Personal and Professional Resume (CV)



Name: Ali Hassanli Birth day: 22 March 1958 Visa status: Permanent resident

Res. address: 447 Wright Rd., Valley View, 5093 SA T: 0061870730222, 0420820672

Academic field and research area:

  • Water Engineering, Salinity and Environmental Management, Water Resource Management in Arid Zones, Recycled Water Reuse for Sustainability, Soil and Water Development

Academic Position: Associate Professor


  • BSc: Shiraz University, Water Engineering Dept. (1983)
  • Post Gradate Diploma: IHE-UNESCO (International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, The Netherlands), Hydraulic Engineering(1987)
  • MSc: Adelaide University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1992) (upgraded to PhD program)
  • PhD: Adelaide University, Water and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1996)


  • Associate Professor of Shiraz University, Iran
  • Adjunct Assicate Professorof University of South Australia, School of Natural and Built Environments(NBE), and CWMR.
  • Lecturer and postgraduate student supervisor at Shiraz University and UniSA

Scientific Memberships:

  • Member of IWA (International Water Association)
  • Member of DesertNet International
  • Member of NCID (National committee on Irrigation and Drainage)
  • Member of Iranian Watershed Society.
  • Member of Iranian Soil Sciences Society
  • Scientific member of Centre for Environmental and Sustainability of Shiraz University
  • Member of Drought and Water Management Centre of Fars Province(passed)
  • Member of Natural Resource and Environmental Committee of Fars province(passed)
  • Member of qualification assessment of engineers who apply for area of Agriculture and Natural Science in Farcs province (passed)
  • Funder and previous director of Green Development Society (NGO)
  • Member of board of Judiciary Experts Centre (passed)

Editorial board of journals:

Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, EJFA

International journal of current research, IJCR

Journal of Experimental Sciences, JES


  • Scholarship for PGD (1987)
  • Scholarship for MSc and PhD (1990-1996)
  • Scholarship by UNESCO for workshops in India (2002)
  • Distinguish researcher at the dept. of desert region management Shiraz University(2008)
  • Sabbatical leave study at UniSA for one year (2007)


  • Books: Four published books, one under review,one chapter of a book
  • Journal Papers: 42 peer review journal papers
  • Conference papers: 34national and international conference papers

Recent course taught:

  • Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies forWater and Environment Management , (CIVE5074),This new course was develoed for UniSA in 2010 and is currently delivered at UniSA
  • Sustainable Irrigation Management (CIVE 5075)

This new course was also develoed for UniSA in 2009 and is currently deliverd at UniSA

  • Environmental Engineering (ENGG 1003), (UniSA, shared lecturing)
  • Water Resource and Society (CIVE 5062 ), (UniSA, shared lecturing)
  • Sustainable Engineering Practice (ENGG 1003), (UniSA, shared lecturing)
  • Water Resource Management (Shiraz University)
  • The fundematal knowledge in Environment (Shiraz University).
  • Soil and Water in Arid zones (Shiraz University)
  • Irrigation systems inArid zones (Shiraz University)
  • Hydrology in arid zones (Shiraz University)
  • Applied Hydrology (Shiraz University)


  • 30 yearsnational and international experience in academic institutions,water and agricultural industries (from 1982)
  • Long field experience in various water and environmental projects involving with research, monitoring, design, inspection and evaluation (1982-1991)
  • Several years experience in lecturing, research and supervising graduate and postgraduate students at Shiraz university (1996-2006 and 2010-2013)
  • Visiting professor at UniSA (2007)
  • Senior research fellow at UniSA (2008-2010)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor at UniSA (2010 –ongoing)


  • Head of Dept. of DRM in School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran(2001-2005),
  • Head of Dept. of Irrigation Technology in School of Agriculture and Natural Resource Iran (1999-2001),
  • Head of School of Agriculture and Natural Resource in Darab, Iran (1998-2001).
  • Director of Jihad-e-Farse water committee in Iran (1982-1986),
  • Many minor responsibilities in the University of Shiraz (between 1996 and 2006).


(Books, Journal papers, conference papers, research projects, postgraduate students, seminars)


1. Hassanli, A.M. (2001).Various Methods for Water Measurements (Hydrometer). ShirazUniversityPublicationCenter, No. 307, 266p.

