Machine Model Parameter Determination
Project Plan
General Electric
Faculty Advisor:
Chen-Ching Liu
Team Members:
Jared Kline
Adam Wroblaski
Mark Reisinger
Yu Chan
This document was developed as a part of the requirements of an electrical and computer engineering course at IowaStateUniversity, Ames, Iowa. This document does not constitute a professional engineering design or a professional land surveying document. Although the information is intended to be accurate, the associated students, faculty, and IowaStateUniversity make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, quality, or adequacy of the information. The user of this document shall ensure that any such use does not violate any laws with regard to professional licensing and certification requirements. This use includes any work resulting from this student-prepared document that is required to be under the responsible charge of a licensed engineer or surveyor. This document is copyrighted by the students who produced this document and the associated faculty advisors. No part may be reproduced without the written permission of the senior design course coordinator.
Submitted for Grading
September 27, 2018
May07-18Project Plan9/27/2018
Table of Contents
1.1Executive Summary
1.3Problem Statement
1.3.1General Problem Statement
1.3.2General Solution Approach
1.4Operating Environment
1.5Intended Users and Uses
1.5.1Intended User(s)
1.5.2Intended Use(s)
1.6Assumptions and Limitations
1.6.1Initial Assumptions
1.6.2Initial Limitations
1.7Expected End Product and Other Deliverables
1.7.1Simulink Block Diagram Files
1.7.2Project Documentation
2Proposed Approach and Statement of Work
2.1Proposed Approach
2.1.1Functional Requirements
2.1.2Constraint Considerations
2.1.3Technology Considerations
2.1.4Technical Approach Considerations
2.1.5Testing Requirements Considerations
2.1.6Security Considerations
2.1.7Safety Considerations
2.1.8Intellectual Property Considerations
2.1.9Commercialization Considerations
2.1.10Possible Risks and Risk Management
2.1.11Project Proposed Milestones and Evaluation Criteria
2.1.12Project Tracking Procedures
2.2Statement of Work
2.2.1Task1 – Problem Definition
2.2.2Task2 – Technology and implementation considerations and selection
2.2.3Task 3 – Prototype Design
2.2.4Task 4 –Prototype Implementation
2.2.5Task 5 – Prototype Testing
2.2.6Task 6 – Feedback
2.2.7Task 7 – End Product Design
2.2.8Task 8 – End Product Implementation
2.2.9Task 10 – End Product Documentation
2.2.10Task 11 – End-Product Demonstration
2.2.11Task 12 – Project Reporting
3Estimated Resources and Schedule
3.1Estimated Resource Requirement
3.1.1Personal Effort Requirement
3.2Other Resource Requirement
3.3Financial Resources
3.4Estimated Schedules
4Closure Materials
4.1Project Team Information
4.2Client information
4.3Advisor information
4.4Closing Summary
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Example Generator Block Diagram (Used with permission of General Electric Company)
Figure 3.1 Fall Labor Schedule
Figure 3.2 Spring Labor Schedule
Figure 3.3 Deliverables Schedule
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Initial assumptions and justifications.
Table 1.2 Initial limitations and justifications.
Table 3.1 Task Labor Resource Usage
Table 3.2 Total Financial Resources
Table 3.3 Task Start and End Dates
List of Definitions
- Block Diagram–A visual method commonly used in engineering to depict the relationship between inputs and outputs of a system.
- Matlab – A software package developed by Mathworks that is commonly used in for engineering computation.
- Physical Test Results – These are the results of actual generator performance as physical measured in the field.
- PSLF – (Positive Sequence Load Flow) A software tool manufactured by General Electric that is used by power systems engineers to analyze the performance and security of large interconnected power systems.
- PSLFTest Results – These are the results of control simulations run using PSLF.
- Semi-real Time – Result updates appear after the user selects the run command.
- Simulink – A Matlab toolbox that allows users to build and analyze block diagrams.
- SimulinkTest Results – These are the results obtained using the group created Simulink tool.
Simulink and Matlab are copyrighted by The Mathworks Inc.
Windows is copyrighted by MicrosoftCorporation
PSLF is copyrighted by General Electric Company
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May07-18Project Plan9/27/2018
This section defines the purpose and major objectives of the project, including a project description, discussion of operating environment, intended users and uses, assumptions and limitations and expected end product and deliverables.
1.1Executive Summary
In order to analyze the security, and stability of a power system, engineers use software systems such as General Electric’s PSLF to simulate the national power grid under various operating conditions. In order for these simulations to be accurate, detailed models of synchronous generators are needed. These models have a great number of parameters that are determined by testing the machines under known conditions in the field and guessing at model parameters using the engineer’s own intuition until the model produces accurate simulations of the field tests. Though the tests only take a few hours, the process of determining model parameters can take an experienced engineer between three and five days. The project team will develop an interactive tool using Simulink that the engineer can use to determine accurate model parameters in four hours or less. This tool will greatly reduce the time and cost associated with determining model parameters.
