West RichlandPlanning Commission
April 12, 2007
Meeting Minutes(revised)
1. Call to Order: Chairman Meehan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
2. Roll Call: Present were, Chris Lucas, Tony Benegas, Nona Diediker, and Shea Meehan:
Absent were: Lucinda Luke and Scott Seiler
Also present were: City Administrator Mark Panther, Community Development Director Bob Leedy, Senior Planner Todd Stowell, Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk, and Staff Reporter Penny Mayfield.
3. Approval of the Agenda: Strikeitems 4and 7a from the agenda. Upon a motion by Nona Diediker seconded by Chris Lucas the commission unanimously approved the agenda as modified.
4. Approval of the Minutes: February 22, 2007. Approval of the minutes were continuted until April 26, 2007.
5. Announcements, Reports, and Comments:Director of Community Development Bob Leedyintroduced himself to the commission and the public.
6. Citizen Public Comments: Ray Goehring3900 Kennedy Road commended Senior Planner Todd Stowell for his work on the survey and making it readily available to the public.
7. Presentations / Public Hearings / Open Record Hearings.
bPublic Hearing-Conditional Use Permit to consider steeple on proposed church.
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk explained the proposed Conditional Use Permit for a special building height necessary for the steeple to extend approximately 66’ above the ground. The standard building height limit in the city’s residential zones is 28’.
Staff is recommending the commission issue a Conditional Use Permit for a special building height to permit the steeple as proposed.
George Stecker 122 Warren Acres Road, Yakima is an architect by profession and represents the church. He said the steeple is almost exactly as the one on Paradise.
Senior Planner Todd Stowell explained that the appeal period does not end until April 20, 2007. He asked to continue the hearing to date certain April 26, 2007
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Lucas to continue the item to date certain April 26, 2007 seconded by Nona Diediker the commission unanimously approved to continue CP2007-09 rezone request to date certain.
Lucinda Luke arrived at 7:15 pm.
There was discussion amongst the groupregarding outdoor lighting and the lighting ordinance.
7. cPublic Hearing to consider File No. RZ2007-12 William White Rezone.
Senior Planner Todd Stowell gave a description of the property in question. He said no specificdevelopment is proposed at this time but the property owner William White has submitted a rezone request for commercial limited. Mr. Whites request does follow the successful application to change the comprehensive plan designation of the property as commercial. Mr. Stowell addressed the comments received from Margie Goehring and Annie Smet.
The public hearing opened at 7:33 pm.
Margie Goehring4210 Kennedy Road addressed the comments she submitted to the planning department and the commission.
Keith Richmond, 4504 SunLake Drive declared his feelings regarding the rezone.
Al Graham, 4101 Jenny Lake Drive feels there is to much vacant commercial and the area is not ready for more. He is also worried about the noise, traffic and smell associated with commercial properties.
Tina Pilstick, 4215 Twinlake Ct. Bought property believing it is residential and the proposed rezone is in her back yard.
Mary St. Clair, 4002 JennyLake is very against rezoning to commercial and doesn’t feel like she is being heard.
Annie Smet,4402 Sun Lake Ct said she bought there because of the rural atmosphere. Does not want more commercial.
Ray Goehring,3900 Kennedy Road asked if the property commercial or RL-40 at today’s date. Said there is conflict as to the land use designation. He indicated that Mr. White first said he would go neighborhood commercial and is now asking for commercial limited.
William White, the property owner gave some pre-history of the property. He said the people who lived there at the time he acquired the property new it would go back to commercial.Then he described the type of project he felt would be good for the community.
Al Graham said everyone who bought property in the area signed a covenants for a single family dwelling.
Director Bob Leedy read from the goals and policies in the land use section and the economic development section of the comprehensive plan for the purposes of it going before a closed record hearing of City Council.
Margie Goehringresponded by saying Mr. Leedy favored the commercial goals and policies in his statement and not those that related to established neighborhoods.
The Public Hearing closed at 8:08 pm.
Mr. Meehan explained his reason fornot recusing himself from voting on this item in light of his recusal during the comprehensive plan hearing.
