Advanced technologies for transient faults detection and compensation


Matteo Sonza Reorda, Luca Sterpone, Massimo Violante, Politecnico di Torino, Dip. di Automatica e Informatica, Torino, Italy


Transient faults became an increasing issue in the past few years as smaller geometries of newer, highly miniaturized, silicon manufacturing technologies brought to the mass-market failure mechanisms traditionally bound to niche markets as electronic equipments for avionic, space or nuclear applications. This chapter presents the origin of transient faults, it discusses the propagation mechanism, it outlines models devised to represent them and finally it discusses the state-of-the-art design techniques that can be used to detect and correct transient faults. The concepts of hardware, data and time redundancy are presented, and their implementations to cope with transient faults affecting storage elements, combinational logic and IP-cores (e.g., processor cores) typically found in a System-on-Chip are discussed.


Advanced semiconductor technologies developed in the past few years are allowing giant leaps forward to the electronic industry. Nowadays, portable devices are available that provide several orders of magnitude more computing power than top-of-the-line workstations of few years ago.

Advanced semiconductor technologies are able to achieve such improvements by shrinking the feature size that is now at 22 nm and below, allowing integrating millions of devices on a single chip. As a result, it is now possible to manufacture an entire system (encompassing processors, companion chips, memories and input/output modules) on a single chip. Smaller transistors are also able to switch faster, thus allowing operational frequencies in the GHz range. Finally, low operational voltages are possible, significantly reducing the energy needs of complex chips.

All these benefits have however a downside in the higher sensitivity of newer devices to soft errors. The reduced amount of charge needed to store memory bits, the increased operational frequencies, as well as the reduced noise margins coming from lower operational voltages are making the occurrence of soft errors, i.e., unexpected random failures of the system, more probable during system lifetime.

Among the different sources of soft errors, radiation induced events are becoming more and more important, and interest is growing on this topic from both the academic and the industrial communities.

As described in (Dodd et al., 2004), when ionizing radiations (heavy ions or, protons in space, neutrons, and alpha particles in the earth atmosphere) hit the sensitive volume of a semiconductor device (its reserve biased depletion region) the injected charge is accelerated by an electric field, resulting in a parasitic current than can produce a number of effects, generally referred to as Single Event Effects (SEEs). Single Event Latchup (SEL) is the destructive event that takes place when the parasitic current triggers non-functional structures hidden in the semiconductor device (like parasitic transistors that shorten ground lines to power lines, which should never conduct when the device is operating correctly). Single Event Upset (SEU) is the not-destructive event that takes place when the parasitic current is able to trigger the modification of a storage cell, whose content flips from 0 to 1, or vice-versa. In case the injected charge reaches the sensitive volume of more than one memory device, multiple SEUs may happen simultaneously, giving rise to the phenomena known as Multiple Bit Upset (MBU). Finally, Single Event Transient (SET) is the not-destructive event that takes place when the parasitic current produces glitches on the values of nets in the circuit compatible with the noise margins of the technology, thus result in the temporary modification of the value of the nets from 0 to 1, or vice-versa.

Among SEEs, SEL is the most worrisome, as it corresponds to the destruction of the device, and hence it is normally solved by means of SEL-aware layout of silicon cells, or by current sensing and limiting circuits. SEUs, MBUs, and SETs can be tackled in different ways, depending on the market the application aims at. When vertical, high-budget, applications are considered, like for example electronic devices for telecom satellites, SEE-immune manufacturing technologies can be adopted, which are by-construction immune to SEUs, MBUs, and SETs, but whose costs are prohibitive for any other market. When budget-constrained applications are considered, from electronic devices for space exploration missions to automotive and commodity applications, SEUs, MBUs and SETs should be tackled by adopting fault detection and compensation techniques that allow developing dependable systems (i.e., where SEE effects produce negligible impacts on the application end user) on top of intrinsically not dependable technologies (i.e., which can be subject to SEUs, MBUs, and SETs), whose manufacturing costs are affordable.

Different types of fault detection and compensation techniques have been developed in the past years, which are based on the well-known concepts of resource, information or time redundancy (Pradhan, 1996).