Figure 1.1 Example Generator Block Diagram (Used with permission of General Electric Company)
The project team would like to thank Doug Welsh of General Electric and Dr. Chen-Ching Liu for the assistance and technical expertise that they have provided.
1.3Problem Statement
The General Project Statement and General Project Approach identify the problem and the approach that the team will use to identify and create a unique solution.
1.3.1General Problem Statement
Accurate models of synchronous generators are essential to create computer models of the national power grid. The current process used to determine machine model parameters consists of running tests under known conditions in the field, guessing model parameters using the engineer’s own intuition and experience, loading these into PSLF, running simulations of the field tests, comparing results of the simulations to the actual field test results, and again using the engineer’s intuition and experience to determine more accurate parameters. This process is repeated until the simulations closely match the field test results. Though the field tests only take a few hours, the process of determining accurate model parameters takes an experienced engineer between three and five days. Several different generator control models of varying levels of complexity exist as block diagrams. The client desires a well documented, interactive tool designed using Simulink that will reduce the time required to develop machine models to less than four hours.
1.3.2General Solution Approach
The project team will meet with the client and faculty advisor to develop a more complete understanding of the project. The team will use block diagrams and data provided by the client to simulate a simple model using Simulink. These results will be compared to results obtained using PSLF and the Simulink model will be refined until the results obtained from the Simulink model agree with those obtained from PSLF. The project team will then work to make the model more interactive. Various approaches to this will be discussed with the client. After a standard format and interactive graphical user interface have been obtained, the group will create models of other machine types. These models will be compared to simulations run using PSLF to be sure that the solutions agree.
The project will be documented from start to finish using weekly progress reports that will be e-mailed to the team members, client, faculty advisor, and senior design instructors. Design reports and end user documentation will also be developed to ensure that the client fully understands how the solution was developed and implemented as well as how to obtain the best results from use.
1.4Operating Environment
The product will be designed using Simulink, it will be run on Windows based computers.
1.5Intended Users and Uses
This section defines the intended users and uses of the project team’s solution.
1.5.1Intended User(s)
This software will be used by employees of General Electric. It is assumed that they will be engineers who are familiar with Simulink, generator stability, and machine testing.
1.5.2Intended Use(s)
This software will be used to aid engineers in quickly determining model parameters for synchronous machines.
1.6Assumptions and Limitations
This section defines the initial assumptions and limitations that the group will work from in solving the problem.
1.6.1Initial Assumptions
Table 1.1 lists the initial assumptions that the group will work from in finding and implementing a solution.
Assumption / JustificationThe project team will have access to block diagrams of all relevant machine models. / Design Requirement
The project team will have access to the results of relevant PSLF simulations. / Testing Requirement
Project team will not share information supplied by client or design results with outside individuals or groups. / Confidentiality Requirement
Client’s version of Matlab will be compatible with Project Teams. / Design
The program will be interactive. / Design Requirement
Client’s computer system will have similar performance to university computers. / Design Requirement
Table 1.1 Initial assumptions and justifications.
1.6.2Initial Limitations
Table 1.2 lists the initial limitations with which the group will comply.
Limitation / JustificationThe software will be created using Simulink. / Client Requirement
Sliders bars will be created to allow users to more quickly adjust all machine model parameters. / Client Requirement
Time required to obtain accurate model parameters will not exceed four hours. / Client Requirement
Project will be well documented. / Design Requirement
The program outputs will update in semi-real time with changing parameters. / Design Requirement
Table 1.2 Initial limitations and justifications.
1.7Expected End Product and Other Deliverables
This section lists all items that will be supplied to the client upon project completion.
1.7.1Simulink Block Diagram Files
The project team will include fully functional Simulink files of all machine types for which the group has block diagrams. These files will conform to the limitations described in Table 2.2.
1.7.2Project Documentation
The project team will deliver printed and bound design reports and end user instructions to ensure that the client understands the software design and its proper and most effective use.
2Proposed Approach and Statement of Work
This section will outline the design team’s method of creating the solution to our client’s problem and the tasks required to complete the project
2.1Proposed Approach
The project will be deemed a success if it fulfills the following twelve requirements.
2.1.1Functional Requirements
The usability and functional requirements outlined below must be met.
- The final program will havean interactive graphical user interface that allows the engineer to vary inputsand will update outputs in semi-real time.
- The generator model will be in the form of a block diagram and will have sliding bars to adjust the values of the model attributes.
- The end product will display output graphs of the data received from physical testing so the engineer can compare simulated and actual.
2.1.2Constraint Considerations
The constraints outlined below must be considered.
- The program must be created in the Simulink environment of Matlab.
- The program must update in semi-real time. The results must appear within a few moments.
- The complexity of the block diagram is generator specific. As such there will be a limited number of generators which this program will model.
