1 lesson

1.Overview and aims of the course.

Basic mechanics parameters.

Computational fracture mechanics ( refrence Chapter 11 book T.L.Anderson). Software and possibilities.

Brief presentations of recent research projects: Norwegian-Japanese, ACCRIS, KOFAB, PRESS, DEFOBAL, SIP, DEEPIPE, EXPIPE


5 lessons

2.Mechanisms.Metallographic examinations.

*Cleavage micromechanisms of crack exstension in steels.

D.A. Curry. The Metal Society 1980.

Recent advances in the micro-modelling of cleavage fracture in steel.

John F. KnottSchool of Metallurgy and Materials. Univeristy of Birmingham. 1998.

*Prediction of brittle fracture in steel based on local fracture criteria.

A literature overview. Erling Østby .1998.

Introduction to metallographic methods and visit to SEM lab. Exercise with own specimens.

3.Constraint. T and Q

Development of the T and Q theories.

*Influence of non-singular stress terms and specimen geometry on small-scale yielding at crack tips in elastic-plastic materials. S.G. Larsson and A.J. Carlsson. Dept. of Strength og Materials and Solid Mechanics, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 1972.

*Two-parameter Characterization of elastic-plastic crack-tip fields.

C. Betegón and J.W. Hancock. Transactions of ASME 1991.

*Family of crack-tip fields characterized by a triaxiality parameter - I. Structure of fields. N.P. O'Dowd and C.F. Shih. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 1991.

*Family of crack-tip fields characterized by a triaxiality parameter - II. Fracture

applications. N.P. O'Dowd and C.F. Shih. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 1991

4.Local approach, Weibull statistics.

Coupling between continuum mechanics and physical mechanisms.

* A local criterion for cleavage fracture of a nuclear pressure vessel steel.

F.M. Bermin. Metallurgical Transactions A, vol.14A. 1983.

*Procedure to measure and calculate material parameters for the local approach to

fracture using notched tensile specimens.

ESIS Pg-94. 1998.


Historical development. The JQM Approach

* Parameter Characterisation of the Near Tip Stress Fields for a Bi-Material Elastic-Plastic Interface Crack. Zhang, Z.L., Hauge, M. and Thaulow, C. Int. Journal of Fracture, 79:65-83, 1996.

*.J-Q-M approach for failure assessment of fusion line cracks: two material and three material models. Thaulow, C., Zhang, Z.L., Ranestad, Ø. and Hauge,M. ASTM STP 1360, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th Volume. St.Louis. June 1998

* Constraint effects on crack tip stress fields for cracks located at the fusion line of weldments. Thaulow, C.,Zhang, Z.L., Hauge,M. Burget,W. and Memhard,D. Computational Material Science, Vol 15, pp.275-284, 1999.

CaseBrittle: JQM calculations

a)Presentation of case, parameters, aim with calculations, illustrative example with all steps described

b)Calculation procedures. Presentation of results


5 lessons

7.Mechanisms. Metallographic examinations.

Experience from Strategic Institute Research Program. Visit to SEM lab.

*Skadeutvikling i aluminiumslegeringer-observasjoner og modellering. Jack Ødegård, Ketill Pedersen og Hans Jørgen Roven.SINTEF Materials Technology. 1998

8. Cell model simulation of void growth and coalesence.

*Void growth and coalescence in porous plastic solids. J.Koplik and A.Needleman. Solids Structures, Vol 24, No 8, pp. 835-853. 1988

9. Analyttical void growth models

*On the ductile enlargement of voids in triaxial stress fields. J.R.Rice and D.M.Tracy. J.Mech.Phys.Solids, Vol 17, pp.201-217. 1969.

10.Ductile Fracture by the Complete Gurson Model

*Zhang, Z. L., Thaulow C., and Ødegård, J.:“A complete Gurson model based approach for ductile fracture”,Paper presented at HSI/TWI Structural Integrity Seminar, October 1998. To be published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics

CaseDuctile: Complete Gurson calculation for tensile tests.

c)Presentation of case, parameters, aim with calculations, illustrative example with all steps described

d)Calculation procedures. Presentation of results


11.Mechanisms. Challenges.

*Einsatz mikromechanischer Schadigungsmodelle im sprød-duktilen Uebergangsbereich. Thesis Gunter Bernauer, 1997.

*The role of geometry and crack growth on constraint and implications for ductile/brittle fracture. N.P. O`Dowd, C. F.Shih and R.H.DoddsASTM STP 1244, 1995.

*Modelling of crack growth resistance using computational cells with microstructurally-based length scales. C.F.Shih and L.Xia. ASTM STP 1244. 1995

*Numerical Modelling of Crack Growth in Ductile-Brittle Transition Regime. X.Gao. Ph.D. Thesis 1998

*Damage mechanics models of ductile crack growth in welded specimens. M.C.Burstow and I.C.Howard. 2000.

*Papers on the Cohezive zone approach.

CaseTransition: Calculation of brittle and ductile fracture in the same MBL model