Public Hearings

(ACT Budget Estimates: 17 June – 4 July 2016)

Inquiry into Appropriation Bill 2016-2017 and

The Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2016-2017

The ACT Legislative Assembly’s Select Committee on Estimates 2016-17will be holding public hearings for the Inquiry into the Appropriation Bill 2016-2017 and the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2016-2017 from Friday 17 June to Monday 4 July 2016, inclusive.

The eleven-day hearing program will commence with community and industry groups in addition to the ACT Electoral Commissioner. On following days, ACT Government Ministers and statutory officers are scheduled to appear before the Committee. Monday4 July is set aside for the recall of Ministers as required.

The public hearings schedule can be accessed here:

The 2016-2017 Budget Papers can be found under the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate’s Budget webpage at:

Hearings will be held in Committee Room 1, Ground Floor, in the Legislative Assembly building in Civic Square, on London Circuit, in Canberra City. Members of the public are welcome to observe the public hearings from the public gallery of Committee Room 1.

It is also possible to watch the proceedings live via the Assembly’s web-streaming, and if you miss the proceedings of this Committee or any other, you may also access audio-visual recordings of them via the Assembly’s Committees on Demand portal at: The recording of a hearing is usually available some hours after the hearing.

The Hansard transcripts of the hearings will be accessible via the Inquiry or Hansard webpage a few days after the relevant hearing at:

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Further information:

Committee Chair, Mr Brendan Smyth MLA on 02 6205 0099

Committee Secretary, Ms Kate Harkins on 02 6205 50435 or

Committee Support Office: 02 620 50127

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