2. Hassanli, A.M. and Ghaemi, A.A. (2004),Pressure Irrigation Systems: Design and Operation. Research and Training Centre, Ministry of Jehade- Agriculture, 327p. (Translated from English to Farsi).

3. Hassanli, A.M., Kazemi, F. (2012). An Investigation into the Tolerance and Sensitivity of the Adelaide Parklands’ Landscape Plants to the Glenelg Recycled Wastewater. University of South Australia, Division of IT, Engineering and the Environment, 65p.

4. Hassanli, A. M. (2012). Climate Change Impacts on Water and Environment (adaptation sterategies), Published by Jihde Daneshgahi Mashahd, Iran, 208p

5. Hassanli, A. M. and Kalantary, E. (2013). Reuse of Recycled Wastewater for Sustainability:Opportunities and Environmental Challenges (in press)

Chapter of book:

5. Hassanli, A M. and Beecham, S. (2010). Criteria for Optimizing Check Dam Location and Maintenance Requirements. Chapter 2 in Garcia, C. C. and Lenzi, M. A. (ed), 'Check Dams, Morphological Adjustments and Erosion Control in Torrential Streams', Nova Science Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-60876-146-3, pp11-32.

Journal Papers

Hassanli, A.M. and Pezzanitti, D. (2013). Water Management Assessment in a Subsurface Drip Irrigated Processing Tomato Field in South Australia. Water Journal, Australian Water Association.Vol.40. No.4, pp92-97

Nouri, H., Beecham,S. Hassanli, A. and Ingleton,G. (2013). Varibility of Drinage and Solute Leaching in Heteregionous Urban Vegetation Environment, J. of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS),Vol.10,No.3, pp3897-3925

Alaghmand, S., Beecham, S. and Hassanli, A. (2013), A Review of the Numerical Modelling of Salt Mobilization from Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions, Water Resources, Springer, 40(3), pp325-339

Nouri, H., Beecham, S., Kazemi, F. and Hassanli, A. (2013), Water Requirements of Urban Landscape Plants: A Comparison of Three Factor-based Approaches, Journal of Ecological Engineering, Elsevier, 57, pp276-284

Nouri, H., Beecham, S., Kazemi, F., Hassanli, A. and Anderson, S. (2013), Remote Sensing Techniques for Predicting Evapotranspiration from Mixed Vegetated Surfaces, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, European Geosciences Union, Vol.10,No.3, pp3897-3925

Enjavi, E., Taghvaei, M., Sadeghi, H. and Hassanli,A. (2013). J. of Reasech of Rangelands and Desert of Iran, accepted for summer 1394, Vol.22, No.2

Hassanli, A.M. Pezzaniti, D. and Cupe, J. (2012). In Situ Verification Technologies of Flow Meters for Sustainable Water Management. J. of Irrigation and Drainage,Vol.61,No.4, pp520-526.

Nouri, H., Beecham, S. Kazemi, F. and Hassanli, A. (2012), A Review of ET Measurement Techniques for Estimating the Water Requirements of Urban Landscape Vegetation, Urban Water, Taylor and Francis, Vol.10, No.4. pp247-259

Tabatabae, B., Ashrafizadeh, F. and Hassanli,A.M. (2011).Influence of reverted austenite on the structure and mechanical properties of CA6NM castings.ISIJ International, Vol. 51,No.3,pp471–475.

Hassanli, A. M., Ahmadirad, Sh. and Beecham, S.,(2010). Evaluation of the Influence of Irrigation Methods and Water Quality on Sugar Beet Yield and Water Use Efficiency.Agric. Water Manage. Vol. 97:357-396.

Hassanli, A. M., Ebrahimizadeh, M. A. and Beecham, S.,(2009). The Effects of Irrigation Methods with Effluent and Irrigation Scheduling on Water Use Efficiency and Corn Yields in an Arid Region, Agric. Water Manage., Vol. 96,No.1, pp93– 99.

Hassanli, A.M., Esmaeli, N. A. and Beecham, S.(2009) .Evaluation of the effect of porous check dam location on fine sediment retention (a case study), J. of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , Vol.152,pp319-326

Esfandiary, S.,Hassanli, A.M., Farshadfar, M. and Safari, H.(2009). Comparing Five Medic Species for Yield and Physiologic Trials in Rainfed Conditions at Kermanshah Privince, Iranian Journal of Rangelends and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research, Vol. 16. No.2:285-294.

