Brushton- Moira Panthers 1st
- DATE OF EVENT– Saturday, January 14, 2017
10:00 a.m.-School DoorsOpen (for all participating teams)
11:15 a.m.-Judges Meeting
11:30 a.m.-Coaches and Captains meeting (please be prompt); location TBA.
12:00 p.m.-Competition Start Time
- PRACTICE TIME– Each team will be given the main floor for approximately 5 minutes. You will sign up for a “practice time” when you arrive. Please sign up in the Lobby (located next to the Main gym).
- ROUTINES– Last for a total of two and half (2½) minutes. Music can be utilized for a maximum of 1½ minutes of the 2½ minutes total. Your routine can consist of cheers, chants, gymnastics, stunts, pyramids, and dance. A 10 point deduction will be assessed for going over the time limit!
- SPOTTING– In accordance withNational Federation Spirit Rules – is MANDATORY. Spotting is required from the shoulders up. In addition, spotters are required for the “torch”and “extensions”. A 10 point deduction will be assessed for no spotting!
- RULES AND REGULATIONS– ALL rules and regulations are followed in accordance with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) and the National Federation Spirit Rule Book.
- DIVISIONS –Pursuant to NYSPHSAA regulations, teams are divided into three (3) Varsity Divisions which are determined by the number of members, or if you have a male participant, on your squad. Please indicate/denote your school’s Division on the attached “Registration/Entry Form”.
- MUSIC– BMC will provide the sound system. Each school is responsible for their own CD/Music Device. CDs/Music Devices should be clearly marked according to school. We strongly encourage and highly recommend you have a second (“back-up”) cd/music device. We also suggest you have someone on-hand, at the sound system area, when it’s time for your music to be played.
- VIDEO TAPES – The competition will be videotaped. Purchase price information will be forthcoming. BMC FFA
- AWARDS – Trophies will be awarded to the top three (3) finishers in each Division (Varsity Small, Varsity Big,Co-Ed, and JV). Individual trophies will be given to all first place winners. “Special Awards” will also be presented.
- CONCESSION STAND– Will be manned/operated throughout the day.
- T-SHIRTS – Commemorative t-shirts will be available: $15.00 (S, M,L,XL) and $17.00 (XXL,XXXL). Sweat pants will be available for $20.00.
- ADMISSION – Adults – $5.00; Students- $1.00, Children under 5– No charge.
- MONIES – All profits from the door will be submitted to the BMCSD Business Office to finance the BMC Cheerleading Program.
- Concession- All profits will benefit the Class of 2017 Students Traveling on the senior trip.
- T-Shirts/Sweat Pants, and Videos- All profits will benefit the Brushton- Moira Central Future Farmers of America.