14 July 2011
1 / Purpose1.1 / To ensure the car parking facilities in Poole Park are primarily there for park users and visitors by considering:
a)Current parking time limits in Poole Park
b)Results of initial consultation
c)Proposal to rationalise the time limits
2 / Decision Required
2.1 / Members are asked to recommend these proposals toTransportation Advisory Groupto rationalise the time limits in Poole Park car parks.
3 / Background Information
3.1 / Poole Park is the premier park in Poole. It is the most highly visited greenspace in Poole offering a wide range of recreational facilities.[1]
3.2 / The status of the car parks in Poole Park is that they are part of the park, in existence for the use of park visitors, managed by Leisure Services. Transportation Services have historically carried out the enforcement of time limits.
3.3 / Poole Park was designated a Conservation Area in 1995, and much work has been undertaken to improve facilities whilst keeping the original design ideals. In relation to car parking in the Conservation Area, the site needs sympathetic management to ensure that signage, infrastructure such as barriers, car park lining and bollards are not too visually intrusive but meets enforcement needs.
3.4 / There is no vehicular access to Poole Park from 6.00 am - 10.00 am on Monday – Saturday in order to manage parking and the traffic flow through the park.
4 / Current position
4.1 / There are 4 car parks in the Park and 2 areas of road parking and these currently have a range of time limits for parking ie 1, 2 and 4 hour (a plan of current parking limits is Appendix 1).
4.2 / In recent years the car parks have been used increasingly by town centre shoppers and workers, which then means that park users have sometimes been unable to park. The time limits need rationalising to enable park users to use park facilities and enable sufficient turnover of cars parked to provide a dynamic park .
4.3 / The work to progress rationalisation was included in the Leisure Services Business Plan 2010/11, however this was delayed due to a reduction in staffing capacity.
4.4 / A balance needs to be maintained between making the park accessible to users, including drivers whilst also promoting the Council’s commitment to sustainable travel of walking and cycling.
4.5 / Poole Park has a number of clubs, societies and concessions which provide a range of recreational facilities. Some of these are allocated parking spaces as part of their legal agreements. Requests are received from some stakeholders to permit parking in additional areas, however as a historic listed park it is important to ensure that Poole Park does not become dominated by parked vehicles and therefore the quality of the park experience is reduced.
4.6 / Transportation Services confirm that capacity exists in the adjacent parking areas inParkstone Road, Kingland Road and Park Lake Road and in the Swimming Pool andSeldown car parks.
5 / Results of Initial Consultation
5.1 / There are a number of stakeholders who have an interest in this issue:
- Park users
- Adjoining residents
- BoP Leisure Services as park managers
- BoP Transportation Services to ensure enforcement is possible and that suggestions fit with their policies
- Friends of Poole Park
- Continental Landscapes as contractor with works yard in park
- Concessionaires:
- Poole Radio Yacht Club
- Garth Model Boat Club
- Rockley Watersport
- Poole Bowling Club
- Mezza Luna and Central Park Café
- Poole Railway Company
- Cricket Club
- Tennis - Crazy Courses
- Crazy Golf
- Club 21
- Richmond Fellowship
In 2009 stakeholders were asked for their initial comments on changes to time limits, however there was no overall consensus of opinion on the detail of time limits per car park. There was recognition generally that it would be possible to improve on the existing time limits to encourage turnover as well as preventing too many spaces being used by non-park visitors.
Comments and information havealso been collated from a number of sources:
- Mike Heckford, Friends of Poole Park carried out detailed surveys
- Site knowledge of BoP Leisure and Transportation staff
- Anecdotal staff knowledge from concessionaires and park users
6 / Proposal
6.1 / The proposal is to rationalise the time limits as shown in the table below:
6.1 / Car park / location / Current time limit / Proposed time limit / Rationale for proposals
Car parks
Westfield car park by Mezza Luna / 1 hour / 2 hour / All car parks to have same time limit of 3 hours – with the exception of the Westfied as this is closest to town centre. This is sufficient time to experience park facilities and enable turnover of cars to allow park access to more people.The Town centre roads have a 2 hour limit and this is supported by Transportation
Car park east of war memorial / 4 hour / 3 hour
Central park café car park / 4 hour / 3 hour
Copse Close car park / 2 hour / 3 hour
Road parking
Seldown Gate / 1 hour / 1 hour / One hour limit to remain to deter cars parking by non park users who walk into town or use Dolphin Pool etcLakeside – with disabled parking bays / 3 hour / 3 hour / Status quo to remain as system works and disabled bays should be available to users who need them
6.2 / Note on timings:
- Currently the limits apply from 8am to 6pm all week
- The proposal is for the new parking limits to also apply 8am to 6pm all week
6.3 / The proposed process and timescale would be:
- August - Traffic Order advertised on site, via local media and Transportations consultees list. (28 day period of advertisement)
- August– October – Public consultation period linked to Traffic Order (takes 3 months)
- November - Report back if necessary
- December - Implementation (subject to consultation)
7 / Financial Implications
7.1 / The cost of implementing the changes is anticipated at £10,000. Due to the pressure on the site maintenance budget it is suggested that these works are funded from the Leisure Service revenue budget with costs then recouped from income generated by enforcement tickets.
8 /
Physical works required
8.1 / A number of physical works would be required to implement the changes- Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) signs updated
- Updated low level signage at individual car parks
- Yellow line re-painting.
- Parking bays re-painting
- Update the Traffic Order
- Limited number of passes for concessions who have parking allocated as a condition of lease.
9 / Legal Implications
9.1 / None beyondthose covered by Transportation Services in administering traffic Orders.
10 / Policy Implications
10.1 / The Poole Park Management Plan Appendix 6 contains the policy for management of issues in the park. In relation to traffic management the effects of through traffic on the safety of visitors and visual impact of vehicles needs to be balanced with vehicular access to the park.
11 / Risk Management Implications
11.1 / If car parking in Poole Park is not appropriately managed and controlled then commuter and shopper parking can deprive Poole Park users and visitors from parking in the park. This can affect income generation from business concessions in the park, cause negative feedback and publicity.
12 / Equalities Implications
12.1 / Disabled bays are currently provided in the car parks and this provision would be maintained. People with mobility limitations highly value the ability to drive through and park in the park.
13 / Environmental Impact
13.1 / Whilst it is acknowledged that walking and cycling should be promoted and encouraged in Poole Park, this report addresses the control of car parking.
14 / Planning Implications
14.1 / None identified.
15 / Conclusion
15.1 / The proposed changes to the car park time limits would encourage a balance between genuine park users and turn-over of spaces to deter town centre shoppers and workers parking in Poole Park.
Contact Officers:
Clive Smith, Head of Leisure – (01202) 261380
Report Version 4: 5 July 2011 Page 1
[1] Poole Opinion Panel surveys 2009 and 2010