Record of Proceedings
Regular Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, June 25, 2013, 6:00pm
The Ranch House Meeting Room
A regular meeting of the Executive Board Members of the River Valley Ranch Master Association, in the county of Garfield, State of Colorado was held on Wednesday,June 25, 2014 at 444 River Valley Ranch Drive, Carbondale, Colorado 81623 with the following people present:
Executive Board of DirectorsJim Noyes, President
Lani Kitching, Vice-President
Jack Gausnell, Secretary
Bob Schoofs, Treasurer
Peter Frey, Director-at-Large
Bill Grant, Director-at-Large
Todd Richmond, Director-at-Large / Management Representatives
Ian Hause, Executive Director
Pamela Britton, Recorder
Homeowner Attendees
Call to Order
RVR Executive Board President, Jim Noyes called the meeting to order at6:00 pm.A quorum was established.
Approval of AgendaDirectorsKitching andSchoofsmovedand secondedto approve the agenda. The motionpassed unanimously.
Consent AgendaDirectors KitchingandSchoofs movedand secondedthe adoption of the meeting’s consent agenda andto approve the Board Meeting minutes of April23,2014. The motionpassed unanimously.
Public CommentJim acknowledged that this is the last official Board meeting for Bill Grant and expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board and the community. In honor of Bill’s service, Jim presented Bill a bottle of fine wine.
Announcements- RVaRT – Artist for the Month of April/May/June is Barbara Courtney
- Triangle Park Hard Court resurfacing is completed!
- 1st Annual ‘Way Past the Last’ River Valley Ranch Wild, Wild West Hoedown – Friday, June 20th , 5:30 – 8:00pm
- Margarita Mixer Tennis Round Robin – Friday June 20th, 5:00 – 7:00pm
- 17th Annual RVR Tennis Classic - Friday, June 27th – Sunday, June 29th
- RVR Tennis Classic Player Party – Saturday, June 28th, courtside at the Ranch House. Open to RVR residents, $20 per person for dinner and featured tennis matches
- Artisan Village at the RVR Tennis Classic – Saturday, June 28th. Variety of foods and crafts, courtside and poolside.
- 4th Annual RVR Fourth of July Jubilee – Friday, July 5th
- Fishing Derby – Saturday, July 12th, 7:00am – 10:100am
- Annual Community Gathering – Wednesday, July 30th, 7:00pm
Committee Reports
There were no comments on the DRC Committee Reports
Executive Director’s ReportGeneral Update–The organization is operating within the Board adopted, Member ratified 2014 Operations and Reserve Budget. Period and to-date financials are included in the Board packet.
The 2014 Executive Board Election has been cancelled as the number of candidates did not exceed the number of Board seats up for election. Long tenured Board Member Bill Grant will not be running for re-election this time around. The Staff would like to express its gratitude for Bill’s great service to the RVRMA. The new and returning Board Members, Yvonne Perry and Todd Richmond respectively, will begin their three-year terms at the July Board meeting.
Summer Camp is fully staffed and operational.
The Tennis Program is fully staffed and operational. Assistant Pro David Cook commenced services on June 1st
All pools and spas are fully operational. The new Fun-brella has been installed. All flower beds have been planted.
There are numerous major events and functions at RVR commencing with the Hoe Down on Friday, June 20 and finishing on Saturday July 12th with the Fishing Derby at the Crystal Bridge Pond. Please see the announcements, Weekly News or the Website for detailed information.
The USTA Event is June 28-29 and the Jubilee is to be held on July 5th.
Construction activity remains robust with 12 homes currently in the design or construction process.
The RVRMA, in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity, recommenced Third Thursdays with Habitat on Thursday, June 18th.
The Community Garage Sale was held on Saturday, June 7th. Ads were placed in local papers and the function was hosted by RVRMA Staff. Maps, coffee and donuts were offered at the Ranch House that morning. Balloons and signage were placed at both entries and at the Ranch House. We had 37 homes in the Sale, the most in recent memory. Early morning traffic was down from previous years and not as many maps were handed out as in years past. Staff believes this is directly related to the Hwy 133 construction. Regardless, only on Sale participant reported low traffic and many reported good attendance.
Director of Administration and Finance, Suzie Matthews, will be on vacation beginning June 23rd and will be returning on July 1st.
Executive Director, Ian Hause, will be on vacation beginning November 3rd and returning on November 15th.
RVR Irrigation H20 – RVR Irrigation H2O is operating per plan and budget to date. Monthly payments as per the mutually agreed upon budget, less the 2013 credit, are being made to golf. Our to date water usage is consistent with years past
Seasonal irrigation crews are fully staffed. All systems are fully operational.
