St Mary’s Parish Council - Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Those present: Father Eamonn, Jane Monaghan, Anne McQueeney, Bridie Lamont, Gordon Sutherland, Sharon Murdoch

Apologies: Pat Nicol, Fran O’Brien, Mary Rose Wightman, Roger Townley

Ø  Sharon Murdoch proposed approval of the minutes and this was seconded by Gordon Sutherland.

Ø  Matters Arising – there were no matters arising

Ø  PPC Correspondence Box – there was no correspondence in the box

Ø  Lenten Programme

o  The Parish Council thanked Pat Nicol for the Taize evening which they felt went very well and was very worthwhile

o  The Parish can also look forward to the ‘This is our faith’ programme which begins on 4th March for 4 Wednesdays, it is being run by Rana Keane

Ø  Youth Group update

o  It is planned that the new Youth Group starts on 24th April, following the Easter holidays. The volunteers (which includes older young people from the Parish as well as adults) will meet some weeks before to plan the calendar of events based on the liturgical calendar.

o  There will soon be a bookcase at the back of the chapel with books on it for small children. It will provide books for the children that they can read during the service and return when they leave chapel following a Mass. A choice of books has been selected by Father Eamonn for this bookcase, and many are available from the Church Stall

Ø  Embracing Change – Another meeting was held on 2nd March, there are now 4 areas of discussion – Spirituality, youth, ministry and the poor. The plan is to develop the Deanery. Two priests and 8/9 lay people attended this meeting which was the first and centred on Ministry. We are aware that the number of priests is declining and the plan is to awaken the laity to run the churches and take ownership. The next meeting will be on 17th March, the priests will meet with the Bishop at 7pm and the lay people from all parishes will attend from 7.30pm and discuss their plans with the Bishop. More details will be on St Mary’s website in due course.

Ø  RCIA – there are 3 people and Father Eamonn studying this programme which welcomes new people into the church, they have had a meeting and a couple of church attenders are keen to join the church who will work with the RCIA group to make this transition.

Ø  Communications – Twitter Account – as Pat Nicol was not present this was not discussed

Ø  Sacramental Preparation – this is progressing nicely and all are looking forward to the celebration in May.

Ø  Date of next meeting – the PPC members present were happy to meet again on Wednesday 1st April, 7pm