2.1.3Technology Considerations
The technology considerations are outlined below.
- The computer system must fulfill the system requirements for Matlab and have the Simulink package installed.
2.1.4Technical Approach Considerations
The technical approach is in the following section.
- The generator models will be provided by the client.
- The generator models will be created using Simulink and be shown as a block diagram.
- The sliding bars will be created in Simulink. If this is not possible, they will be incorporated into Simulink with a mainstream programming language that is supported by Matlab.
- Models will accept the same inputs as PSLFa list of these inputs and block diagrams will be provided by the client.
- Output graphs will be of the same form as those generated by testing.
2.1.5Testing Requirements Considerations
Testing will be performed throughout the development process the general steps appear in the following list.
- Physical testing data will be supplied by the client.
- Simulation results will be verified using previously identified and tested generators.
- Final product will be tested at client location.
2.1.6Security Considerations
Security measures must be followed to protect the project and the client. These measures are outlined below.
- All data provided by the client and developed by the team is deemed confidential and will not be disclosed to parties outside project participants.
- Routine program back-ups must be made to protect the program from corruption or deletion.
- Firewalls and anti-virus software will be employed to protect team and client’s computers.
2.1.7Safety Considerations
The safety of the team and the client is of utmost importance. Steps that the group has identified that will aid in maximizing safety are identified below.
- Since this project is entirely software based, prolonged computer use must include rest periods to prevent back, eye and hand problems.
2.1.8Intellectual Property Considerations
The group considers questions of intellectual property to be highly important.
- Client’s data and the team’s software are considered confidential and will not be shared with outside parties.
- Property of the final product must be discussed with the client.
2.1.9Commercialization Considerations
The issues dealing with commercialization must be considered as they greatly affect the design of the solution, the intended use, and the intended user.
- The final program is to be used internally to the client’s company and not marketed and sold external to the company.
2.1.10Possible Risks and Risk Management
It is highly important that all risk be minimized as this can directly affect the success of the project.
- It is possible that the programming environment may prevent our model from performing as required.
- In order to mitigate the risk of program failure, the program must be flexible and allow for software changes.
- If the project were to fail, the client would lose whatever man-hours invested in providing assistance to the project team.
- In order to minimize the risk of project failure, all parties involved in it will be kept informed of project progress and problems that might lead to project failure.
2.1.11Project Proposed Milestones and Evaluation Criteria
To ensure the success of the project, evaluations must take place throughout the development and evaluated on the progress of the project. This section will define the milestones of the project and how they will be evaluated. Definition
Defining the project is of high importance, without knowing the problem there can be no solution for the client.
- Evaluation of this milestone will be by the ability of the group members to discuss and work on the project competently. Model Development
Building a block diagram of a simple generating unit will be the first milestone in the software development and is considered highly important.
- This will show the feasibility of the program to accurately model a simple generator.
- Evaluation of this milestone will be by the comparison of the client’s parameter model with the Simulink block diagram. Model Inputs and Outputs
Using the simple model developed, the team will use data provided by the client to produce the parameters and outputs of the system. This milestone has medium importance.
- This milestone will show the programs ability to obtain parameters and outputs that are of similar form to the clients test data.
- The program will be evaluated by its ability to produce output graphs that match the test data. Model Interactivity
Once the model is proven to be functional, interactive elements will be added to the program and is of medium importance.
- As required by the client, interactivity is a key element to the program’s functionality.
- Evaluation will be performed by demonstrating the program’s ability to change parameter values within the correct ranges. Model Creation and Improved User Interface
After a functional model and simple user interface have been created, additional block diagrams will be built. This milestone is of medium importance.
- The final program will model at least 5generators; if time exists more will be created. Product Design
The final program will model numerous generators and be able to correctly output simulation results. This milestone is of high importance.
- This milestone will depend on the complexity of the various generators but will be functional for the generators modeled.
- The accuracy of the models will be determined by comparing the results with those obtained through PSLF simulations. Product Testing
The client’s engineers or the project team members will test the program using previously identified generators and compare the results.
- By using previously identified generators, testing of the program can be controlled with predicable results.
- Evaluation will be by comparing results from simulation with the physical test results. Product Documentation
A user manual will be created once the final product is thoroughly tested and found to be functional.
- The user’s manual is important to the client so the engineers with the company can be adequately informed on the functions of the software.
- Evaluation will be by allowing an engineer to use the software with the documentation and determining if the engineer can properly operate the software given the documentation. Product Demonstration
The final software and documentation will be shown to the client and demonstrated to be an effective solution to the problem.
- The demonstration of the software is important for the client to gain the confidence to use the software to determine machine parameters.
- Evaluation will be by the client’s understanding of the product after the demonstration. Additional Work
As time permits, additional work may be completed by team members. This work is of low importance and may include the tasks listed below. This work is not scheduled.