We have identified an area that has potential for leakage along North Bridge Drive. Pond 11 will be partially filled and then the remainder will be lined. We have delayed the project until the home across the street excavates and we may be provided free fill material.
RVRMA Crews have commenced replacing old 4 inch pop ups with new 6 inch pop ups as per the 2014 Cap Expense Budget
The Reimbursement Assessment, issued to beneficial end-users of the raw water irrigation system only, is exactly the same it has been for the last two years. The Reimbursement Assessment was issued on May 1st. Collections to date are at 90 percent while the RA is not due until May 31st.
Member Services, Hospitality, Media and Public Relations –Local oil and acrylic painter, Barbara Courtney is the featured artist for May and June. Photographer George Hendrix will be the artist for July, August and September. George has provided numerous images for the RVRMA website.
The Ranch House is fully staffed for Summer Camp 2014. Staff training is on-going but has recently included basic First Aid, AED, Heimlich, and CPR. We have also performed a building safety walk-thru with the CRFPD regarding access ways, pull stations, evacuation protocol and procedures. Fire Extinguisher training was also included.
The First Annual, Way Past the Last, River Valley Ranch Wild West Hoe Down will be held on June 20th at the Ranch House from 530 to 8pm. The Hoe Down will feature local artists The Defiance String Band and a Caller. As of the RSVP deadline on June 16th, 125 Members and Guests had signed up. Pool and Tennis programming will remain the same during the Hoe Down. However, the water slide and water fall will be closed.
The Triangle Park tennis courts re-surfacing commenced the week of June 9th. The capital project was completed on Saturday, June 14th. The courts re-opened on Sunday, June 15th, one day ahead of schedule.
RVR Tennis Memberships sales have exceeded budget.
Finnbar’s is open for lunch and dinner with very positive reports from all.
Operational Refinement – The Ranch House and Pool Deck are now open until 9 pm due to greater daylight hours. The Ranch House now also opens one hour earlier on Saturdays and Sundays at 8 am. These hours will remain in effect at least until August 15th.
Water aerobics has been rescheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 am as we now have warmer daytime temperatures. The class has been well-attended to date.
The Cardio and Strength Room has had the RVR Logo installed in anodized aluminum.
The new 20 foot diameter “FunBrella” shade structure is installed.
All five Adopt-o-benches have been assembled and are installed. We would like to thank all those which have participated in this great program.
Sun Protection stations have been place at three locations in the pool/tennis area. One-gallon jugs are located at the Juice Bar service window, at tennis court 1 and between tennis courts 3 and 4. The s.p.f. 30 sunscreen is complimentary.
We have installed a new 5X5 foot, 5000 lb. rock between the lap and wading pool. This is an attractive sitting and shade rock.
We have switched laundry soaps for comparison purposes with cost savings, quality of fabric and towel durability in mind. We will monitor the new system thru the summer and make a decision at that time which vendor to use.
Social Media (Website, Weekly News, Surveys, Facebook) – The website continues to be updated. A full on summer image loop is currently on the home page slideshow. This is refreshed at least twice each month. The directory is being populated and invoiced.
Technical - Ranch House Mechanical – The utility charts and notes are included in the Board packet. All systems are functioning as anticipated. We did have two months, April and May where our billing reflected a peak day demand escalator. Staff is trying to determine how we may adjust the opening operation to avoid the escalator. We have commenced by placing portions of the building in and earlier “occupied” mode to see if that alleviates the demand actor.
We had a failure of both the large boilers and one large air handler on Saturday, June 14th. We were notified in real time by the system and repairs were made without an interruption of service.
Utility costs are within budget to date despite the referenced irregularities and higher unit costs for kwh and therms than budgeted.
Ranch House Pool- All pool systems are functioning properly.
We have ordered a new lap pool cover due to the fact the existing one has completely failed. We had budgeted $1000 for repairs of the existing but vendors have confirmed that is not possible. With our whole sale account we were able to find a new cover for $2700. Local vendors priced the same cover at $4500.
We have procured left over stone, free of charge, from a residential project to complete the bordering between the pool deck and the remaining or new flower beds.
All walks and decks have been patched and sealed.
Ranch House Building – We have grouted the wall/floor interface on all showers. All 2014 planned improvements are complete. The building will need to be considered for re-staining as part of the 2015 Capital Expense Budget.
Irrigation System O&M – All systems are being operated as planned and within budget. Our seasonal crew is fully staffed.
Site work and Landscape
Turf Grass – Four Seasons is under full mow and blow operations. We have spot sprayed for broadleaf species in all parks and right-of-ways.
RVRMA Crews have completed repairing damaged sod areas where snow removal ops peeled it up. We are taking before and after images and tracking the costs in the event we negotiate this effort for additional town services in the future.
