CSSC Sports and LeisureNational Travel Policy 2017
The aim of National Travel Policy (NTP) is to ensure that all CSSC members not funded from any other body or organization (including Departmental Associations - DA’s)are treated consistently and fairly with regards to funding when attending National, Open and Regional events.
For clarity all events are categorised into one of 4 levels. The categories are:-
Category 1 – Representative Matches and National Finals
Category 2 – Open Championships
Category 3 – Regional Qualifiers and Regional Events
Category 4 – Taster Days, Days Out, Residential leisure and sporting events
The events falling within each category, and the costs and expenses for which full, partial or no reimbursement can be claimed, are detailed below. General terms and conditions applicable to claims in all categories are at Appendix A. Assumed costs for use of a private car and other factors are reviewed from time to time; rates that are applicable currently are summarised at Appendix B. Examples of the rules in action are provided at Appendix C.
The CSSC Event Team reserves the right to amend any and all of the rules and guidelines presented below at any time.
Category 1
National Finals for the following sports are within Category 1:
Angling – Boat, Coarse, Game, Shore; Archery; Crown Green Bowls; Cricket (Curtis Bennett Finals); Indoor Bowls; Darts; Football (Lewis Cup Finals); Golf Men; Golf Women; Pool; Skittles; Snooker; Tenpin Bowling; Tennis
Representative Matchesin the following sports are within Category 1:
Archery; Angling – Boat, Coarse, Game, Shore; Athletics; Chess; Cricket; Crown Green Bowls; Curling; Golf Men; Hockey Ladies; Hockey Men; Indoor Bowls; Sailing, Squash; Target Shooting; Tennis; Tug of War.
Claims must be submitted to the CSSC Event Team or SRB.
- All reasonable expenses will be reimbursed in full;
- Reasonable expenses include travel tickets purchased well in advance of travel;
- No first class travel will be reimbursed;
- Use of a taxi must first be approved by the Event Team or SRB.
- All completed claim forms should be submitted no later than three months after the event.
- Claims should only be made if not funded from any other body or organization (including DA’s)
Category 2
Open Championships or (in some cases) preliminary stages to Open Championships for the following sports are within Category 2:
Angling – Pike, Open Shore; Archery; Athletics; Capital Challenge; Crown Green Bowls; Badminton; Basketball; Bowls Flat Green; Chess; Cricket (group stages); Curling; Cycling; E Sports; Fencing;Five a side Football; Football (group stages); Flying; Golf:- Mixed Team, Balfour and Haddow: Golf Women; Football Women; Football Masters; Hockey (Men & Women); Karting; Netball; Racketball; Sailing (IDOR & Dinghy); Squash; Swimming; Table Tennis; Target Shooting; Tennis; Touch Rugby; Volleyball.
Costs for use of a private car are assessed on the basis of mileage and fuel type and will be as follows:
- Driver - 50% of mileage costs up to one times the current full annual CSSC subscription;
- Passengers – 5p per mile up to a maximum of £15 per passenger.
- Costs for use of public transport will be 50% of costs up to one times the current full annual CSSC subscription;
If overnight accommodation is booked centrally by CSSC HO or SRB then CSSC will provide the cost figure to be assumed for rebate purposes. If you book your own accommodation then that is the cost for claim purposes but if you book your own accommodation independently of a CSSC offering then that must be justified. Costs will be rebated as follows:
- for each night only50% of the cost up to a maximum of the current full annual CSSC subscription;
- subject to a maximum claim for any one event of two times the current full annual CSSC subscription.
The cost assessment must be submitted to the Event Team. All members are limited to a total claim within the calendar year of four timesthe current full annual subscription.
A minimum claim with the scheme is £5
All completed claim forms should be submitted no later than three months after the event.
Category 3
Regional Qualifiersfor the following sports are within Category 3:
Angling – Boat, , Coarse, Game, Shore; Archery; Bowls – Crown Green, Indoor Bowls; Darts; Five a side Football; Golf Ladies; Golf Men; Poker; Pool; Skittles; Snooker; Tenpin Bowling.
Any and all other sporting events that a Region puts on not feeding into a National Final are within Category 3.
Costs for use of a private car are assessed on the basis of mileage and fuel type and will be rebated as follows:
- Driver - 50% of mileage costs up to one half the current full annual CSSC subscription;
- Passengers – 5p per mile up to a maximum of £15 per passenger.
- Costs for use of public transport will be 50% of costs up to one half the current full annual CSSC subscription;
If the event requires you to make a round trip exceeding 200 miles you are eligible to stay overnight in the vicinity of the event. The cost of that accommodation will be rebated as follows:
- for each night only50% of the cost up to a maximum of the current full annual CSSC subscription;
- subject to a maximum for any one event of two times the current full annual CSSC subscription.
The cost assessment must be submitted to the Event Team. All members are limited to a total claim within the calendar year of four timesthe current full annual subscription.
A minimum claim with the scheme is £5
All completed claim forms should be submitted no later than three months after the event.
Category 4
All Taster Days and ticketed Days Out are within category 4. Examples include horse race days, theatre trips, rugby matches, golf tournaments and facility tours (e.g. brewery, studio, stadium).