Puyandeh,B.T Soufi, M. and Hassanali,A.M. (2010). Evaluation the effective parameters on flooding in Shiraz Khosk river basin. The Journal of Water Management, No.2:77-95

Saadat,Y.A., Mortazavi,M. and Hassanli,A.M. (2009). Utilization of Sewage Effluent for Irrigation of Tree Spicies. World Applied Sciences Journal 7(10):1239-1245.

Solimani, H.and Hassanli, A.M.(2009).Estimation of final price,water use efficiencyand water added value for the main yields in dry region of Darab.The Iranian Journal of Agricultural knowledge. Vol.5.,No.1:45-60.

Esmaeili, N.A., Soufi, M. and Hassanli, A. M. (2008). Comparison of models for prediction of distance between check dams for plotting the distance-height-slope in Doroodzan basin. The Journal of Pasture and Watershed Management. Vol.62, No.3:341-351.

Esmaeili, N.A., Hassanli, A. M. and Soufi, M. (2008). A Study of the Influential Factors on the Slopes of Deposited Sediments Behind the Porous Check dams and Model Development for Prediction, of Desert, Vol. 12:113-119

Ebrahimizadeh, M.A., Hassanli, A.M. (2008). Investigation of Corn Root Development and its Effect on Water Saving in Different Irrigation Methods Using Effluent in Korbal Semi Arid

Plain, FarsProvince. J. Sci. & Tecnol. Agric.& Natur. Resour.,Vol.12, No.44:69-82

Hassanli, A.M., Javan, M. and Saadat, Y. (2008). Reuse of Municipal Effluent with Drip Irrigation and Evaluation the Effect on Soil Properties in a Semi Arid Area. J. of Environmental Monitoring and Assessement. Vol.(144):151-158, DOI 10.1007/s 10661-007-9953-2.

Hassanli, A.M., Ahmadirad, Sh., Maftoon, M. and Masoudi, M. (2007). The Effect of Municipal Effluent Using Pressure and Surface Irrigation Methods on Selected Soil Chemical Properties in an Arid Region, J. of Agrochimica, Vol.51(6):329-337.

Sepehr, A., Hassanli, A.M., Ekhtesasi, M.R. and Jamli, J.B. (2007). Quantitative Assessment of Desertification in South of Iran Using Medalus Method. J. of Environmental, Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 134(1-3):243-254, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-9613-6.

Esmali, A.N. and Hassanli, A.M. (2006). The Effect of Checkdam Location on Fine Sediment Retention and Distribution of Particle Sizes of Sediments. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natura Resources, Vol. 11, No.1.

Hassanli, A.M. and Sepaskha, A.R. (2006). Salt Accumulation, Water use Efficiency and Corn Yield in Different micro and Furrow Irrigation Systems in the Arid Zone,J. of Annals of Arid Zone,

Hassanli, A.M. (2006), Evaluation different parameters affecting water price and economic value of water in production of citrus by drip irrigation systems(a case study), J. of Agricultural Engineering Research, No 27.

Hassanli, A.M. (2005). Sustainability Assessment and Land Use Priority in an Arid Region: A Case Study, J. of Annals of Arid Zone, 44(1):1-7.

Hssanli. A.M. and Javan, M. (2005), Evaluation of municipal eflluent quality as an approperate alternative for green space development and mitigating the environment effects, Tehran University, J. of Environment, No.38.( in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. and Dandy, G.C. (2005), Optimal Layout and Hydraulic Design of Branched Networks Using Genetic Algorithms. J. of Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol.21, No.1, pp55-64.

Sepehr, A. and Hassanli, A.M. (2005), Holding Back the Tide. With the Desert Encroaching on ProductiveLand at Alarming Rate, the Need for Information to Underpin Effective Contermeasures is a Top Priority.GEOconnexion. International Magazine, (6), 26-28.