In this chapter we first look at the source of soft errors, by presenting some background on radioactive environments, and then discussing how soft errors can be seen at the device level. When then present the most interesting mitigation techniques organized as a function of the component they aims at: processor, memory module, and random logic. Finally, we draw some conclusions.

2. Background

The purpose of this section is to present an overview of the radioactive environments, to introduce the reader to the physical roots of soft errors. Afterwards, SEEs resulting from the interaction of ionizing radiation with the sensitive volume of semiconductor devices are discussed at the device level, defining some fault models useful to present fault detection and compensation techniques.

2.1. Radioactive Environments

The sources of radiations can be classified in different ways, depending on where the system is deployed. We can consider three so-called radiation environments: space, atmospheric, and ground radiation environments (Barth et al., 2003).

The space radiation environment is composed of particles trapped by planetary magnetospheres (protons, electrons, and heavier ions), galactic cosmic ray particles (heavy ions and protons) and particles from solar events, such as coronal mass ejection and flares, which produce energetic protons, alpha particles, heavy ions, and electrons (Barth et al., 2003). The maximum energy the particles have ranges from 10 MeV for trapped electrons up to 1 TeV for galactic cosmic rays (1 eV being equivalent to 16x10-21 Joules). Due to the very high energies involved, shielding may not be effective in protecting circuits, and therefore the impact of ionizing radiation on electronic devices should be investigated deeply, to devise effective fault compensation techniques.

Atmospheric and ground radiation environments are quite different with respect to the space environment. Indeed, when cosmic ray and solar particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they interact with atoms of nitrogen and oxygen, and are they are attenuated. The product of the attenuation process is a shower of protons, electrons, neutrons, heavy ions, muons, and pions. Among these particles, the most important ones are neutrons, which start to appear from 330 Km of altitude. Neutron density increases up to the peak density found at about 20 Km of altitude, and then it decreases until the ground level, where the neutron density is about 1/500 of the peak one (Taber et al., 1995). The maximum energy observed for the particles in the atmospheric radiation environment is about some hundreds of MeV.

At the ground level, beside neutrons resulting from the interaction of galactic cosmic ray and sun particles with the atmosphere, second most important radiation source is the man-produce radiation (nuclear facilities).

No matter the radiation environment where the system is deployed, we have that when radiations interact with semiconductor devices two types of interactions can be observed: atomic displacement or ionization. Atomic displacement corresponds to modifications to the structure of silicon device, which may show for example displaced atoms, and it is out of the scope of this chapter. Conversely, the latter corresponds to the deposition of energy in the semiconductor, and it is focused in this chapter.

Radiations may inject charge (i.e., ionize) a semiconductor device in two different ways: direct ionization by the particle that strikes the silicon, or ionization by secondary particles created by nuclear reactions between the incident particle and the silicon. Both methods are critical, since both of them may produce malfunctions (Dodd et al., 2003).

When an energetic particle passes through a semiconductor material it frees electron-hole pairs along its path, and it loses energy. When all its energy is lost, the particle rests in the semiconductor, after having travelled a path length called particle range. The energy loss per unit path length of a particle travelling in a material is known as linear energy transfer (LET), measured in MeVcm2/mg: the energy loss per unit path length (MeV/cm) divided by the material density (mg/cm3). As an example, a particle having an LET of 97 MeVcm2/mg deposits a charge of 1 pC/mm in Silicon.

Heavy ions inject charges in a semiconductor device by means of the mechanism called direct ionization (Dodd et al., 2003). Protons and neutrons do not produce enough charge by direct ionization to cause single-event effects, although recent studies showed that single-event effects due to direct ionization by means of protons are possible (Barak et al., 1996) in highly scaled devices. Indirect ionization is the mechanism through which protons and neutrons produce single-event effects. Proton, or neutron, entering a semiconductor device produces atomic reactions with silicon atoms, originating by-products like alpha or gamma particles. These by-products can deposit energy along their paths by direct ionization, causing single-event effects (Dodd et al., 2003).

