7th Grade Life Science Syllabus

Welcome to a new year of great adventure! Life science includes such topics as cells, classification, and ecology. Areas covered during this year of life science are:

  1. Scientific method & measurements(LS 1)
  2. Characteristics of Living Things & Cell Structures and Functions(LS 2,3)
  3. Transmission of Genetic Information& Evolution(LS 12, 13)
  4. Classification**(LS 4)
  5. Photosynthesis(LS 5)
  6. Ecology – Cycles in Nature(LS 6)
  7. Ecology – Interactions & Adaptations(LS 7, 8, 9, 10)
  8. Ecology – Human Impact(LS 11)

At the end of 8th grade, you will have a science SOL that covers 6th-8th grade science.

**As part of our unit on the classification of animals several dissections will be performed. If you or your child has an objection to animal dissection there are several options: your child may sit in class and only observe the dissection; when available they may perform a digital dissection; or an alternative research based assignment will be provided. The dissections are usually performed during February and/or March. Please send written notice prior to the dissection if your child needs one of the previously discussed alternatives.

Materials Needed:

  • Pencil
  • Composition Notebook
  • Colored Pencils (not required but used often)
  • Planner

Field Notebook:

Each student will be required to keep a field notebook (FNB) of their homework/classwork, quizzes and tests, labs, and handouts. The Table of Contents can be found on my website to help keep your FNB in order. This will be a valuable tool to use for studying towards tests. The FNB will be graded at the end of each 9 weeks and will count as a test grade.


  • Given 2-3x/week (must be written in your planner)
  • Graded on completion most of the time (There are times when I grade for accuracy)
  • Checked the next day, unless otherwise noted
  • Accepted late with a 7 point penalty

The homework is designed to help you practice & study the material presented in class. YOU are responsible for turning in homework due during an absence.

Grading Policy:

Science grades will be determined by combining total points accumulated during the nine weeks and dividing by the total points possible.

Grading Scale

Tests (30%)A93 - 100

Quizzes (30%)B86 - 92

Labs/Projects (30%)C78 - 85

Homework (10%)D70 - 77

F Below 70


Attendance is very important! If you miss time from school, YOU are responsible for turning in any work due on the day you were absent as well as getting the work assigned during your absence.

Tardies:BE ON TIME!!!

Anyone not in their assigned seat at the beginning of the class start time will be marked tardy unless they have a pass from the office or another teacher. Any unexcused tardy will be recorded. The third tardy during a nine weeks period will result in an ISD referral and ASD.


Do not leave the classroom unless you are orally dismissed! (Even if the clock says it is time to go)

Leaving the class:

  • Must have a planner
  • Must sign out by the door EVERY TIME you leave

You must have a planner to leave class to go to the bathroom or locker. If you do not have a planner you may not leave. However, you are not allowed to visit the bathroom, locker, etc just because you have a pass; the teacher must approve. Please plan accordingly…there are only 4 minutes between classes 

Behavior & Discipline:

Each student will be treated as a mature individual; good behavior is expected. You are expected to know and follow all classroom and school rules. No student will be allowed to interfere with the right of another student to learn during class. Parent(s) will be contacted as needed to inform them of good behavior or discipline problems.

Teacher: Teresa KeeslingPhone: 434-1949 ext. 114Email:

I ______(student name) have read the syllabus above and understand the expectations for Miss Keesling’s class.


Student signatureParent Signature