Present: The Town Mayor, Cllr. M. Newton (Chair)
Cllrs: S. Boughton, S. Nash, N. Tile, A. Vaughan, C. Singleton, K. Read, P. Finn and P. Booth.
Borough Cllrs. C. Liddy and M. Cory.
H. Humphreys (Town Clerk)
P. Kay (WTC Transport Representative)
4 Representatives from Fingringhoe against the Telecom Tower (FATT), Mr. J. Cobb, 4 Members of the public
Prior to commencement of business, safety announcements were given by the Chair.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs. R. Needham and N. Lodge, Borough Cllr. R Scott and County Cllr. J Young.
ON 18th SEPTEMBER 2017 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Town
Council held on 18th September 2017 be signed as a correct record. Cllr. Aldis reported that he now has the Local Plan submission text and will need time to format this for online publication.
WHICH WRITTEN NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN. Ms I. Mietteinen, Jennifer Parker
and Mr Michael Parmenter of FATT gave representations regarding the Appeal that has
been submitted regarding the proposed 25m Telecommunications Tower (Planning
reference 170219) at land at Ballast Quay Road, Fingringhoe. Cllr. Newton reported that
WTC already object to the development so would not need to be persuaded and they will
be making a submission. I. Mietteinen reported that the consultation process from CBC was
unsatisfactory as a significant number of residents were not included in initial consultation
as only 12 properties on the Fingringhoe side received a letter dated 17th February 2017
from Beverley Jones, Head of Professional Services at CBC which took a week to arrive.
This letter stated that comments should be submitted within 14 days of the date of the
letter, but did not clarify if this meant working days. Residents were informed the cut off
date for submissions was 3rd March which left little time to construct a response, although
the date on the CBC website was 10th March. A notice then was placed on a telegraph pole
near the proposed site stating the submission date was 17th March, but a resident contacting
CBC before that date was told their submission was too late. She reported that both
Fingringhoe and Wivenhoe Town Councils were not notified. She reported that
photographs provided with the application were the wrong way round and did not indicate
that the site is right opposite Wivenhoe Quay. Cllr. Cory asked for the evidence from
FATT to be forwarded to him so he can ask deeper questions of CBC Planning Officers.
Action Point: Clerk to forward FATT submissions to Cllr. Cory.
Jennifer Parker informed members that anyone was entitled to comment on the appeal. Cllr.
Vaughan reported that submissions could only be made using the original grounds used to
comment on the application and that Cllr. Tile had done significant research regarding RF
emissions which was the main thrust of the WTC objection but Health & Safety were not
accepted as grounds for objection. Michael Parmenter of FATT reported that bats and
otters had been sighted nearby and that he was happy to share any further information. Cllr.
Cory clarified that the appeal had been received on 5th October and that Colchester had
until 8th November to respond and will try to involve a Wivenhoe view. Jennifer Parker
asked if it was possible to involve Fingringhoe and Cllr. Cory explained that whilst his
Ward duties were to Wivenhoe that planning was his cabinet Remit so he would pass on all
details. Cllr. Tile reported that any RF emissions from the tower would fire straight at the
front of Wivenhoe Quay due to its height and location and Jennifer Parker stated that the
height would have been chosen to conform with HSE guidelines but that the position still
made this potentially dangerous and it still presented a risk to aviation and bird life. Cllr.
Read asked who owned the land and Jennifer Parker reported it was Anglian Water but the
land was compulsorily purchased and they would be subletting against the terms and
conditions. The FATT representatives were thanked and left at 7.55pm.
Cllr. Vaughan proposed that this matter be delegated to the Planning Committee to ensure
that an objection went out and this was AGREED.
a) County Councillor Julie Young. Cllr. Young sent her apologies as she was attending a meeting at Essex University regarding resolving student issues in the community, but her report was read by Cllr. Newton. She reported on the meeting between ECC, Anglia Water and the EA regarding the flooding that took in August, and attached the notes of that meeting. She reported that the EA came out later that week with further investigation officers and she thought camera analysis was being conducted. She had contacted ECC to see if there is 106 money available to apply to the associated work that falls between the stalls of the statutory agencies. She expressed disappointment about only just being informed about some Town Councillors attended with Essex Police on the 18th September, while the Town Council meeting was being conducted, and suggested it would have helped if this meeting had been abutted to the Town Council meeting in private session so members in close contact with residents had had the opportunity to discuss policing issues. She mentioned the new Doctors surgery opening for business on the 23rd October and noted that Doctors and patient car parks have been separated which means cars cannot loop the building like they always have done. She had discussed with the developer some mechanism of a priority lighting system to be installed if the car parks were segregated and is following this up with the developers, Ashley House. She asked that Cllr Lodge many hours dedication to getting a new surgery be recognised. She reported that the Essex Labour group put forward a motion at the last Full Council meeting calling on the authority to take advantage of the new Bus Act and investigate franchising arrangements, which was amended but carried. Cllr Young asked a question on Home to school transport requesting a review of the policy based on the failure to achieve the anticipated savings.