Rashidfar, M., Hassanli, A.M and Soufi, M. (2004), Nutrients and organic mater losses in different plant coverage in arid and semi-arid regions by runoff and surface erosion. J. of Desert, Vol. 9, No.1. (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. (2003).Green space development in arid and semi-arid regions using unconventional waters: methods for combating droughts. Combating agricultural droughts, Vol.2. (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. (2001) A glance to drip irrigation systems in providing citrus water requirements in arid and semi-arid regions, J. of agricultural and Natural Sciences, GorganUniversity, Vol.9, No.2. (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. and Sepaskhah, A.R. (2000). Drip irrigation evaluation: A case study Citrus gardens of Darab.J. of Agriculture and Natural Science. Science and Technology. IndustrialUniversity of Esfahan, Vol.4, No.2, (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. (2000).Clogging in drip irrigation systems and methods for control (a case study).J. of Agricultural Science, TabrizUniversity, Vol. 10, No.3, (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. and Dandy, G.C. (2000).Application of Genetic Algorithms in Optimization of Pressure Irrigation Systems.Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B, ShirazUniversity, Vol. 24, No.1, pp 63-76.

Hassanli, A.M. (1997).Disposal Bolivar wastewater through land based disposal and reuse in South Australia. (Translation to Persian), Journal of water and development, No.16, 5th year. (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. (1997), Soil as a water saving source for regulating optimum irrigation water, Barzegar Magazine, No. 743-744. (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.M. (1997). Reuse of sewage effluents for sustainability.Journal of Economic, Agriculture and Development, No.17.5th year. (in Persian).

Hassanli, A.H. (1996), Modeling and Optimization of Pressure Irrigation Systems, Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Ph.D., the University of Adelaide, 380p.

Dandy. G.C. and Hassanli, A.M. (1996).Optimum Design and Operation of Multiple Subunit Drip Irrigation Systems, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. Vol.122, No.5, September/October, pp265-272.

Hassanli, A.M. and Dandy, G.C. (1996).Optimal Design and Operation of Drip Irrigation Systems on SlopingLands, Iranian Journal of Water Resource Engineering, Vol.4, No.1, pp14-39.

Hassanli, A.M. and Dandy. G.C. (1995), An Optimization Model for Design of Multiple Sub-unit Pressure Irrigation Systems.Research Report No. 130, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 61p.

Hassanli, A.M. and Dandy, G.C. (1994). Optimum Layout of Pressure Irrigation Systems using Genetic Algorithms.Research Report No.123. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 44p.

Hassanli, A.M. and Dandy, G.C. (1993).Optimum Design of Drip/Trickle Irrigation Systems on Flat Terrain, Research Report No. 110. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 67p.

Theinm, A. Haruna, A.Z., and Hassanli, A.H. (1987).Swbue Irrigation Project, (A group work project), International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands.

Conference Presentation Papers

Hassanli, A.M. (2013).Recycled Wastewater for Parkland Plant Irrigation and Sustainability Measures. The 14th National Tree Street Symposiumc 2013 Proceedings, pp34-39. Adelaide Australaia, 5-6 September

Sina, A., Beecham.S. and Hassanli, A.M. (2013). Impact of vegetation cover on surface-groundwater flow and solute interception in a semi arid saline flood palin: A case study of the lowe Murray River, Australia. 8th internation conference on water resources management, , Portugal. 26-29 June, pp1002-1112

Abedinejad, J. and Hassanli, A.M. (2013). Simulation of soil salinity with Hydrus 1D model and compare with soil water salinity extracted by ceramic cups sampler. The First Conference on Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. Tehran, 9 March 2013.

Kalantary, E. and Hassanli, A.M. (2013).Evaluation of land management in arid and semiarid regions irrigated with salination plant wastewaters using the bioligic reclamation methods. The First Conference on AchievingSustainability in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. Tehran, 9 March 2013.

Kaviani , S. and Hassanli, A. M. (2013). Optimisation of plant water requirements in arid and semiarid regions. The First Conference on Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. Tehran, 9 March 2013.

Kiani, R. and Hassanli, A.M. (2013). Evaluation of the effect of water volume on nitrate leaching and ground water pollutions in sugarcane lands in south of Ahvaz. The First Conference on Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. Tehran, 9 March 2013.

Parhami, F. and Hassanli, A.M. (2013). The methods of reducing water consumption in green spaces, an approaches towards sustainable development in arid and semiarid regions. The First Conference on Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. Tehran, 9 March 2013.

Moradi, S. Valiollahi, M. and Hassanli, A.M. (2013). Evaluation the amount of pollutants resulted from agricultural practices located upstream of Droodzan dam into the Kor rive. The First Conference on Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. Tehran, 9 March 2013.

