Home Treatment Team
AnyboroughHome Treatment Team: How we can help
Anyborough Home Treatment Team
Most of the people we help have serious mental health problems who have reached crisis point, others may be facing a life crisis or battling with drugs. We help them to stay in their own homes rather than being admitted to psychiatric hospital.
Who we are
We are health and social care staff specially trained to support people in severe mental distress. Our team includes:
- Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs): qualified nurses specially trained to provide the right support for your particular illness.
- Social workers: with expertise in mental health, they can, along with CPNs,help you sort out the demands of daily living, including money ,housing and looking after yourself
- Doctors: the experts in deciding what medication you need for the most effective support in coping with your illness
- Psychologists: skilled in helping people with psychological and behavioural problems such as eating disorders, panic attacks, depression, family relationship problems and self harm. Psychologists do not prescribe medication.
- STR(Support time and recovery) workers:unqualified staff who can help clients with a whole range of activities to help their recovery, such as structuring their days, physical activity, and shopping.
Who do we help?
We are available to residents of Anyborough aged 18-65 who most often have a long term mental health problem and need urgent extra help to avoid hospital admission. We also help current in-patients to return home more quickly, knowing they can turn to us for support.
We do not see people with a drug or alcohol problem when this is their main illness, or people with a learning disability. In cases of brain damage or dementia, and other serious mental illness we will assess whether they need to be admitted to hospital.
What we do
We assess what help you need and provide treatmentusually at home. The aim is to keep you free of hospital and safe and well. First we help you handle your immediate crisis with intensive support and frequent visits from the team.
As you come out of the crisis stage,we can concentrate on how best to cope with any future severe bout of illness.What are the warning signs you recognise? How best can you prepare and cope with it if it happens?
By the end of our visits, you should have a range of ‘coping strategies’ to help you manage your illness.
To give you the best all round support, we also work closely with those caring for you at home and with other health and social care staffalready involved, including your Care Co-ordinator. Most of the people we see already have a care plan, as part of their Care Programme Approach (CPA) and we make sure that any treatment or advice we give links into this.
How you contact us
Only if you have previously used the Home Treatment Team can you or your carer contact us directly.
Most of the people we see are already in touch with local mental health services. They will refer you if they think your illness is at a crisis point and you need our specialist skills. You may come to us via your Community Mental Health Team (CMHT), the Mental Health Initial Assessment Team,or the in-patient ward. In some cases patients are referred to us from Accident and Emergency.
You can call us on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
When are we available?
We are available 24 hours a day seven days a week,365 days a year. There will always be members of staff on call at any time.
Some Common Questions
After I have been referred to the Home Treatment Team, how long does it take before I see you?
The Home Treatment Team is a rapid response service and we will visit you the same day you are referred. The quicker we see you the more chance that you will not need a hospital admission.
Is your service confidential?
Your personal details are confidential and are seen only by those directly concerned with your care. If we need to discuss anything with anyone else we will get your permission first. The only exception to this is if your life or the well-being of someone else could be at risk.
What if I am not happy with your service?
First, contact our Team manager to discuss this. We want your comments on how our service could be improved.
PALS: If you need to take your concerns further or need support and advice contact the PALS ( Patient Advice and Liaison) service at North East London Mental Health Trust .Call Freephone 0800 783 1853.
Formal complaints: To make a formal complaint please contact the Trust’s Complaints Manager on 0844 600 1201 Ext. 4230