal excuse
o You must be in school by 9:00am to participate in a meet
Ø You must complete the school day
o You may not compete or practice if you leave school early
Competition Expectations
Ø Track meets- athletes are expected to participate in all meets for the entire season.
Ø Athletes are expected to stay at the meet until all competition is complete.
Ø Track Meet Behavior:
o When we are at a meet you are to look and act appropriately at all times. Remember that you represent Catoctin High School.
o Athletes are to be wearing your team warm ups and CHS apparel.
o Wear your uniform properly- make sure to follow all state regulations.
o Follow all meet regulations- no electronic devices, jewelry rule, sportsmanship, etc. Do not get a DQ for something that can be prevented!
o Athletes are to be focused on your events and your team. Be sure to allow ample time for warm up and check in for ALL of your events.
Ø If there is a reason that an athlete must miss or leave early from a track meet, prior approval from the coach is necessary.
Ø Missing Meets
o Excused- for family emergencies, a medical illness or academic requirements
o Unexcused- will result in a meet suspension, more than one offense can be grounds for removal from the team
Travel Expectations
Ø Practice- you are responsible for arranging transportation to and from all practices.
Ø Travel for meets
o Athletes must ride FCPS-approved transportation to and from all contests. When extenuating circumstances exist, the athlete may request alternative transportation. This request should be made in writing with parent/guardian approval at least 24 hours in advance of the trip.
o Departure time… Be early. We will leave without you if you are late.
o Bus behavior… Use “indoor voices” when talking and laughing. You should sit in your seat with feet on the floor, 2 people/seat. Keep the aisle free of bags.
o Don’t leave our group. Don’t wander off alone. Coaches should know at all times where you are.
o Clean up all garbage. Nothing is left on the floor. Coaches and captains will check the bus. Penalties will result from anything we have to pick up.
“If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don’t spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it.” - Priscialla Welch, Olympian & NYC Marathon winner
Behavioral Expectations
Ø BE RESPECTFUL to your coaches, your teammates and yourself!
o Respect is key to creating a successful team atmosphere
o Know where and when certain discussions are appropriate
o Profanity or any type of disrespectful language is unacceptable and is grounds for removal from the team. This includes conversation with lewd or sexual references.
Ø Catoctin High School has high expectations for the behavior of its athletes. You are representing the school AT ALL TIMES.
Ø Remember that being a member of the track and field team is a PRIVILEGE not your right. Be sure your conduct represents CHS in the best manner.
“The price of greatness is responsibility.” - Winston Churchill
Varsity Letter Requirements
The coaches seek to honor contribution and commitment to the team, good sportsmanship, hard work, and improvement. Varsity letters will be awarded based on an athlete’s performance in all four areas:
1) Attendance: Exemplary attendance is required for a letter. Please note, if you are absent from a meet, even excused, you still are in danger of not lettering. Also, if you miss more than 3 practices, you are in danger of not lettering.
2) Athletic performance:
o Athletes must earn 20 points throughout the track meet season
§ 1 point is awarded for each meet in which an athlete participates
§ Other points will be earned by scoring points in an individual event or a relay at a meet
3) Attitude
o Athletes always show a positive and respectful attitude towards ALL.
o Athletes show effort and hard work at practices.
o Athletes encourage and cheer for their teammates.
4) Sportsmanship: Athletes show their sportsmanship by always being respectful to others and by being humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
**Disclaimer: Coaches will determine which athletes earn varsity letters. Special circumstances may exist where an athlete does not meet all four requirements, but may still earn a varsity letter.
Coach Contact Information
Home/Classroom / Cell / EmailCoach Gibbons / 240-236-8145 / 908-723-4347 /
Coach Yates / 240-236-8125 / 610-322-1318 /
Coach Huber / 240-236-8118 / 443-605-9125 /
Coach Oman / 240-236-0922 / 240-285-5222 /
Coach Reid / 240-217-2929 /
Coach Inga / 240-818-6449 /
“If you have confidence, you’ll always find a way to win” –Carl Lewis
Nutrition Guidelines
1) It’s important to remember that if we treat our bodies well, they will treat us well.
2) HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Drink PLENTY of WATER! You should be drinking AT LEAST 8-10 8oz. glasses of water per day.
3) Do not skip any meals- getting in your variety of food groups throughout the day is essential.
4) Carbohydrates are essential to your diet- carbs are the best source of energy
5) No Sodas or energy drinks! Limited fruit juices and sports drinks.
6) Limit Sugar! Cookies and candy, etc…
7) Each Meal should have a carb and protein component and a fruit or vegetable.
8) You are more than welcome to discuss your nutrition with coaches anytime throughout the season.
Other great resources:
“A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.” Jesse Owens