The commission recalled how they had come about their decision to change the land use from residential to commercial. It was concluded by all the commission member that were present at the comprehensive plan hearing that the Goehring’s, other property owners, and Mr. White had come to an agreement that would allow for neighborhood commercial. They further talked about what could be required through mitigation to mitigate noise, lighting, etc. It was also mentioned that there is an obligation to have the zoning match the comprehensive plan designation. Senior Planner Todd Stowell talked about what a neighborhood commercial would allow.
Motion: Upon a motion by Nona Diediker seconded by Tony Benegas to make a recommendation the approval to rezone those properties to neighborhood commercial.
Chairman Meehan asked for the motion to mirror the staff report which was accomplished through authors amendment.
Amended Motion: Upon a motion by Nona Diediker seconded by Chris Lucas that the Planning Commission accept the findings, conclusions and recommendations found in the staff report to rezone the White property lots 3 and 4 of Short Plat 2196 except the west 129.25 feet thereof and lot 3 of Elite Estates to neighborhood commercial.
A Roll Call vote was taken:
Chris LucasYes
Lucinda LukeYes
Tony BenegasYes
Nona DiedikerYes
Shea MeehanYes
The motion passed unanimously.
Shea Meehan left at 8:30 pm.
7d. Public Hearing-Nonconforming Use Exception to consider expansion of a residence in the Commercial zoning district (284 S. 39th Avenue).
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk reported that the property owner wishes to add approximately 500 square feet to their manufactured home, to be used as a home office which constitutes an expansion of a nonconforming building. Staff recommends denial of the 500 square foot addition although would not be opposed to an addition in the 150 to 180 square foot range. Only an addition that is small in size, represents inconsequential value, and does not otherwise hinder the conversion of the area to commercial use is appropriate in this situation.
The Public Hearing opened at 8:36 pm.
Elizabeth Cords 284 S. 39th Avenue explained that they are running a home based business out of their home with very little space available. This would allow for office and storage space.
The Public Hearing closed at 8:39 pm.
The group discussed the staff report at length and it was concluded to agreed with the staff recommendation.
Lucinda Luke moved Chris Lucas seconded and the commission unanimously passed the following motion:
Motion: that the planning commission recommend to City Council authorization of a non-conforming use exception for a 180 square foot addition.
7e. Public Hearing to consider File No. RZ2007-15, Dykeman family rezone.
Senior Planner Todd Stowell said this was another specific rezone request following the successful comprehensive plan land use change to commercial. The request is for a commercial limited rezone. The property is 3.8 acres in size and located on the south side of Kennedy Road, immediately south of the intersection with 47th Avenue. Staff recommends the property be rezoned as requested.
The Public Hearing opened at 8:55 pm.
Randy Dykeman said he is one fifth owner of the property. He said they have worked with several realtors and all want office buildings.
The Public Hearing closed at 8:55
Chris Lucas moved Nona Diediker seconded the commission unanimously approved the following motion.
Motion: The planning commission accepts the findings, decisions, and recommendation found in the staff report to rezone the Dykeman property, lots 1 and 2 as shown on the records survey 2612 to commercial limited.
7f. Planning Commission Discussion-Question of annexation and determination of which commercial zoning to advertise for property immediately west of the Arena Road and Kennedy Road intersection.
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk gave the staff report and asked the commission for guidance on how to advertise.
Johan Curtiss 2507 S. Highlands said this was one that the Economic Development Board hoped the planning commission would take on and would consider mixed used.
The group discussed the annexation and a motion was asked for.
Upon a motion by Lucinda Luke seconded by Nona Diediker the commission unanimously approved the following motion.
Motion: To have staff proceed with the annexation of the parcel.
It was decided to advertise the property as (CL) Commercial Limited.
8. Unfinished Business
a. Open House and Survey Results – Todd Stowell
Todd revealed the results from the zoning update open house that was held at EnterpriseMiddle School on February 28, 2007 to the commission.
The group talked about the turn out for the open house and whether or not to hold another one. The group decided that it was well advertised and that staff had gone above and beyond the normal procedures to advertise for an event. In addition, discussed ideas for continuing to gather input on the surveys but not holding another event.
9. New Business
10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:34 pm.
11. Workshop – To discuss potential changes to the zoning ordinance and development standards and to give staff direction on changes to write up for public notice and review.
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