Great Milton Parish Council
c/o Helen Cherry, 01844 278707
Minutes of the Meeting of Great Milton Parish Council held Monday 20th October 2014at 7.30pmin the Pavilion:
Present:Cllrs. Bill Fox (acting Chair), Rosalind Deacon, Gwen Harrisand Christine Pepperell.
In Attendance:Helen Cherry (Clerk)two members of the public.
133/14Apologies for Absence
Cllrs Stephen Harrod (Chair and District Councillor), Peter Fewell (Vice Chair) and Doug Colley.
134/14Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests for this Meeting
135/14Minutes of the Planning Meeting
It was resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the planning meeting held on 24th September 2014.
136/14Minutes of the Previous Meeting
It was resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 15th September as a true and accurate record.
137/14Grass Cutting Budget
AThe grass cutting budget was reviewed.
Due to the milder weather the recreation ground required more grass cuts than previously budgeted for, therefore it was resolved to increase the grass cutting funding for 2014/15. The Clerk updated the Grass cutting specification document to reflect this and sent a copy to Countrywide Grounds Maintenance. It was resolved to budget thirteen recreation grass cuts from April 2015, any additional cuts will be paid by the recreation committee.
BThe Clerk requested a quote for the removal of grass cuttings from Countrywide Grounds Maintenance. The cost would double the amount of what GMPC currently pays for verges (£228), however Countrywide have agreed to continue to blow grass away from main paths i.e outside Great Milton Shop.
138/14Matters to Report
The District Councillor and County Councillor provided the meeting with updates from their respective councils to be published in The Bulletin.
No police report for Great Milton were received
139/14Correspondence and Public Discussion
A resident from Milton Common joined the meeting and asked if there was anything GMPC could do with regard to Milton Common’s post being split into two different rounds. Therefore one side of Milton Common get their post delivered early in the morning, whereas the other side gets their post delivered late afternoon. Unfortunately there is nothing that the GMPC could do to change this.
It was noted that fly-tipping had taken place at the Radar station (the site was originally used by the military). Cllr Gwen Harris agreed to find out who now is responsible for and owns the land.
Two donation requests were received from Oxfordshire Association for the blind and Sue Ryder (Nettlebed Hospice), Cllrs agreed that they prefer to donate to organisations closer to the Parish. Donation request will be reviewed next February 2015.
140/14Planning Applications
AGreat Milton Parish Council received the following Planning Application from SODC:
Great Milton Parish Council recommended approval of P14/S2625/FUL - Priors Gate Church Road Extension and refurbishment of ancillary building previously used as child care facility. (As amended by revised plan received on 29/09/14 showing single storey extension to the north-west elevation to provide a study).
Great Milton Parish Council recommended approvalP14/S2724/FUL (Full Application) - Crofts Furlong Farm Lower End Great Milton
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission P14/S0279/FUL (Demolition of existing house and outbuildings. Erection of replacement dwelling and outbuildings). To change the design of the ancillary outbuilding with the same footprint.
BThe following planning decisions were received from South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC):
P14/S2002/LB - Monkery Farm Church Road Great Milton
South Oxfordshire District Council GRANTED listed building consent to renew doors to garage out- building.
P14/S2281/FUL - Welcome Break Waterstock
South Oxfordshire District Council GRANTED planning permission for the installation of 1 Electric Vehicle Quick Charging Point in main car park area.
141/14Dog bin for Milton Common
It was agreed, in principle, to provide a dog bin for Milton Common. The clerk will provide costings of the bin at the next Parish Council meeting.
142/14Transfer of money between the current and savings account
The GMPC has opened a savings account with Santander. An initial transfer of £500 from the current account to the new savings account was agreed.
1434/14Financial Resolutions
ATo authorise cheques for payment:
Helen Cherry. Salary, Tax and Expenses.
Jonathan Dudley. Bulletin production. (No invoice received)
Jenks. Oxford. £480
GMPC Saving Account. £500
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance:
30 May 2014, Grass-cut Recreation Ground £90
4 June 2014, Grass-cut Verges £228
18 July 2014, Grass-cut Recreation Ground £90
19 August 2014, Grass-cut Verges £228
21 August 2014, Grass-cut Recreation Ground £90
28 August 2014, Grass-cut Recreation Ground £90
11 September 2014, Grass-cut Recreation Ground £90
18 September 2014, Grass-cut Verges £228
19 September 2014, Grass-cut Recreation Ground £90
30 September 2014, Grass-cut Verges £228
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance Total: £1,452
BThe quarterly bank reconciliation and analysis of actual receipt/payments versus budget was received and approved.
CCllr Christine Pepperell reviewed the bulletin advertisements.
It was noted that bulletin advertisements were down from previous years.
144/14Insurance for parish records in the Community Room at the Bull
Came & Company parish council insurance company confirmed that the parish records held in the community room at the Bull were already covered by their insurance.
145/14Any Other Business
Cllr Bill Fox will be attending the Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation on 4 November. For further information on this matter please refer to or pick up a leaflet from Great Milton Shop.
The Clerk will be representing Great Milton Parish Council at the South Oxfordshire District Council Town and Parish Forum scheduled on 12 November.
The meeting closed at 8:50pm
The next meeting will be held on Monday 17th November 2014 at 7.30pm in the Pavilion.
Cllr Bill Fox (acting Chair)