First Presbyterian Church of New Haven
Mission Committee Meeting

11 January 2009

Nancy Rupp opened the meeting with prayer at 12:20pm in the Senior High room.
Martha Smith, Nancy Rupp, Mary Hunt, Pat Wales, Ralph Jones, Nancy Woodington, Maria LaSala and Jim Whitney were present.

  • Rev. Karla Koll's January mission letter has been received and will beposted on the bulletin board.
  • The Rev's. Bronkema have written expressing thanks for our $200 one time contribution to their soup kitchenin Moscow.
  • Presbyterian Promise wrote to thank the committee for its $150 annual financial support.
  • Bread for the World wrote reporting good progress on the Farm Bill, which includes $1.8 billion in supplemental funding. Some 100,000 letters and 8,000 calls were sent to congress. They note that the incoming Obama administration has indicated support for the Millennium ChallengeGoals. They also note that despite these efforts, the number of hungry people in the world has increased from 850 to 925 million.

The Agenda was approved with modifications.

  1. Advocacy Update: Mary Hunt reported that this group has developed five issues for congregational response. They are seeking a method of easily and openly sharing concerns with the interested members of the congregation. Ken, Mary and Ralph will work on this technological issue. The five Social and Economic Justice issues are:
  2. Peace and human rights
  3. Poverty
  4. Climate change
  5. Government and institutional integrity
  6. International development
  7. Gaza: Ralph reported on his participation in the Synod of the Northeast Public Policy Advocacy Group teleconference and that the current war in Gaza was a major concern. Synod now has a resource page on its website. Go to then find "Public Policy Advocacy" > "PPAN Media Gallery" > "PPAN's Document Repository" > "Concern for Israel/Gaza January 2009" > "Gaza Israel Resources".
    It was VOTED to send the local balance from the Pentecost Offering (Concern for Children) to the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza via PC USA Extra Commitment Opportunities account E862371, the amount to be at least $100. [Note: My records show $370 available for local use, and $162 due to the Denomination.]
  8. The annual nationwide homeless count will be on January 28th. FPCNH is hosting the counters. Jim Whitney and Mary Hunt will coordinate the hosting. The building is to be open from 4:30 to 11 PM. We may run a bulletin announcement if Khelen Rhodes thinks more counters are needed. A training session will be held on 1/12 from 1-5pm at FPCNH.
  9. ANational Day of Service is suggested for Martin Luther King Day, January 19th. Pat Wales is organizing a clothing sorting effort at Columbus House that day. Five people have signed up. the work should be for about two hours, 9-11am. Wear warm clothing, as the space is minimally heated.
  10. We discussed the advisability of moving our meeting to Sunday after church, noting pluses and problems. Our next meeting will be February 8 after church to accommodate several people's schedules. Bring a brown bag lunch.
  11. We noted that Steve Jungkeit is in the midst of his dissertation and hasn't been able to attend meetings but would still like to be informed about our activities.
  12. We discussed the Stony Point Center conference on Converting your Church for Energy Conservation. There are some useful links in the announcement. The conference did happen as scheduled on 1/10, despite the weather. Wehope to have some follow-up information.
  13. Carbon Fast for Lent: Martha Smith is taking the lead on this, which will be introduced February 22nd, the Sunday before Lent begins and through an Inkling article.
  14. Pat Wales reported that the Alternative Gifts International market raised $3,459.00. It was VOTED to send a check in that amount to AGI along with the remittance form.
  15. Mission adult education speakers are scheduled:
  16. 18 January - Jonathan Bonk
  17. 25 January - Rev. Dr. John Christie Kumar and Mrs Pramila Rajakumari Pasumarthi, from India
  18. 1 February -Bertha Raminosoa,from Madagascar [Note that the Synod of the Northeast has a mission partnership with the churches in Madagascar.]
  19. 2 February - someone from OMSC
  20. 15 February - presentation by the just returned Egypt trip group.
  21. Joanne Anderson is busy making arrangements with OMSC speakers
  1. Budget disbursements: Nancy Rupp distributed a list of the mission committee 12/08 disbursements from the 2008 budget, for information. This will be posted to the committee's budget worksheet after comparison with the Treasurer's year end report.
    Nancy noted that 2008 income was less than anticipated and that she is on a subcommittee seeking cuts in 2009 expenditures.

Maria closed our meeting with prayer at 1:30 PM.
Prepared by Ralph Jones, with a few edits by Nancy Rupp
11 Jan 09