Distribution Limited / ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/13
Paris, 12 June 2007
Original: French
Second Session
Tokyo, Japan, 3 to 7 September 2007
Item 13 of the Provisional Agenda: Creation of an emblem for the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
SummaryAt its first extraordinary session, the Committee decided to create an emblem for the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and to establish at its second ordinary session a subsidiary body entrusted with the matter. This document proposes guidelines for the graphic design of an emblem for the Convention, and terms of reference for the creation of a subsidiary body.
Decision required: paragraph 4
- By virtue of Article 7 of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage[“the Convention”], the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage [“the Committee”] is responsible for promoting the objectives of the Convention (Article 7(a)) and for seeking means of increasing its resources (Article 7(d)). At its first extraordinary session, held from 23 to 27 May 2007 in Chengdu, China, the Committeeconsequently decided “to create an emblem in order to support its activities and those of States Parties in promoting the objectives of the Convention” (Decision 1.EXT.COM.8).
- The Committee also decided “to agree on the principle of an open competition based on wide publicity for the design of an emblem that best reflects the purposes and spirit of the Convention”. The competition should favour equitable geographic participation. The emblem should give maximum visibility to the Convention, one of which’s principal objectives is to raise awareness at the local, national and international levels of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage (Article 1). The Committee also decided “to establish at its second ordinary session a subsidiary body and to determine its terms of reference in accordance with Rule 21 of its Rules of Procedure”,which specifies such terms should address its mandate and duration of office.
- Pursuant to Decision 1.EXT.COM.8 which requested the Secretariat to prepare a reference document concerning the points raised above, the Committee may wish to discuss the draft guidelines for the graphic design of an emblem for the Convention and the composition and terms of reference of the subsidiary body it has decided to establish, as annexed to the decision below.
- The Committee may wish to adopt the following decision:
The Committee,
1.Recalling Articles 1, 7(a) and 7(d) of the Convention, and Articles 13 and 14(a);
2.Recalling also Decision 1.EXT.COM.8;
3.Having examined document ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/13;
4.Adopts the guidelines relating to the graphic design of an emblem for the Convention in Annex 1 below;
5.Establishes a subsidiary body and adopts its terms of reference in Annex 2 below, in accordance with Rule 21 of its Rules of Procedure;
6.Elects […] […] […] […] […] […] as members of this subsidiary body;
7.Decides to launch a competition under the conditions established by the present decision and in accordance with the terms of reference of the subsidiary body, with a view to the design of an emblem that best reflects the purposes and spirit of the Convention;
8.Requests the Secretariat to submit to its next session a document concerning the principles governing the use of the emblem of the Convention.
Annex 1: Guidelines for the graphic design of an emblem for the ConventionThe emblem should:
a. / reflect clearly and simply the purposes of the Convention as set out in Article 1, and the spirit of the Convention;
b. / be relevant to all the world’s regions;
c. / be original and unique to ensure its protection under the Paris Convention administered by the World International Property Organization and to avoid any confusion with other emblems, while taking into account the possibility of its use either separately or in association with UNESCO’s emblem;
d. / be printable in black and white or in colour, include the text [“intangible cultural heritage”] [“living heritage”], and meet the graphic reproduction standards established by UNESCO.
Annex 2: Draft terms of reference of the subsidiary body to be established by the Committee
The subsidiary body:
a. / shall be composed of a MemberState of each electoral group;
b. / shall elect its Chairperson and, if necessary, its Vice-Chairperson(s) and its Rapporteur;
c. / shall guide the Secretariat in the organization of the competition for the creation of anemblem for the Convention, in particular by:
- approving the call for tenders relating to the design of the emblem, and ensuring that the technical and administrative specifications reflect the design criteria already approved by the Committee;
- ensuring that the competition is open to all graphic professionals and artists in all Member States under the technical and administrative conditions communicated to them;
- ensuring that the administrative specifications set out in the notification of the competition include a clause assigning to UNESCO, free-of-charge,all intellectual property rights attached to the proposed emblem in the event that the work is selected;
- defining selection criteria;
d. / shall be responsible for examining the graphic works submitted and pre-selecting the [three] proposed emblems that best reflect the purposes and spirit of the Convention;
e. / shall submit its recommendations to the Committee and then cease to exist.