Black River Board of Education
February 18, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:01p.m. byVice President Scott Meredith with the following members answering roll:Chuck Stiver,Pam Wheeler, Tim Clifford and Scott Meredith.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
RESOLUTION 22/16Agenda
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Stiver that the agenda for tonight’s meeting be accepted.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
4. Public Communication
The Board of Education welcomes public comments. Please state your name and address for the record.
Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.
B. Board Work Session
A. April OSBA work day date.
B. Pay to Participate.
C. Policy on naming facilities.
D. Unused class funds.
RESOLUTION 23/16Approval of Board Minutes
Minutes of January 14, 2016 Organizational Meeting
Minutes of January 14, 2016 Regular Meeting
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Clifford that the minutes of the January 14, 2016 Organizational and Regular meetings be approved as written.
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
D. Financial – Treasurer’s Report
E. Financial – Action Items
RESOLUTION 24/16Approval of Financial statements
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Stiver that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the January, 2016 Financial Statements be approved as presented.
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 25/16Bus Bid though OSC
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board adopt the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Black River Local Schools Board of Education wishes to advertise and receive bids for the purchase of one (1) Internationalor Blue Bird school bus chassis and body.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Black River Local Schools Board of Education wishes to participate and authorizes the Ohio Schools Council to advertise and receive bids on behalf of said Board as per the specifications submitted for the cooperative purchase of one (1) Internationalor Blue Birdschool bus chassis and body.
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
February 18, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 26/16Part Time Itinerant Preschool Teacher
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board approve the Service Agreement with The Educational Service Center of Lorain County to provide a part-time Preschool Itinerant Teacher effective February 3, 2016 – May 31, 2016. The total estimated cost for this service is $4,455 plus round trip travel to be paid at 54 cents per mile.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 27/16Strategic Solutions
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Wheelerthat upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board approve the contract with Strategic Solutions for source document imaging, services and software.
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 28/16Approval of Activity Accounts
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board approve the following Activity Account Purpose & Budgets for the 2015-2016 school year:
Drama Club$5,000.00
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 29/16Donations
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board accept the following donations:
Box Tops for Education$ 1,245.00
Spencer Main Street Market200 earbuds$ 159.95
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
F. Superintendent’s Report
1. Heating and air conditioning update.
2. Testing update.
3. District calendar.
4. District Communication Plan.
G. Unfinished Business
H. New Business
RESOLUTION 30/16 First Reading of the 2016-2017 School Year Calendar
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the board approve the first reading of the 2016-2017 School Year Calendar:
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
February 18, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 31/16 First Reading Board Policy – JEB - Entrance Age for Kindergarten
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the board approve the first reading of the Board Policy – JEB - for Entrance Age for Kindergarten Students:
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 32/16Black River Pre School Registration
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the board approve the Black River Pre School registration packet.
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 33/16Employment
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Stiver that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following athletic coaches for the 2015-2016 school year:
Jordan LucalHead Varsity Boys Track Coach
Thomas GehringJunior Varsity Softball Coach
Olivia WulfhoopVarsity Assistant Softball Coach
Lauren RogersVolunteer Assistant Softball Coach
Brian ClementsJunior Varsity Assistant Baseball Coach
Julie HeathJunior Varsity Assistant Softball Coach
Cassandra ZumackMiddle School Girls Track Coach
Tyler DennisMiddle School Boys Track Coach
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 34/16Employment
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following on a supplemental contract for the 2015-2016 school year:
Gary BushMiddle School Student Council Advisor
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 35/16Employment
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following Classified Substitute for the 2015-2016 school year:
Kordell KindallCustodian
Nikki McConnellFood Service, Paraprofessional, Secretarial, Van Driver
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 36/16Employment
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following for Home Instruction Teacher for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year:
Ginny Dilley
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
February 18, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 37/16Retirement
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Stiver that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board accept with regret, the retirement of Sandy Welch, teacher, effective February 26, 2016. Mrs. Welch has served the Black River School District for 31 years.
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 38/16Early Graduation
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the early graduation of David Bell, upon completion of all the requirements for graduation.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 39/16Overnight Trip
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the FCCLA overnight trip to the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Columbus, OH on April 28th and 29th, 2016. Trip is self-pay, costing approximately $100.00 per person. (Transportation via Black River bus.)
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 40/16Overnight Trip
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Student Councils overnight trip to the Ohio Association of Student Councils Annual State Conference in Mansfield, OH on April 28th through April 30th, 2016. Trip is self-pay, costing approximately $75.00 per person. (Transportation via Black River bus.)
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 41/16Overnight Trip
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the FFA overnight trip to the Ohio FFA State Convention in Columbus, OH on May 4ththrough May 6th, 2016. Trip is self-pay, costing approximately $150.00 per person. (Transportation via Black River bus.)
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 42/16Overnight Trip
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Wheeler that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the FFA overnight trip to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 18th through October 22nd, 2016. Trip is self-pay, costing approximately $450.00 per person. (Transportation via charter bus)
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
Black River Board of Education
Regular Meeting
February 18, 2016
Black River High School Media Center
RESOLUTION 43/16College Credit Plus – University of Akron
Motion by Clifford, seconded by Stiver that upon recommendation of the Superintendent,the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding for College Credit Plus between the Black River Local Schools and the University of Akron for the 2016-2017 school year.
Vote:Ayes – Clifford, Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
RESOLUTION 44/16College Credit Plus – North Central State College
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that upon recommendation of the Superintendent,the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding for College Credit Plus between the Black River Local Schools and the North Central State College for the 2016-2017 school year.
Vote:Ayes – Meredith, Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
I. Addendum Items
RESOLUTION 45/16Executive Session
Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Clifford to enter into Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. for the purpose of one or more of the following under Ohio Revised Code 121.22G
X Section 1: To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
___ Section 2: To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
___ Section 3: Conferences with an attorney.
___ Section 4: Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining session with public employees.
___ Section 5: Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statues.
___ Section 6: Specialized details of security arrangements.
Vote:Ayes – Stiver, Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith
The Vice President declared the motion passed.
Executive Session ended at 8:40 p.m.
K. Closing Items
1. Item(s) for consideration for next meeting
2. Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting: March 17, 2016 High School Media Center 7 PM
RESOLUTION 46/16Adjournment
Motion by Stiver, seconded by Clifford that the Board adjourn at 8:43 p.m.
Vote:Ayes – Wheeler, Clifford, Meredith, Stiver
The Vice President declared the motion passed.