Dear Candidate,
Thank you for your interest in the position of Chief Executive.
This is an exciting time to join the City and County of Swansea. The Council has already transformed the way it works, but that transformation needs to continue as the Council seeks to meet inevitable budget challenges and our ambition to provide even better services to our residents.
The successful candidate will be joining a Council that is well regarded across all aspects of its services, as evidenced by external assessments and reports issued by the statutory inspection regimes across Wales including the Wales Audit Office, CSSIW and ESTYN.
The introduction of new technology and modern working practices is supporting service improvement and delivery to our customers.
At the same time, we are driving forward wider change to create a modern waterfront city of national and international status. The City is at the Heart of a regional£1.3b City Deal bid which has recently been agreed. We are looking forward to playing our part in securing real transformation right across the city region in the months and years ahead. Our vision for the City Deal is a partnership between business, communities, Welsh, UK and local governments which will create thousands of jobs and a world-class location for digital and internet innovation, drawing in investment to make the most of the creative talent and skills we already have. The City Deal will transform our digital infrastructure and revolutionise the way sectors like energy, technology, health and social care are delivered. What we create here we will be able to export around the world.
By leading the Community and working in partnership we are seeking to bring about economic, cultural and social change.
If you thrive on exciting but demanding challenges, if you can bring about Council wide change where necessary, take responsibility and make a difference,can demonstrate the ability to continue and developour reputation for sound governance and control, can demonstrate experience and ability in terms of strategic investment planning and you want to develop your track record in improving services, then we would be delighted to receive your application.
Rob Stewart, Leader of the Council