Head east on Highway 82 (toward Brunswick) until encountering Highway 99 »6 miles east of Waynesville. Turn left onto Highway 99, and continue northeast. At one point, the road will divide. Follow the bend of the road to the right. Continue on this leg of Highway 99 until it ends at its intersection with Highway 17/25. Turn left onto Highway 17/25. Actually, Highway 99 coincides (is the same as) Highway 17/25 as far as Darien. As you descend into Darien from the summit of the Darien River Bridge, proceed to the 3rd street, which bears a sign reading Highway 99, and turn right. By doing so, you stay on Highway 99, which is called Ridgeville Road. After you have gone a couple of miles past Darien on Highway 99, you will see a sign that reads Sapelo Island. After that sign, you will see ³2 more signs that read Sapelo Island. After traveling roughly 7 miles, you will have arrived in Meridian, and have approached a white Baptist church on the right. A large sign on the far side, and in front of the Baptist church, which advertises the church, obscures the sign that includes the words Sapelo Island, which sits on the far side of the road intersecting with Highway 99, which runs along the far side of the Baptist church. Turn right on the road that borders the church on its far side. After proceeding down this lane, turn right at a building, and cross over a bridge below which is a marsh. A short distance past the bridge, turn left to continue on the main lane. This lane is the dock entry road. After proceeding a few yards, you will see a parking area on your right.
You can continue along the dock entry road all the way to the dock where you will unload your gear and supplies. Then you will drive back to the parking lot where you will park your vehicle. Only residents of Sapelo Island may park along the dock entrance road on the seaward side of the Sabal Palmetto on right. Only certain marked vehicles, such as those owned by the University System of Georgia, can park along the entry road on the inland side of the Sabal Palmetto on the right.
Be sure to arrive at the ferry before your scheduled departure. The ferry does not wait for stragglers.
The ferry schedule is listed at .
Dr. A. G. Cook