Woodfield Park

(The Beeches)




01494 432932


Minutes of AGM held on Thursday 1 December 2016 at 8.00 p.m.

1. Those Present & Apologies for Absence.

Meeting chaired by Stephen Ellis-Jones.

Other Committee Members present: Peter Jordan, Peter Dickinson, Kevin Walshaw, Karen Flanaganand Kim Todd.

Attendees:Mike Standing, Marcia Cantrell, Alan Cantrell, Stephen Ellis-Jones, Peter Jordan, Peter Dickinson, Kay Phillips, Kevin Walshaw, Karen Flanagan, Peter Henry, Simon Ackers, Kate Ballingall, Phil Williams, Debbie Maurantonio, Lynne Revens, Jane Freeman, Nikki Magrath, Kim Todd, Nick Warren, Amanda Pearce

Apologies for absence were received fromMartin Baxter, Peter Phillips, Russel Talmer, Geoff Williams, Alison Williams, Liz Slater

2.Minutes of AGM on 26November 2015

Approval proposed by Lynne Revens, Kay Phillips seconded. Approved by attendees.

3Matters arising

No matters arising.

4. Club Reports

Club Reports had been available in the clubhouse and on the website.

5.Club Accounts

Debbie Maurantonio asked if Peter Jordan, as Treasurer, would consider moving the balance sheet note in relation to the ‘sinking fund’ from the Tennis Section to the front page.

Approval of Accounts, proposed by Amanda Pearce, Seconded by Kay Phillips. Approved by attendees.

6. Election of Officers

The following members were nominated for re-election:

Chairman:Stephen Ellis-Jones,
Treasurer:Peter Jordan,

Facilities Manager: Kevin Walshaw

Secretary: Kim Todd
Bar/Entertainment Committee Chair: Stephen Ellis-Jones

ProposerLynne Revens, seconded Debbie Maurantonio. Approved by attendees.

7. Future Developments

Lighting on bottom courts – investigate upgrading the lighting with the use of LEDs with better directional focus, reduced spillage and lower maintenance costs.

Purchase of Rebo Wall– consider purchasing a Rebo Wall with partial payment from an anonymous donation of £500. Donation was made on the proviso that it would benefit juniors.

Carpark Refurbishment – revisit when essential

Squash – replacement of floor on courts 2 and 3– application to be made to Sport England for a grant.

8. Any Other Business

Discussion as to whether we would make savings on gas/electric as now only one supplier for both. Dual fuel combination is very new (just a month or two) so difficult to say at this time.

Discussion on whether we could approach a brewery and ask them to contribute to any future bar refurbishment costs. It was pointed out that this would tie us to the brewery concerned. No further action. The bar refurbishment is not imminent.

Discussion of the use of the open space upstairs for other sporting activities such as exercise classes.The area is an awkward shape and there would be an issue of noise with the proximity to the squash courts. No further action.
Discussion on future development of the land at the back of the courts/premises near rear gate. Development is not currently possible as delivery access is necessary. No further action.

Meeting closed 9.35 p.m.