Workshop Topics, Content, Dates and Lecturer / Battersea Healthcare Development Passport Programme
All workshops will be held at Wandsworth Professional Development Centre, Building 1, Burntwood School, Burntwood Lane. SW17 OAQ
Workshop / Day Date & Time / Content Outline / Lecturer
Understanding and Applying best practice Customer Care / Friday 27 October 2017
09.30 – 12.30 / •  Explore your mind set, your motivation and your approach to customers?
•  Who are our customers and what do they really want?
•  Setting expectations – the ‘zone of tolerance’
•  Our values and our brand – how do we communicate that?
•  What are people saying about us and how do we manage that? In person? On social media?
•  What is the customer’s experience? Exploring and improving customer touch points online and offline
•  How can we make working with us quicker, easier, cost effective and enjoyable?
•  Customer service skills and behaviours for you and your team members – what does great service look like?
•  Dealing with difficult customers – resolving conflict
•  Supporting frontline staff to deliver great service every day / John Chisholm
Chaperone Training / Friday 27 October 2017
13.30 – 16.30 / •  Background to the role of the chaperone
•  What is meant by the term chaperone
•  What is an ‘intimate examination’
•  Why chaperones need to be present
•  The rights of the patient
•  The chaperones role and responsibilities
•  Core competencies of the role
•  Policies and mechanisms for raising concern
•  The need for D.B.S. checks / John Chisholm
Introduction to Management / Monday 4 December 2017
09.30 - 16.30 / •  What is a good manager
•  What is management for
•  Functions of a good manager
•  Communication
•  Listening
•  Body language
•  Rapport
•  Assertiveness
•  Motivation
•  Delegation
•  Performance appraisals / Amerjit Walia
The Effective Leader
** / Tuesday 16 January 2018
09.30 - 16.30 / •  Leadership behaviours
•  Management vs Leadership – when do you need which?
•  Vision vs reality – get the balance right
•  Leading by example, energy, self- belief and commitment
•  Empowerment and trust
•  The power of situational leadership – the right leadership tool for the right leadership role
•  Inspiration vs humility
•  Setting objectives – The work plan
The delegation process / Amerjit Walia
Coaching, Supervision and Mentoring Support / Monday 26 February 2018
09.30 - 16.30 / •  Defining coaching, supervision & mentoring
•  Coaching skills required of a manager
•  Building a coaching relationship
•  Coaching in context
•  Listening skills
•  Transactional Analysis for understanding behaviours
•  Coaching challenging members of staff
•  Effective supervision
•  Mentoring / Mary Golden
Influencing / Wednesday
11 April 2018
9.30 - 16.30 / •  How assertive are you?
•  Looking at your personal assertiveness style
•  Thinking assertively
•  Beliefs and behaviours
•  Negative and positive enquiry
•  Handling conflict
•  Getting your point across, looking for multiple opportunities
•  Selling ideas / articulating concerns
•  Supporting and challenging change
•  Influencing styles
•  Understanding different personality types
•  Cognitive styles and preferences
•  Managing up
•  Constructive organisational politics / Judeline Nicholas
Managing Finances in General Practice
** / Friday 27 April 2018
9.30 - 16.30 / •  Practice finance and budgets
•  How does finance support the business
•  Financial reporting
•  Understanding P&L and the balance sheet
•  Different types of cost
•  Assets and liabilities
•  Overhead vs cost of safe
•  Closing the loop on budgets
•  Cash flow
•  Value for money
•  How Partnership works / Margaret Corridan
Appraisal and Performance Management
** / Thursday 17 May 2018
09.30 - 16.30 / •  Meaningful appraisals that motivate
•  What is poor performance and why does it happen
•  Understand and listen
•  Nip in the bud
•  Performance improvement cycle
•  Handling
Ø  difficult conversations
Ø  refusal to do a job
Ø  sickness and absence
Ø  disciplinary and grievance
•  Coaching and Performance Management
•  Managing Poor Performance
•  Performance improvement cycle
•  Manifestations of poor performance and delivering effective performance
•  Role of HR / Judeline Nicholas
Chaperone Training / Thursday 21 June 2018
09.30 - 12.30 / •  Background to the role of the chaperone
•  What is meant by the term chaperone
•  What is an ‘intimate examination’
•  Why chaperones need to be present
•  The rights of the patient
•  The chaperones role and responsibilities
•  Core competencies of the role
•  Policies and mechanisms for raising concern
•  The need for D.B.S. checks / John Chisholm
Understanding and Applying best practice Customer Care / Thursday 21 June 2018
13.30 - 16.30 / •  Explore your mind set, your motivation and your approach to customers?
•  Who are our customers and what do they really want?
•  Setting expectations – the ‘zone of tolerance’
•  Our values and our brand – how do we communicate that?
•  What are people saying about us and how do we manage that? In person? On social media?
•  What is the customer’s experience? Exploring and improving customer touch points online and offline
•  How can we make working with us quicker, easier, cost effective and enjoyable?
•  Customer service skills and behaviours for you and your team members – what does great service look like?
•  Dealing with difficult customers – resolving conflict
•  Supporting frontline staff to deliver great service every day / John Chisholm
Three of the taught days map to CMI Level 5 qualifications to enable participants to complete a CMI Level 5 Award or Certificate in Management and Leadership
o  Leadership Practice – 5013v1 ( The Effective Leader)**
o  Managing Team and Individual Performance – 5003v1 (Appraisal and Performance Management) **
o  Organisational Financial Management – 5007v1 (Understanding and Managing Finances) **
Qualification costs per person: to be paid by GP Practice or individual
One Assignment – Award in Management and Leadership £631 plus VAT
Two Assignments - Certificate in Management and Leadership £802 plus VAT

To book a place on any of the above workshops please contact: