Lianne Dallimore – Vice Chair Annual Report
Well members, I think we can all agree that 2016 has certainly not been boring.
Mid way through 2016 (June) we saw‘Brexit’ and then towards the end of the year (November) we saw Donald Trump elected to the Whitehouse. Apparently, Mr Trump will be the first president in history that will consider moving into the Whitehouse as ‘downsizing’! Who knows what will happen next?
Understandably the June 2016 Unison National Conference in Brighton saw a lot of debate around Brexit. Unison campaigned hard for the UK to stay part of the European Union and actively encouraged its 1.3 million members to vote remain on 23 June. The fear was that Brexit may mean the loss of many workplace rights and what would happen to the country’s public services if Britain opted to go it alone.
At approximately 4am on the 23rd June in a Travel lodge in Brighton, I saw the result come through – ‘…and the result is we’re out…’ - I must admit I had mixed feelings.
Now, we may be out of the EU, but preserving these rights will continue to be one of your union’s top priorities going forward.
Closer to home we saw was the announcement from Mr. Mark Drakeford AM that Local Government ‘reorganisation’ was off the table but ‘reform’ was well and truly on it. Mr. Drakeford says “Local government reform is essential if local authorities are to be financially resilient and able to maintain and improve the quality of services during this period of austerity.”So what does that mean for local authorities in Wales? The wider reform proposals set out in the Draft Local Government Bill are being progressed, subject to further discussion with local authorities but in a nutshell will see:
- The retention of the existing 22 local authorities, subject to any voluntary mergers, to act as the democratic tier to which councillors are elected and the ‘front-door’ for people to access services.
- Renewed scope for voluntary mergers enabled by Welsh Government support.
- Enhanced systematic and mandatory regional working. Systematic means functions would be organised on a consistent footprint and done at that level.
- The possibility that there might need to be more than one systematic footprint. In particular, one based around the City Regions and the other, probably the Health Board footprint.
Again, this is an evolving picture and one that will see your Trade Union undoubtedly being heavily involved in 2017, so watch this space…
Personally, my work this year has been focused on supporting our Branch Executive and Chair to ensure that we continue to work on the important current issues that are/will affect our members;making sure that our member’s voices here in Caerphilly are heard, and that we continue to support you with your workplace issues.
Finally, I would like to thank you - our members – for your support and look forward to working with you all in the year ahead… roll on 2017.