QPS/MDL Meeting Notes and Actions
July 26, 2006
Attendees: J. Lyon, R. Benson, P.J. Fogarty, K. Frudenberg, G. Lovett,
P. Goranson, M. Madhukar, J. Holder, J. Campbell, A. Lumsdaine,
Graduate Students: Shankar
- Coil Casting Update
Keystone Engineering (the machining company) officially accepted the ORNL casting on July 21, 2006. Based on this acceptance date the machined casting can be expected at the MDL around mid to late November 2006. Drawings for the “A” frame modifications were given to Neal Tool for an estimate. Joe Neal, from Neal Tool visited the MDL on Monday, July 24, 2006 to discuss the modifications. An estimate is expected by July 26, 2006. Paul Goranson is providing safety calculations of the cart frame and “A” Frame. P.J. Fogarty and Gary Lovett will be reviewing PPPL drawings and extract the mechanical components (already designed) for use on the QPS cart for rotation of the casting.
- Discussion on Conductor Design and Coil Winding
Brad and Clayton Elliott, from New England Wire, have been communicating (via e-mail) and are close to selecting the conductor. At this point a .45 x..45 conductor (with wrap) appears to be the dimensional candidate. The compaction of the cable remains to be determined.
For the record, Arnold will provide a report on his investigation of methods for inspecting the copper tubing for gaps in the cerrobend.
- Epoxy Testing
Madhu has prepared a proposal for characterization of the CTD-403 epoxy material and will submit to CTD. Sam Grandlienard, the CTD interface, will present the proposal to the CTD Management for comments/acceptance.
Last week Tom suggested that Bob soak the existing specimens in water for several months. This has been done and will be monitored. Also, last week Brad suggests that in addition a small section of potted conductor be soaked in water. Bob will follow up on conductor provided by Kevin from previous tensile tests on Racetrack Coil #1.
- MDL Facility Additions
Installation of the electrical of the mill and lathe, donated by UT, has commenced with the assistance of Gary Hatmaker. Jim Holder has contacted a local tool company for a 3-Jaw Chuck and a Collect Collection for the Lathe. Unfortunately, the Lathe is so old that parts will be difficult to obtain. Jim will continue to pursue parts.
A different type of polycarbonate had been found by Phil Heitzenroeder (from PPPL). Information of this material has been given to Brad for his review. Brad suggested that samples be obtained. The ORNL process for obtaining the samples has been initiated.
Discussions were initiated, once again, about the purchase of a new Romer Arm. The consensus of the attendees revealed it would be best to delay buying such a system and work with the existing arm at the MDL.
The 2” I.D. sleeves have been molded into Racetrack Coil #2 using Hysol RE2039 Resin with HD3561 Hardener. A wet lay-up of glass cloth saturated with the Hysol mixture was used to fill voids along the O.D. of the sleeve and the I.D. of the Racetrack Coil. Results show a very good bearing surface for the sleeves was produced. Racetrack Coil #2 is now ready for electrical, element and fatigue testing. Kevin will initiate this testing at ORNL.
Preparations are underway for winding Racetrack Coil #3 with stranded copper wire conductor with copper cooling tube. P. Goranson suggested that we need some type of control of the heat tapes. We cannot let the heat tapes surge to temperatures beyond curing limits of the CTD-403. Therefore, during Racetrack Coil #3 potting, controls of temperatures will be governed by dimmer switches.
- Discussion on Winding and Clamping (on hold)
This work is on hold while awaiting the new conductor material. In the interim, P.J. is redesigning the clamps and will modify some of the structural components for the new conductor. P.J. will also work on resolving issues of ground plane, crush plane and prepare sketches of a 2-dimensional mockup2, which will also be used for canning and potting.
- Faro Arm Support at Y-12 (waiting for estimate)
Waiting for Pamela to provide an estimate from Y-12 for on site measurement and support at the MDL. This will be placed on HOLD as the present Arm will be used in the MDL.
- Thermal Expansion Tests on CTD Epoxy (waiting for new test results)
Arnold has given the test samples to Brad and will follow up.
- Heat Transfer Analysis
Shankar presented new results of conductor heat transfer showing temperature drop against time with 5 different water flow velocities (1,2,3,4, and 5 m/s) and indicating 5 different lengths of conductor (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and full length).
- DOE milestone.
We should issue the report by the end of August, which will include Racetrack Coil #3. Jim indicated that his OFES presentation (last week) of QPS had a very favorable response.
- Next Meeting
There will NOT be a meeting on August 2, 2006.
On August 4, 2006, Shankar will defend his thesis at the MDL Conference Room starting 7:30 a.m.
The next meeting will be August 9, 2006 at 8:00 AM.