Cllr. Vaughan reported that Cllr. Young had mentioned chasing Kevin Bentley regarding the charge for the Repair Café to use the library. She also reported that the Clerk had been asked to write to Cllr Young and Borough Cllrs to request that S106 money not be used where other agencies are responsible for repairs and maintenance of infrastructure and the Clerk confirmed this letter is being written. Cllr. Tile reported that he had documentary evidence from 2006 that the Environment Agency were aware of the problems. Cllr. Read reported that it was important that this information went to Cllr. Young.
Cllr. Read reported that Cllr. Young had not responded with regards savings on Home School Transport.
b) Borough Councillors R. Scott, C. Liddy and M. Cory.
Cllr. Scott sent her apologies and a report which was summarised by Cllr. Aldis.
Cllr. Scott attended Cabinet on Wednesday in support of the bid to buy Gothic House presented by WTC planning committee on behalf of the council and spoke in favour of CBC considering the bid, on the grounds that community assets are beneficial to residents both in terms of locally appropriate use and a local income to sustain other projects or programmes. However, legal advice was presented to Cabinet to the effect that the only recourse would be to start the selling process again, possibly losing the current bid and making for another time delay. Cabinet accepted the bid already made with no abstentions or votes against, although they acknowledged that this is subject to contract and should there be any change, then WTC bid has merit and WTC would be able to submit their offer.
Cllr. Scott urged WTC to make a response to the government “Right Homes in the Right Places” consultation; by the planning committee on behalf of WTC as well as individually. She was shocked by the further increase in instructions for home-building demanded of Colchester and the fact that targets will be set for every County, town, and village regardless of local demand or prospects. Regarding the Colchester Local Plan and Wivenhoe Neighbourhood plan, Cllr. Scott reported that the new figures for housebuilding could be set aside as long as CBC have the local plan in place by March 2018. The plan has been submitted for National inspection and is on track for a vote in the new year.
Consequently the Wivenhoe Local Plan should be ready for a town-wide vote in the same time frame. Cllr. Needham is aware, as chair of the Local Plan Committee and the Communications and Engagement team have also been informed. She will attend the Local Plan Committee which meets on 6th November at 6pm at Colchester Town Hall. She has called upon CBC to allocate more resources to Planning Enforcement, but this has not yet been prioritised. Cllr. Scott reported that National government has granted £700,000 to the partnership to pay to set up the delivery vehicle for the garden communities, should they be approved. In a briefing to councillors last week it emerged that there is now an alternative model for governance of the programme, which the council are minded to pursue. This would be a locally accountable new town model with power directly transferred from the Secretary of State to the local boards who comprise leaders and portfolio holders of the district councils.
Cllr. Scott has written to Trinity Estates management to seek clarification on their spraying of weedkiller on public paths at Wivenhoe Quay, as it seems in direct opposition to hopes for an environmentally friendly, sustainable management plan for Wivenhoe open spaces.
She would like to meet with interested councillors regarding the idea of Wivenhoe becoming a Town of Sanctuary. She passed her congratulations to Mayor Mike Newton on a distinctive and delightful Civic Service, and reported that it must have been a great deal of work for the Clerk, but it went off without a hitch.
Cllr. Vaughan reported that she was very concerned that WTC may not have the resources to submit all the responses to the “Right Homes in the Right Places” consultation. She asked if CBC councilors could submit on our behalf. Cllr. Aldis reported that it would be useful to see CBCs responses as it may just be a case of agreeing with these. Cllr. Vaughan suggested that the people who helped on the local plan consultation may be able to assist again. Cllr. Read asked what was meant by the housebuilding figures possibly being “set aside” and Cllr. Cory explained that if the responses were submitted in time then lower targets would be imposed on the council. He has emailed Karen Syrett, the officer responsible, to ask if WTC can take part in the response. He will be responding in objection to the consultation which he feels is not a rational strategy. He will ensure that WTC get to see the CBC response. Cllr. Cory has asked Karen Syrett to lay out the timings for the Colchester Local Plan referendum. He reports the judgements will be made in two parts: on the garden communities and on details for smaller settlements. He hoped this would be early in the new year. Cllr. Aldis was concerned that Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan would have no bearing on housing and Cllr. Cory reported that the WTC NP could either be submitted in part as part of the Colchester Local Plan, or not at all, but as long as the Colchester Local Plan was accepted it would stop higher housing figures. Cllr. Read and Cllr. Newton thanked Cllr. Cory for answering their queries. Cllr. Vaughan reported that WTC would like more details of the “alternative model” for the Garden Communities. Cllr. Finn endorsed the idea of Wivenhoe as a Town of Sanctuary and said he was happy to engage with Cllr. Scott on this.
Cllr. Liddy congratulated Cllr. Newton on an excellent Civic Service. He reported that light pollution is a material ground for planning under environmental guidelines although the government website states that some institutions are exempt. He had a complaint about the white lines at the entrance of station road being covered by tarmac which was causing right of way confusion and suggested that a letter from WTC supported by Borough and County Cllrs could help. Cllr. Booth mentioned he had started a petition regarding the double yellow lines approaching Station Road.
Action Point: Clerk to write letter as soon as possible.
Cllr. Liddy reported that he had been contacted by Cllr. Mike Lilley regarding youngsters firing ball-bearings from Wivenhoe Quay at residents in Rowhedge at 7.30pm on the 15th October and asked if anyone had any information about this.
Action Point: Clerk to send a note to the Town Clerk at Rowhedge regarding the incident.