Cedar Hill Girls Softball Association


As determined by the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association


A. Purpose

To foster, promote and perpetuate the game of softball. To act as

a governing body by adopting and enforcing uniform rules, regulations, procedures and methods of play.

B. Intent

It is the intent of the Association to promote sportsmanship, competition, fair play and fun.


A. General Member

Any adult that resides in the City of Cedar Hill interested in helping the CHGSA in any capacity that meets the approval of the Board of Directors is welcome as a general member.

B. Voting Member

A voting member must be a resident of Cedar Hill and a member in good standing. Resident requirement is grand-fathered for incumbent members currently serving as a Board Member. Voting privileges are suspended if the member is in arrears or indebted to the Association.

C. Non-Resident Member

Any child (and/or parents or guardians) from outside our jurisdiction desiring to play in CHGSA may be admitted by Board approval.

D. Member Team (Competitive)

A member team shall be any team accepted into the CHGSA by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Member teams shall be in good standing with the Association. A member team may be removed from membership in the Association by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. The Cedar Hill Girls Softball Association does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or disability.


A. Number and Qualification

The government of the Association shall be vested completely in the Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) and the Board of Directors.

B. Election and Terms of Office

The Officers and Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting. Election will be by a majority vote of the voting members. Officers shall have a term of one year. Directors shall have a term of one year. All candidates must not be in arrears or indebted to the Association.

C. Vacancies

Any vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Officers and Directors for approval.

D. Removal from Office

Any Officer or Director may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Board. Unsportsman like behavior, jeopardizing the well-being of a child, failure to fulfill his/her responsibility as an Officer or Director, or circumvention of the by-laws or rules of the Association are grounds from removal. Any Officer or Director who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings (unless excused by a majority vote of the other Directors of the Association) shall have his/her position declared vacant.

E. Officers and Directors Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all Officers and Directors to uphold the by-laws and rules of the CHGSA. It is the responsibility of the Board to approve all non-resident members and member teams. Special committee assignments shall be appointed by the President. Standing committees shall be assigned through the election process at the annual meeting as follows.

Voting Members:

President (Registration and all aspects of the CHGSA).

Vice President (Scheduling)

Secretary (Publicity)

Treasurer (Finance)

Director of Coaches/Equip. - Commissioner (Oversees coaches/Equipment).

Fastpitch Director (Special Events, P.R., etc.)

Director of Concessions

Non-Voting Members:

U.I.C. (Umpire in Charge)

Tournament Director

A rules/complaints committee shall review any complaints or rules infractions submitted in writing within 72 hours of the alleged infraction. The rules/complaint committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

A Finance/Audit committee may be appointed by the President. The Finance/Audit committee can consist of two (2) non-voting members and the committee chairperson and/or outside firm. The Finance/Audit committee shall review the Association's financial records and report to the membership at the annual meeting. An Audit shall be completed per Cedar Hill Sports Guidelines.


A. PRESIDENT: The President of CHGSA shall chair all meetings of the Association. He/she will have the overall coordination of all activities of the Association during his or her term office. It will be his/her responsibility and if needed seek replacement for those unable to fulfill their responsibility. It will be an important function of the President to act as a liaison between the CHGSA and the city of Cedar Hill. The President or his appointee shall act as a liaison between the Association and the Cedar Hill All Sports Association and other groups or organizations as needed. Shall be ground advisor to the city of Cedar Hill.

B. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President will act as the assistant to the President of the CHGSA. He or she will chair any meeting that the President is unable to attend. His or her responsibility will be to aid the President in his or her duties and any committee assignments. The Vice President shall be responsible for scheduling fields for play and practice.

C. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of Secretary such as notifying Officers and Directors of meeting dates, places and times and any other duties which may be delegated. The Secretary will be responsible for contacting the newspaper for such meetings and events.

D. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall record all transactions from all accounts. It is his/her responsibility to maintain all financial statements, receipts, etc. He/she must provide the President a financial statement at least every quarter. He/she must provide the beginning statement and the year end statement to the Youth Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Dept.

E. DIRECTORS: A Board member of the CHGSA will be responsible for attendance at called meetings of the CHGSA. The position requires careful deliberation on all issues and consideration of the purpose of the Association. This position is extremely important to the CHGSA due to the approval/disapproval of all actions and expenditures. All Officers and Directors shall keep in mind that they have been elected to REPRESENT the voting members of the CHGSA. Directors shall be responsible for tournaments, uniforms, special events, equipment, and coaches as per position they are elected to as outlined in Article V. Section E.


A. The conduct of meetings shall be governed by ROBERTS RULE'S OF ORDER.

B. Annual Meetings: The annual meeting shall be in the end of the regular playing season meeting or trophy presentation.

C. Special meetings may be called by the President or three Officers/Directors as deemed necessary.

D. Any action requiring a majority vote shall need a majority of the quorum present at said meeting. Any action requiring a 3/5 vote shall need 3/5 of said quorum present at meeting.

E. Action without a meeting: Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting through unanimous written consent of the Board of Directors (herein so called) setting forth action so taken, if signed by all of the Directors. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote.

F. Order of Business:

1. Approve Minutes

2. Membership forum

3. Reports of Officers

4. Reports of committees

5. Unfinished business

6. New business

7. Adjourn


These by-laws may be amended at anytime by a 3/5 vote of the entire Board of Directors.


This Association is not for profit. Under no conditions shall any part of the funds or assets of the Association be paid as a salary or a compensation to any Board member, however, any Director may from time to time be reimbursed for his/her actual and reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the administration of the affairs of the Association. Such reimbursement shall appear in the Financial report quarterly and annually to be approved by the Board. All UIC, Tournament Directors, Concession help and Umpires are compensated for they are hired help. These are positions filled to help with league and tournament play.