2.2. A device-level view of radiation effects

The parasitic current induced by (direct or indirect) ionization can result in a number of different device-level effects, depending on when and where the charge injection takes place. We can broadly classify the device-level effects as destructive and not destructive. As far as digital electronic devices are considered, the most important destructive SEE is the SEL, while the most relevant not destructive SEEs are SEUs/MBUs and SETs. The following sub-sections describe these phenomena.

2.2.1. Single Event Latchup

Semiconductor devices like pMOS or nMOS transistor contains parasitic structures, composed of two bipolar transistors forming a silicon-controlled rectifier, as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The parasitic silicon-controller rectifies in a nMOS device

If the current resulting from ionization triggers the parasitic structure, a short circuit between power and ground lines is activated, resulting in a high current flowing in the device. In case such a current is not stopped promptly, permanent damage of the device is likely to happen.

2.2.2. Single Event Upset

As explained in (Dodd et al., 2003), DRAM technology refers to those devices that store bits as charge in a capacitor. In these devices no active information regeneration exists; therefore, any disturbance of the stored information provoked by ionizing radiations is persistent until it is corrected by a new write operation. Any degeneration of the stored charge that corresponds to a signal level outside the noise margin of the read circuit is sufficient to provoke an error. The noise margin is related to the memory critical charge, Qcrit, which is defined as the minimum amount of charge collected at a sensitive node that is necessary to cause the memory to change its state.

The most important SEU source in DRAMs is the SEE charge collection within each capacitor used to store bits in the DRAM. These errors are caused by a single-event strike in or near either the storage capacitor or the source of the access transistor. Such a strike affects the stored charge by the collection of induced charge (Dodd et al., 2003). Such error corresponds normally to a transition of the stored bit from 1 to 0 (May et al., 1979). However, the ALPEN effects (Rajeevakumar et al., 1988) makes transitions from 0 to 1 as well. SEUs can also occur in DRAMs due to charge injection in the bit lines (Dodd et al., 2003), or a combination of charge injection close to the bit capacitor and the bit line (Rajeevakumar et al., 1988).

SEUs are originated in SRAMs in according to a different phenomena with respect to DRAMs. Indeed, in SRAM the information bit in restored continuously, by means of a two inverters forming a feedback loop. When ionizing radiation injects charge into a sensitive location in a SRAM, a transient current is originated in the affected transistor. The existing feedback counterbalances the injected current, trying restoring a correct (stable) configuration. In case the current originated by the injected charge is higher than the restoring current, a voltage pulse occurs that lead to the corruption of the stored bit (Dodd et al., 2003). In case charge injection affects multiple memory cells, the resulting effect correspond to multiple SEUs happening simultaneously; such event is known as Multiple Cell Upset.

2.2.3. Single Event Transient

The progressive decreasing of the minimum dimensions of integrated circuits, accompanied by increasing operating frequencies lead on the one side the possibility of using lower supply voltages with very low noise margins but on the other side it make integrated circuits (ICs) more sensitive to Single Event Transient (SET) pulses (Baumann, 2005). In details, the shrinking technology process decreases the manufacturing sizes reducing the charge required to identify a logic state. The result is that the parasitic current provoked by the ionizing radiation is inducing a pulse effect, also called SET.

The high-energy recoil and the proton-induced nuclear reactions are behind the SET generation mechanisms. In details, low-angle protons as well as heavy ions affect the silicon area close to a junction resulting in energy-loss of the signal and thus in observable SETs. The shape of SETs may be different depending on the source of the charge deposition and the conditions related to the tracks the considered high energy particle. More is the charge, more the SETs is characterized by peak heights and widths dependent from the space-charge effects (i.e. the heavy-ions generate this kind of effect).

The high-injection of charge provoke a variation of the external fields internally to the considered region. The carriers within the considered region are drifted by the ambipolar diffusion reaching the edge of the plasma edge, where they drift to the external region filed thus provoking a pulse of current (i.e. The SET effect). The pulse current is drastically smaller than the normal current induced by a logic-drift. Depending on the carrier levels and on the threshold level, the penetration within the external field may change thus resulting in a different SET widths.