Hassanli, A.M. and Kazemi, F. (2012).Tolerance and Sensitivity of the Adelaide Parklands’ Landscape Plants to the Glenelg Recycled Wastewater. 63rd ICID, 7th Regional Asian and Irrigation Australia 2012. 23-26 June, Adealide Austairla

Kiani, R., Hassanli, A. and Abedi nejad, J.(2012).Suction cup, a new instrument for salt and environmental pollution monitoring. The First Conference on Desert, The Internationa Resaerch Center of Desert of Tehran University, 10-11 March, Tehran Iran

Abedi njad, J.,Hassanli. A. and Kiani ,R. (2012). Evaluation of Performance of Ceramic Soil Water Extractors (water and salt) in the full Satuarede Condition.The First Conference on Desert. The Internationa Resaerch Center of Desert of Tehran University, 10-11 March, Tehran Iran

Hassanli, A. M., Pezzaniti, D. and Montazeri, M. (2010). Tomato filed management with subsurface drip irrigation in an extreme dry year in South Australia. IRRIGATION AUSTRALIA2010. P 8-10-June, Sydney, Australia.

Hassanli, A.M. (2008). Effluent Reuse for Corn and Sugar beet Irrigation and the Effect on Yields and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency. IRRIGATION AUSTRALIA 2008, 20 -22 May, Melbourne.

Hassanli, A.M. Ebrahimzadeh, A. & Ahmadirad, Sh. (2008). The Effect of Soil Water and Rooting Depth Monitoring on Irrigation Water Conservation, IRRIGATION AUSTRALIA 2008, 20 -22 May, Melbourne.

Hassanli, A.M.,Ahmadirad, SH. & Pezzaniti, D.(2008). The Effect of Municipal Effluent with Different Irrigation Systems on Soil Salinity and Sodicity in an Arid Region, 2nd International salinity Forum, 31 March-3 April 2008, Adelaide, Australia

Hassanli, A.M. and Saleh, I. (2008). The Effect of Irrigation methods on Soil Salinity and Moisture Distribution in Soil Profile of a Heavy Textured Calcareous Soil in Arid Region. 2nd International salinity Forum, 31 March-3 April 2008, Adelaide, Australia.

Saadat,Y.A., Mortazavi Jahromi, M. and Hassanli, A.M. (2008). Using the recycled effluent for different tree species for urban parkland development. The third national conference on urban parklands and green space. 23-24 Feb. 2008, Kish Inland, Iran.

Hassanli, A.M. (2007). The Reasons of Flooding and the Solutions for Reduction the Effects. The first Conference on Management Crises of Urban Flooding, Shiraz, Iran, 16-17 October.

Hassanli, A.M., Javan, M. and Hassanli, N.(2006). Water Measurement Tools in Ancient Civilization of Iran. IWA 1st International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilization, pp531-534, Iraklio, Greece, 28-30 October.

Javan, M. , Hassanli, A.M. And Shahrokhnia, M.A.(2006). The Ancient Qanats of Iran, IWA 1st International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilization, pp531-534, Iraklio, Greece, 28-30 October.

Hassanli, A.M. and Saadat, Y.( 2005). The change of some soil chemical properties as a result of effluent reuse. The 9th Iranian conference on soil science and the 3rd national conference of erosion and sedimentation,16-19 September, Karaje-Iran,( in Persian).

Sepher, A. and Hassanli, A. M. (2005). Quantitative Assessment of Desertification Using GIS and Remote Sensing to Develop a Regional Model, Kuwait First International Remote Sensing Conference, 26-27 September Kuwait.

Hassanli, A.M. and Javan, M. (2005). Using Municipal Effluent through Trickle Irrigation in Plantation with Minimum Environmental Effects, Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability Conference, (WRRS2005) Nov. 8-11, Jeju, South Korea.

Sepehr, A., Hassanli, A.M. and Ekhtesasi, M.R. (2005). An Applied Model for Desertification Assessment (SHIYUMO) for Fidoye-Garmosht Plain as a Case Study. 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Management of Marginal Dry Lands (SUMAMAD).Jointly sponsored by Unison, UNU and Farse Agriculture research Center, 30 Nov. to 1 December. Fasa.

Rashidfar, M. Soufi, M. and Hassanli, A.M. (2004). Evaluation of different cultivations (wheat, corn, cotton and follow) on runoff and soil erosion in semi-arid region of Darab. Conference on watershed, soil and water resource management, 10-11 May, Kerman, Iran. (in Persian).