RVRMA Crews are mowing the Hwy 133 right-of-way adjacent to RVR.
Trees – Aspen Tree Service Crews have completed all pruning for this year. Due to our pruning program implemented in 2011, the RVR Community forest faired very well in the late spring snow storm that cause great damage to trees elsewhere in Town.
We have recently identified scale and borer on the Ranch House Aspen Trees and have treated accordingly. Additionally, we noticed the arrival of a South Western Pine Tip Moth in our conifers along Hwy 133, they have since been treated.
We have completed planting 7 Aspen Trees at the north entry to get age variation and maintain the Aspen/Spruce look at this primary location. There were 5 dead or diseased Aspen Tree removals approved by the Town in this location as well which has also been completed. We have also completed replacing an Ash tree which was hit by a car last winter with an Oak tree along Crystal Bridge Drive just west of the stoplight. This tree was paid for as mitigation of a residential construction tree removal and was not an expense to the RVRMA.
RVRMA Crews are providing seasonal maintenance to all trees in the Community Forest. This work includes killing weeds in the tree wells, re-mulching the tree wells, minor pruning and sucker removal.
All deer fencing has been removed or stored.
Flowers – 2014 Annuals were placed at the north entry, the Ranch House and Pool Deck the week of June 2nd. Flower bed dead-heading and weeding occurs each week on Thursdays.
Noxious Weeds –The opt-out period concluded on May 22nd at 5 p.m. Weed control services are underway.
Beautification and Mitigation – Two new benches have been installed at the Crystal Bridge Pond, 1 at the North Bridge Bike Path, I behind the second greed and one at the south end of RVR at Perry Ridge. These benches were funded by 5 Owners thru the Adopt-o-Bench program. We are very appreciative of the participation.
RVRMA Crews are currently provided broad leaf and weed control on all primitive paths in RVRMA Open Space. They are providing a mow strip where all native grass ROW or Open Space abut streets or walks.
Infrastructure – The TOC has completed crack sealing on the upper loop including Crystal Bridge Drive to Crystal Canyon and Crystal Canyon to Perry Ridge. This is likely to be the only road work at RVR this year due to budget constraints. This work may be in anticipation of a potential chip seal overlay later in the summer subject to budget and higher priorities.
The round-a-bout construction at the intersection of Main Street and Hwy 133 is scheduled to begin the week of May 26th. Access will be interrupted at this intersection thru the late summer. Additionally, CDOT has accelerated placement of a traffic signal at the RVR Drive/Hwy 133 intersection. Utility boring is currently underway. RVRMA Staff will continue to monitor the work to insure protection of our assets and any repairs which may be needed as a result of the construction. The project is expected to be completed by September of this year.
We have placed CDOT Hwy 133 construction updates on the website and links to CDOT web portals for current construction updates. This information may be found in the Living at RVR section of the site. RVR Owners, Members and residents may directly sign up for updates by going to .
RVRMA Crews have completed annual re-painting of the Crystal Bridge Drive bridge abutments. The abutments are tagged each year and we paint over the graffiti each year.
Licensing and Registration – The Secretary of State and Division of Real Estate registrations are complete. The Sales Tax License is renewed. The Retail Food Service License is renewed. Our Liquor License is in effect for the next 12 months. The elevator has been inspected by the State. The Fire and Burg system has been tested and inspected by Apex. Director of Administration and Finance, Suzie Matthews is responsible for all licensing and registration.
Settlement and Old Town 2014 Paint Program –Full paint services are underway in both neighborhoods. The Settlement painting services contract is complete. The Old Town paint scope was increased this year to include porch lattice and trim repair and paint. The porch work is 100% complete and homes are underway. The Old Town paint contract completion date will be amended to September 15th.
Budget and Finance –Financials are included in the Board books.
Continuing Education for Staff – Pam Britton and Brenda Bamford will be taking the M-100 course online in the 3rd quarter of this year. Once completed, Ian, Suzie, Brenda and Pam will proceed towards State Licensing
Ian Hause, Suzie Matthews, Bob Schoofs and Jim Noyes completed the CAI Theft and Fraud Prevention Webinar on March 19th.
Pam Britton has completed delivery of certification and re-certification on the AED, CPR and Basic First Aid device for Staff. We have also completed additional training with the CRFPD regarding building evacuations and 911 protocols as well. As fire extinguisher training was also provided by the CRFPD.
Old Business- Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy – 30 community comment period update
Pam Britton reported that there have been no community comments on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy. The 30-day Comment period will end July 5th. Board voting on the resolution will take place at the July Executive Board Meeting
New BusinessThere was no new business to address.
Executive SessionThe Board retired to Executive Session at approximately 6:15.
AdjournThe Board returned from Executive Session at and it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:37.