National University Corporation

School of General Education

Asahi 3-1-1, Matsumoto, Nagano

390-8621, Japan

Full-Time Three-Year-Contract Position

in English Language and Cultural Studies

from the Academic Year 2018


The School of General Education is seeking applicants for a full-time, three-year-contract position to teach English language and cultural studies.

I.Job Details

1. Main Location of Work: Matsumoto city. The successful candidate will be required to live in or near Matsumoto.

2. Duration of the Contract: April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021

Please note that the first twelve months from thedate of contract is a trial period.

For further information regarding the trial period, please see the following URL:

3. Qualifications and Requirements:

i)Must be a native speaker of English with an MA degree or higher.

ii)Should have a good command of the Japanese language.

iii)Should be in good health.

4. The University is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications from

all suitably qualified individuals regardless of nationality, gender, religious belief, or


  1. Recruiting Schedule

Application forms must arrive by Tuesday, 12th December, 2017.

III.Application Documents

1. Applications should be submitted using the forms provided by Shinshu University. The

language used should be either Japanese or English.Application forms can be downloaded

from our website or contact us directly at the address below.

2. The documents required are as follows:

(1)Curriculum Vitae including a summary of all work experience (Document (1)).

(2) Copies of diplomas or degree certificates.

(3)Information relating to teaching experience (Document (2)).

i. A summary of your achievements in the field of education and a list of publications related to teaching, if any.

ii. (optional) A report on research and/or any contributions to society, and a list of other publications, if any.

(4)Statement of aspiration (Document (3)):

An outline showing what your goals would be as a foreign language teacher in the School of General Education.

(5)One copy of each publication on teaching (if any) referred to in (3) i. above.

(6)Summaries of each of the main publications on teaching (five at most).

Each abstract should be about 200 words in English or 100 characters in Japanese.

(7)Copy or the original of any English language teaching certificates.

IV.Candidates may be asked to attend an interview and to teach a demonstration class. In this case, traveling expenses will be paid by the applicants themselves.

V. Contact Information

  1. Submit application forms to:

Director of the School of General Education

Shinshu University

3-1-1 Asahi


Nagano 390-8621


Forms should be sent by registered mail and “English language Instructor Application Forms” written on the envelope in red.

2. Any queries should be directed to the following email address:

VI. Contract and Duties


Foreign Language Instructors will be affiliated to the School of General Education and will be supervised by the Director of the School of General Education. They may also be required to teach classes at other faculties.

  1. Rank

Lecturer or Associate Professor

Rank will be decided on the basis of teaching experience and teaching competence.

3.Working Conditions

(1) Instructors must abide by the regulations of Shinshu University.

(2) Duties include teaching, work related to teaching, work related to faculty development, and temporary work assigned by the Director of the School of General Education.

(3) The working hours are 38 hours and 15 minutes a week, 7 hours and 45 minutes a day. In some cases, work on weekends will be required. In that case, a holiday on a weekday will be provided in compensation.

(4) A supervisor will check work attendance.

  1. Duties

(1) Foreign Language Instructors must follow the curricula of the School of General Education and/or other faculties where they will teach. Classes are 90 minutes long.

(2) The maximum teaching load is 10 to 15 classes a week. If instructors are required to travel to other campuses to teach, traveling time will be counted as a part of an instructor’s teaching duties.

(3) Intensive courses such as summer special programs, and preparation for and participation in special events may be included in the above-mentioned duties.

(4) There is no obligation to do work other than that listed in 3 (2), such as research or administrative work.

(5) Details of the duties listed in 3 (2) and other pertinent information are as follows:

  1. One semester consists of 15 weeks of teaching, and instructors who are unable

to teach a class in a given week are required to teach a make-up class(es) at

some other time.

  1. Work related to teaching includes preparation for classes, grading, answering students’ questions, helping students in the office hour, guidance of students through e-learning and e-mail, class evaluation, and so on.
  2. Work related to Faculty Development (FD) includes attendance at FD meetings, improving teaching skills, attending e-learning training sessions and presentations for e-learning, and so on.
  3. Temporarily assigned work includes giving lectures at public request, giving open classes, doing jobs related to entrance examinations, being put in charge of the foreign language salon, taking part in international exchange projects, lecturing at induction courses, taking part in various projects, preparing documents, and so on, conducting survey work for the University.

5.Evaluation of the Work

(1)Teaching duties will be evaluated on the basis of class evaluations and the

results of teaching.

(2)Work listed in 4 (5) above will also be evaluated.

(3)Research activities are not included in an instructor’s duties, hence research

will not be evaluated.

6.Supplies and Office

Supplies needed for teaching will be provided. However, a private office will not be provided. Foreign Language Instructors will be given a shared office for teaching preparation.

  1. Holidays

(1) Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, and New Year Holidays are days off.

(2) Spring, summer and winter vacations, when there are no classes, are not holidays. These periods are for those duties described in VII 4 (5) ii)-iv).

(3) Foreign Instructors will receive 20 paid holidays a year. A maximum of 20 days unused yearly paid leave can be carried over to the following year. The supervisor will not give permission for holidays to be taken during the semester.

8. Salary

(1) Salary will be decided according to the ranks shown in VII 2 and the salary scale for full-time staff.

(2) Bonuses will be calculated according to the evaluations referred to in VII 5.

  1. Housing

No housing will be provided but Foreign Language Instructors can apply for a housing allowance. The allowance will be determined in accordance with the regulations for full-time staff.

  1. Regulations relating to Side Jobs

Foreign Instructors must follow Shinshu University Guidelines on side jobs.

  1. Traveling Abroad and Overseas Training / Research

(1) Foreign Instructors cannot make a trip which interferes with the duties referred to above.

(2) Trips which do not affect the fulfillment of the above duties will be permitted within the limits of the paid holiday allowance.

(3) The Director of the School of General Education can give permission to make an official business trip to do research abroad when the need arises.

(4) No travel expenses will be provided for trips or training overseas.

Note: Please be advised that the Japanese advertisement for this job vacancy is the official version. This English translation has no legal validity and is simply an aid to understanding for applicants whose native language is not Japanese.