Caithness Older People’s Groups Get-Together
‘Keeping Informed’
Facilitated by Highland Senior Citizens Network & Age Scotland
In March, representatives from older people’s groups, and people supporting older people’s groups, enjoyed the opportunity to come together in Wick and look at common issues, share information about their groups and about local services. The programme also included an information session from Age Scotland Enterprises on Funeral Plans, and an opportunity to contribute to a consultation on housing. The day rounded off with a well-received Dementia Awareness Session from Age Scotland’s Early Stage Dementia Team.
Following this gathering, participants expressed interest in a further meeting facilitated by Highland Seniors Citizens Network and Age Scotland being held in Caithness.
We would like to invite you/members of your group to come along to the next gathering which will take place on Thursday 12th October at the Norseman Hotel, Wick, KW1 4NL
Tea/coffee will be available on arrival from 10.15am, with the day starting at 10.30 am. A soup and sandwich lunch will be served at 12.45.
Feedback from the last event was that groups want
- good information on what is going on locally, regionally and nationally
- an update on access to services, particularly to care at home
- information on access to leisure activities/opportunities, and to activity outdoors
In light of these suggestions, we have put together a busy programme for the day, which we hope you will find interesting and enjoyable!
After the meeting finishes at 3pm we will be giving you the opportunity to feed into the recent consultation The Scottish Government have announced on Free Bus Travel for Older and Disabled People and Modern Apprentices (please see attached sheet). This is open to anyone to attend and we encourage you to invite anyone who you think will be interested in the consultation to come along.
We look forward to seeing you/members of your group on the 12th October. Could you please confirm your attendance, and any dietary requirements you may have to: or 0131 668 8061, giving names of attendees for the Get-Together by Monday 9th October.
Thank you!
Heather BaillieAnne McDonald
National Community Development OfficerCo-ordinator
Age ScotlandHighland Senior Citizens Network
‘Keeping Informed in Caithness’
Thursday 12th October
Norseman Hotel, Wick
10.15 a.m. – 4 p.m.
10.15 – 10.30Registration / tea and coffee
10.30 – 10.45Housekeeping
Update from Age Scotland & Highland Senior Citizens Network
10.45 – 11.15What’s New with you
Come along and let us know your news
Comfort Break
11.20 – 12.15What’s New?
- Age Scotland Veterans Project
- NHS Redesign in Caithness
- Care at Home Service Update
- Caithness Community Partnership
12.15 -12.45Round Table Discussion
Opportunity to speak to the speakers about their projects
12.45 – 1.30Lunch
1.30 – 2.30Age Scotland’s Money Matter Project
Planning for and managing financial changes
2.30 – 3.00Access to Leisure and to the Outdoors
Comfort Break
3.10 – 4.00Consultation on Free Bus Travel
Consultation on Free Bus Travel
The Scottish Government has announced a consultation on Free Bus Travel for Older and Disabled People and Modern Apprentices. Ministers have said they are committed to continuing to provide free bus travel for those who need it the most, and want to look at options to ensure the longer-term sustainability of the scheme so that free bus travel can continue to benefit those who have the greatest need.
The Scottish Government has also said it is aware of the particular challenges facing younger people and will be asking for views on our proposal to provide free bus travel to Modern Apprentices and companion travel for eligible disabled children under five who are not currently covered by the Scheme. The Scottish Government has made clear that if you already have a bus pass, or obtain one before any changes are made, you will not lose it.
However, the consultation opens up the potential for an increase in the age at which people become entitled to the pass, increasing from the current age of 60. This is a key policy for older people and so we believe it is vital that we get the views of as many older people as possible before we respond to the consultation. We also want to highlight key associated issues, for example access to concessionary travel, implications for community transport, and are keen to hear your opinions.