DIRECTORATE: Children and Young People GRADE: JNC Chief Officer (ED)
Special Conditions
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check required
- Politically Restricted Post (PoRP Local Government and Housing Act 1989)
- Required to work outside of normal office hours
- Contribute to the effective corporate and strategic management of the Council in collaboration with the Corporate Management Team, Elected Members, external partner organisations, external parties and all other stakeholders to ensure that the Council’s vision and objectives are realised.
- Provide strategic leadership to develop and direct the services for which the post holder is responsible.
- Take professional responsibility and be accountable for the efficiency, effectiveness, availability and value for money of Children and Young People Services provided and commissioned by the Council.
- Provide clear leadership both within the Council and amongst partner agencies in providing a focus on Children’s Social Care
- Fulfil the statutory requirements required of the Director of Children and Young People Services
- Deliver the councils vision, policies and priorities ensuring that these are understood and implemented both corporately and at a service level
- Develop and implement strategies in collaboration with Elected Members and the Corporate Management Team that will transform the management and quality of the councils services and deliver significant improvements
- Lead key areas of corporate activity and to promote effective cross-directorate working so as to deliver integrated solutions that optimise the use of resources and continuous improvements
- Contribute to the corporate leadership of the council in a manner that builds ownership and commitment, and promote a strong performance culture that connects strategies to action, provides clear accountability and deliver results
- Contribute to effective corporate performance management
- To develop and promote strong partnerships with residents, other public sector organisations and agencies, education providers, local business and the voluntary and community sectors that provide joint solutions to the regeneration of the borough, the effective delivery of services and improve the quality of life for local people.
- Develop relationships with government departments, professional bodies and other organisations to represent and promote the councils interests and build its reputation. This will include ensuring required evaluation of performance is carried out, effective preparation and participation of the council and partners in national inspections of the authority and the subsequent preparation and implementation of any improvement plans.
- Through personal example, open commitment and clear action, value and celebrate the diversity of the boroughs communities, ensuring quality of access and treatment in employment service delivery and community involvement
- To ensure that health and safety is fully considered in policy development and resource planning and that health and safety strategies are monitored and reviewed across the directorate
- Devote sufficient time, as agreed with the Chief Executive, to lead on corporate priorities as agreed by the council
- Provide strategic leadership and a strong sense of purpose in the services for which the post holder is responsible
- Provide clear, balanced and accurate advice and guidance to members on the strategic issues facing the services for which the post holder is responsible
- Lead, develop and coordinate strategies that will transform the management and quality of services for which the post holder is responsible
- Ensure that the allocated services are provided to the highest possible standards within the resources available and that effective systems are developed for setting targets, managing performance, identifying and overcoming weaknesses and delivering sustained improvements
- Ensure the resources available to the service are planned, deployed and controlled effectively
- Ensure that conditions exist for staff to develop within a confident learning environment
- Lead and develop the Assistant Director and Heads of Service Managers. Ensure that they establish effective management arrangements, deliver their agreed targets, work in a corporate and collaborative manner, promote a strong customer focus, manage their budgets and develop their staff effectively
- Responsible for the councils functions in its capacity as a local education authority
- Responsible for the councils social services function insofar as they relate to children as well as the councils functions for children leaving care
- Responsible for promoting educational achievement of looked after children
- Responsible for all duties under the Children Act 2004 which include:
- The duty to establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board and to ensure the effectiveness of the board for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children within Walsall
- Prepare and publish a Children & Young Peoples Plan to set out the Council strategy for discharging functions in relation to children and Young People
- Act as a principal client for the Strategic Education Partnership. This will include developing and agreeing service and output specifications and standards, monitoring the performance of the Strategic Partner and reporting to the Council and the Board on service performance
- Provide a corporate overview of the Strategic Partnership and support the formulation of policies with the Strategic Partner in the context of the Councils overall strategic priorities