Governance and Assurance
London Ambulance Service
1st Floor
Matt Mansfield 220 Waterloo Road
By email to: London
6th January 2015 Telephone no: 020 7783 2730
Our Ref:2034
Your Ref:
Dear Mr Mansfield,
Further to your enquiry made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which we received on 9th December 2015, you requested the following information:
1) The number of ambulance crew employed, by role (e.g. Paramedic,
Technician, etc), per year, since 2005. This should include any
other roles/positions e.g. if you employ nurses, doctors, etc.
2) The number of ambulance crew operating within the area your
trust is responsible for, but employed by any other agency/private
contractor; by role (e.g. paramedic, etcetc) by year, since 2005,
split into short term temporary staff (e.g. covering for maternity
leave) and those working for an extended period
3) The number of ambulance vehicles, by type/model, owned and/or
operated by your trust, per year, since 2005
4) The number of ambulance vehicles (if any), by type/model, owned
and/or operated within the area your trust is responsible for, by
another agency/private contractor, by year, since 2005
5) Whether the following list of non-ambulance services are
provided directly by employees of your trust, or by
contractors/other agencies; and when not provided by your trust,
the name of the agency/contractor that provides that service; from
2005 by year.
Call takers
Vehicle Maintenance
Cleaners for facilities
IT support
Accountancy/Finance services
Policy Advisers
Quartermaster? (by which I mean the individual(s) responsible for
sourcing and making sure that your trust and each ambulance station
has a ready supply of equipment/supplies)
Our response is as follows:
- Attached. Please note that this information is only available back to April 2009.
- This information is not held by the LAS.
- A list of vehicles is attached.
- This information is not held by the LAS.
- All are provided in-house apart from:
Cleaners for facilities:Lakethorne Services
Accountancy/Finance Services: ELFS (East Lancashire Financial Services) for invoice processing and cash management.
We hope that this answers your request. If you are dissatisfied with our response you have the right to seek a review in line with guidance from the Information Commissioner.
In the first instance, this should be addressed to me at the above address. I will provide a response within 20 days of receipt.
Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of this review then a final review request should be addressed to:
Sandra Adams
Director of Corporate Affairs
London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
220 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8SD
who will arrange for a panel of Non-Executive Directors to review the case.
If you are unhappy with the findings of the panel you can then write to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545 700
Fax: 01625 524 510
If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours Sincerely,
Stephen Moore
Information Governance Manager