Brushton- Moira Panthers 1st



  1. DATE OF EVENT– Saturday, January 14, 2017

10:00 a.m.-School DoorsOpen (for all participating teams)

11:15 a.m.-Judges Meeting

11:30 a.m.-Coaches and Captains meeting (please be prompt); location TBA.

12:00 p.m.-Competition Start Time

  1. PRACTICE TIME– Each team will be given the main floor for approximately 5 minutes. You will sign up for a “practice time” when you arrive. Please sign up in the Lobby (located next to the Main gym).
  1. ROUTINES– Last for a total of two and half (2½) minutes. Music can be utilized for a maximum of 1½ minutes of the 2½ minutes total. Your routine can consist of cheers, chants, gymnastics, stunts, pyramids, and dance. A 10 point deduction will be assessed for going over the time limit!
  1. SPOTTING– In accordance withNational Federation Spirit Rules – is MANDATORY. Spotting is required from the shoulders up. In addition, spotters are required for the “torch”and “extensions”. A 10 point deduction will be assessed for no spotting!
  1. RULES AND REGULATIONS– ALL rules and regulations are followed in accordance with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) and the National Federation Spirit Rule Book.
  1. DIVISIONS –Pursuant to NYSPHSAA regulations, teams are divided into three (3) Varsity Divisions which are determined by the number of members, or if you have a male participant, on your squad. Please indicate/denote your school’s Division on the attached “Registration/Entry Form”.
  1. MUSIC– BMC will provide the sound system. Each school is responsible for their own CD/Music Device. CDs/Music Devices should be clearly marked according to school. We strongly encourage and highly recommend you have a second (“back-up”) cd/music device. We also suggest you have someone on-hand, at the sound system area, when it’s time for your music to be played.
  1. VIDEO TAPES – The competition will be videotaped. Purchase price information will be forthcoming. BMC FFA
  1. AWARDS – Trophies will be awarded to the top three (3) finishers in each Division (Varsity Small, Varsity Big,Co-Ed, and JV). Individual trophies will be given to all first place winners. “Special Awards” will also be presented.
  1. CONCESSION STAND– Will be manned/operated throughout the day.
  1. T-SHIRTS – Commemorative t-shirts will be available: $15.00 (S, M,L,XL) and $17.00 (XXL,XXXL). Sweat pants will be available for $20.00.
  1. ADMISSION – Adults – $5.00; Students- $1.00, Children under 5– No charge.
  1. MONIES – All profits from the door will be submitted to the BMCSD Business Office to finance the BMC Cheerleading Program.
  • Concession- All profits will benefit the Class of 2017 Students Traveling on the senior trip.
  • T-Shirts/Sweat Pants, and Videos- All profits will benefit the Brushton- Moira Central Future Farmers of America.