Chapter 1 Skeleton Notes

Animal Agriculture as Science

Terminal Objective

As a result of studying this chapter, the student will be able to define science and explain the scientific

method and how science has benefited agriculture and humans.

Chapter Objectives

Student Objectives in Basic Science

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should be able to

1. Define science.

2. Explain how science has made the lives of people better.

3. Tell how humans first began to use science.

4. Explain the concept of the scientific method.

5. Distinguish between basic and applied science.

6. Cite scientific discoveries that have made food better and less expensive for the consumer.

7. List the pharmaceuticals that are derived from animals.

Student Objectives in Agricultural Science

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should be able to

1. Explain why agriculture is a science.

2. Explain what is meant by the land grant concept.

3. Explain how the land grant institutions began.

4. Discuss the advances made by American agriculture during this century.

5. Analyze how agricultural research has benefited the consumer.

6. List the developments that have revolutionized animal agriculture.

Interest Approach

Define science and agriculture.

Now link the concepts and to explain how agriculture and science affect your daily lives.

Outline of Course Material

I. What is science?

A. Science: the study ______

B. Provision of necessities


II. History of agriculture as a science

A. Food gathering

B. Domestication of animals

C. Progressive scientific research

1. Land Grant Act:

2. United States Department of Agriculture

3. Hatch Act:

4. Smith-Lever Act:

5. Smith-Hughes Act:

III. The scientific method

A. Solving a problem

1. Identify a problem

2. Formulate hypothesis

3. Design study

4. Collect data

5. Analyze data

6. Make Recommendations

B. Control and experimental groups

C. Types of research

1. Basic research

2. Applied research

IV. How animal science benefits humans

A. Food

1. Increased food supply

2. Lower food costs

3. Milestones in animal agriculture

(a) Animal immunization

(b) Refrigeration

(c) Artificial insemination

(d) Embryo transfer

(e) Use of computers

B. Pharmaceuticals

C. Hormones

D. Animal parts as transplants


1. Interview your parents (and if possible, your grandparents). Make a list of the advancements they perceiveas having made their lives better since they were your age. Determine how many of these advancementscame about as a direct or indirect result of agriculture.

2. Interview a livestock or dairy producer. Ask him/her what new improvements he/she has seen during the pastfive years. Also ask him/her what problems he/she has that could be solved through scientific research

3. Design a scientific experiment to solve a problem. Be sure to include your hypothesis, how you wouldconduct the experiment, and how you would use the results.

Topics for Discussion

1. Animal producers are always interested in how to get the maximum feed efficiency from their livestock.Discuss how the outcome of the experiment might have practical implications for large animal production.

2. There are many scientists in the industry of agriculture. Discuss why it is necessary for scientists to followthe scientific method. Discuss what would happen if a step were skipped.