Residential trips, whether for leisure or sporting purposes, are within category 4. Examples include Skiing, Scuba Diving, Surfing, Cycling, Hill Walking, Pudding Club, Golf & Spa Weekends.
No expenses to be claimed. This is because these events attract a relatively high subsidy at source either by CSSC or the region.
Appendix ATerms and Conditions
- All events must be administered by the Events Team at CSSC Head Office to qualify for any claim.
- All claimants (and their passengers if relevant) must be current paid-up members of CSSC and either live or work within the Region to which they are applying for.
- The entry fee for an event can cover many cost elements, such as facility hire, equipment hire, coaching, refreshments, accommodation,only the accommodation element of an event can be submitted as a cost for claim purposes.
- Applicants must make every effort to ensure that their travel and accommodation arrangements are cost-effective and necessary, in the same way that they would for business travel. Claims for accommodation will be carefully scrutinised and rejected if there was not a good reason for it.
- The official Expenses Claim form must be used to record details of the expenses and completed claim forms must be received no later than three months after the event in question.
- In the case of complex or lengthy claims where there is insufficient space available on the claim form please continue on a separate piece of paper.
- Full details of mileage and other costs of your travel and accommodation should be entered on the form. The receiving authority will assess what is due.
- Claims should only be made if not funded from any other body or organization (including DA’s)
Travel by Car
- Claims for travel by car will be assessed at the CSSC mileage rate for that car’s fuel type applicable at the time. Every effort should be made to car share to the event venue and passenger(s) details must be shown on the claim form.
- The appropriate CSSC car mileage rate will be applied by the Event Team when assessing claims. Mileage rates, one for petrol engines and another for diesel vehicles, are reviewed quarterly on 1st January, April, July and October and published on the CSSC website
- Passengers are not be eligible to claim for travel costs in their own right, except for travel to and from the pick-up point.
- Parking and Toll costs are not able to be claimed back via the national travel policy.
Travel by Public Transport
- All claims for travel by public transport must be accompanied by the relevant tickets or receipts. Where it is likely that the tickets will be surrendered for inspection or on arrival, a suitable receipt should be obtained at the time of purchase. Every effort should be made to secure the cheapest ticket available for the journey e.g. Saver, Super Saver, Apex or other discounted tickets. Under no circumstances will the cost of first class travel be reimbursed.
- Taxi fares are only allowed if there is no other form of transport available and must be approved beforehand by the Event Team.
Accommodation Costs – General
- If necessary, accommodation can be booked privately for any event, e.g. because of an early start or late finish or where accommodation is an integral part of the event and not already available via CSSC.
- Accommodation costs may only be claimed for events where the return journey to the venue exceeds 200 miles. The 200 miles is the round trip journey door to door and does not include picking up passengers.
- It is important that you state why accommodation was needed/required.When booking accommodation yourself, every care must be taken to obtain the best rate available. Only bed & breakfast will be admissible.
Allowances - General
- Please note that in any one calendar year the total sum paid by the NTP to any member of CSSC for expenses incurred in Regional and Open events (categories 2 & 3) will be no more than 4 x current full annual CSSC subscription rate.
Processing of claims
- Claims for category 1 events should be submitted to the Event Team or the SRB. Claims for categories 2 and 3 events should be submitted to the Event Team
- Claims will be processed in good time. Claimants are required to supply details of their bank account (Name of bank, Account Name, Account Number and Sort Code) to facilitate payment by bank transfer.
- If, after reading these guidance notes, you remain unsure about the completion of your expense claim form, please contact the Event Team ().
Appendix BCurrent Rates for Assessing Mileage Costs etc
As of 1 October 2017, the cost of a private vehicle using petrol is assessed at 22p/mile. The equivalent rate for a diesel-engine vehicle is 20p/mile. The full annual membership subscription for 2017 is £47.40.
Appendix CExamples of the Policy in Action
*Please note that mileage rates are reviewed in January, April, July and October.
Example #1
A member enters a Regional Qualifying event (Cat 3) at a cost of £5 entry fee. He/she drives a total distance of 100 miles in a petrol-engine car carrying one passenger (also an entrant) the full distance.
Driver’s costs: 100 miles at 22p/mile = £22.00. Allowance, at 50% cost up to a maximum of £23.70 = £11.00.
Passenger cost: 100 miles at 5p/mille = £5.00. Allowance, up to a maximum of £15.00 = £5.00.
Claim to be awarded: £11.00 + £5.00 = £16.00.
Example #2
A member enters an Open Championship event with an accommodation element included at a cost of £67.50 per night, B&B. He/she drives a total distance of 300 miles in a petrol-engine car carrying one passenger (also an entrant) the full distance. They each enjoy two nights accommodation.
Driver’s costs: 300 miles at 22p/mile = £66.00. Allowance, at 50% cost up to a maximum of £47.40, = £33.00.
Passenger cost: 300 miles at 5p/mile = £15.00. Allowance, up to a maximum of £15.00, = £15.00.
Driver’s accommodation costs: 2 nights at £67.50. Allowance, at 50% cost up to £47.40, per night, up to a maximum of £94.80, = 2 x £33.75 = £67.50.
Claim to be awarded: £33.00 + £15.00 + £67.50 = £115.50
The passenger can also claim for accommodation costs. The total claim would be £115.50
V3CSSC National Travel Policy10/10/2017