Week 2: Research and Entrepreneurship
§ Low, Murray B. (2001). The adolescence of entrepreneurship research: Specification of purpose. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Summer, 2001, Vol. 25, Issue 4.
§ Scott, S. (2008). The Illusions of Entrepreneurship. Introduction & Chapter 1.
§ Alderich, Howard E., & Martinez, Martha A. (2001). Many are called, but few are chosen. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Summer, 2001, Vol. 25, Issue 4
§ Blackburn, Robert, & Kovalaienen Anne. (2009). Researching small firms and entrepreneurship: Past, present and future. International Journal of Management Review, Vol. 11, Issue 2.
Week 3: The Global Context
§ Zolli, A. (2012). Resilenc: Why things bounce back. Introduction: The resilence imperative.
§ Rifken, Jeremy (2009). The Emphatic Civilization, Chapter 5: Rethinking the meaning of the human journey. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin Group.
§ Heinberg, R. (2011). The End of Growth. Chapter 4: Won’t Innovation, Substitution, and Efficiency keep us growing?
§ Conley, Dalton. (2009). Elsewhere USA: How we got from the company man, family dinners, and the affluent society to the home office, blackberry moms, and economic anxiety. Chapter 3.
Week 4: The Global Context
§ Goden, Seth. (2010) Linchpin: Are you indispensable. Chapter 1: The New World of Work. Penguin Group Publishing.
§ Rifken, R. (2011). The Third Industrial Revolution, Chapter 4: Distributed Capitalism. Palgrave/MacMillan.
§ Steinbock, D. (2005). The Mobile Revolution: The Making of Mobile Services Worldwide. Chapter 2: Innovation
§ Moroz, P., & Hindle, K. (2011). Entrepreneurship as a Process: Toward Harmonizing Multiple Perspectives. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
Week 5: Financing and Entrepreneurship
§ Das, S. (2011). Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk. Chapter 3: Business of Business; Chapter 3: Business of Business; 4: Money for Sale.
§ Leach, J.C., & Melicher, R.W. (2012). Entrepreneurial Finance, 4th Edition. Chapter 11: Professional Venture Capital
§ Roberts, M.J., & Barley, L. (2004). How Venture Capitalists Evaluate Potential Venture Opportunities. Harvard Business School. Harvard Publishers.
§ Mullen, M.R., Budeva, D.G., & Doney, P.M. (2009). Research methods in leading small business-entrepreneurship journals: A critical review with recommendations for future research. Journal of Small Business Management, 47 (3).
Week 6: Opportunity Identification
§ Tapscott, D. (2010). Macrowikinomics: Rebooting business and the world. Chapter 11: The demise of the newspaper and rise of the new news.
§ Menna, A. (2013). Academic Crowdsourced Media: A New Conceptual Framework in an Emerging Space. Journal of Knowledge Economy.
§ Gladwell, M. (2002). The Tipping Point: How little things can make a big difference. Introduction & Chapter 1: The three rules of epidemics. Little Brown Company.
§ Miles, H. (2005). Al-Jazeera: How Arab TV news challenged the world. Chapter 1: A seed planted in the Desert.
Week 7: Mid Term Exam: Something Ventured: Risk, Reward and the Original Venture Capitalist (2011). You will watch this movie in advance and then answer several questions related to the movie and the course material up this point.
Week 8: Global Family Business
§ Poza, E.J., & Daugherty, M.S. (2013). Family Business, Chapter 1: The Nature, Importance and Uniqueness of Family Business.
§ Susanna Khavul, Garry D Bruton, Eric Wood.(2009). Informal Family Business In Africa, November, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol. 33, Issue 6.
§ Kevin Au, Ho Kwong Kwan.(2009). Start-up Capital and Chinese Entrepreneurs, July, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol. 33, Issue 4.
§ Williams, D., & Jones, O. (2010). Factors associated with longevity of small, family-owned firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. Volume 14.
Week 9: Entrepreneurship and Creativity
§ Schwartz, E. (2004). Juice: The Creative Fuel that Drives World Class Innovators. Chapter 1: Creating Possibilities, Chapter 10: Multiple Insights. Harvard Business School Press.
§ Pink, D. (2006). A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers will Rule the Future. Chapter 1: Right Brain Rising, Chapter 2: Abundance, Asia , Automation. Riverhead Books Publishers.
§ Martin Prosperity Institute. (2008). Ontario in the Creative Age. University of Toronto: Rotman School of Business.
§ Gardner, H. (2006). Five Minds for the Future: Chapter 1: Minds Views Globally, Chapter 4: The Creative Mind. Harvard Business School Press.
Week 10: Planning Start-ups and Economic Growth
§ Dragon’s Den (2012). The Dragon’s Den Guide to Investor-Ready Business Plans. Part 2: The Business Plan Checklist.
§ Kerr, R.W., & Nanda, R. (2011). Financing New Ventures. Harvard Business School
§ Menna, A., & Catalfamo, H. (2012). Ontario’s micro-brewing industry: An exploratory study. In Press.
§ Maurya, A. (2012). Running Lean: Iterate from plan A, to a plan that works. 2ND Edition. Chapter 3: Create your lean canvass.
Week 11: The Entrepreneurial Mind Set
§ Gladwell, Malcolm. (2008). Outliers. Chapter 2: The 10,000 hour rule. Little Brown and Company.
§ Blawatt, K.R. (2008). Entrepreneurship: Process and Management, Chapter 6: Defining the Entrepreneur: Descriptions.
§ Duening, T. (2010). Five minds for the entrepreneurial future: Cognitive skills as the intellectual foundation for the next generation entrepreneurship curricula. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 19, Issue 1.
§ West, G.P., & Noel, T.W. (2009). The impact of knowledge resources on new venture performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 47 (1), January.
Week 12: Women and Minorities in Entrepreneurship
§ Shane, S.A. (2008). The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The costly myths that entrepreneurs, investors, and policy makers live by. Chapter 10: Ho valuable is the average start-up?
§ Wells, B.L., & Pfantz, J.,& Bryne, J.L., (2003). Russian women business owners: Evidence of entrepreneurship in a transition economy. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 8, Issue 1.
§ Lucy Ssendi, Alistair R Anderson (2009). Tanzanian Micro-Enterprises and Micro-Finance: The Role and Impact for Poor Rural Women. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, March, Vol. 18, Issue 1, New Deli Publishers.
§ Ahl, Helen (2006). Why Research on Woman Entrepreneurs need new Directions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol. 30, Issue 5.
Week 13: Entrepreneurship and Developing Economies
§ Bruton, G.,& Ahlstrom, & Obloj, K. (2008). Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Where are we today and where should we go in the future. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol. 32, Issue 1.
§ Suntorpithug, P., & Suntornpithug, P. (2008). Don’t’ give them the fish, show them how to fish: Framework of market-driven entrepreneurship in Thailand. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. 21 (2).
§ Gray, K.R., Foster, H., & Howard, M. (2006). Motivations of Moroccans to be entrepreneurs. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. Vol. 2, Issue 4.
§ Umoren, N.J.(2010). Dearth of entrepreneurship in Africa: Evidence and Challenges. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, Volume 15, Issue 4.