Dibs Volunteer System

We are utilizing the Dibs system to run our volunteer opportunities.You will be asked to login in order to view and claim available volunteer opportunities.Login using the account and password used at registration.Please do not create a new account and only use one account per family.

Once you have logged in, click on Dibs on the top navigation. Your available DIBS sessions will appear. Click on aDibs session to view available shifts.

A list of Items (volunteer shifts) will display and you can filter using the different criteria.Click on each shift for further details and instructions. Then click "Claim this dib item" to sign-up for the shift.Only shifts that are dated within one month from today’s date will appear. Extend the date range to view more shifts.If no shifts appear after changing the search parameters, all available shifts for that session have already been filled.

ClaimedDib items can be viewed by clicking on your username in the upper left hand corner and selecting Dibs.

Dibs FAQ

How to claim a Dib item/shift?

  • Login using the same username and password from when you registered. Click on the Dibs tab. Use the filters to narrow the list. When you find an item that works, click on that item and select "claim this Dib item".

How can I view the shifts I claimed?

  • Login and click onthe arrow icon next to your username in the upper left corner. Select Dibsto view your claimed shifts and dates/times.

How do I get credit for working the shift?

  • Then click on your username at the top and select Dibs. Select on the Dib Item (shift) you have not receive credit for. Then click on the ‘Verify Completion’ button. This will send an email to the volunteer coordinator requesting credit.

Why are there not any shifts to volunteer for?

  • If it states ’No Dib items found, try changing the modifying filters’ you should open the date range and click Filter Dib Items. If there still are not any items listed, that means there are currently no shifts available.Only available shifts display. The Volunteer Coordinator will sendemails asmore shifts become available.

Should both my spouse and I sign up for Dibs?

  • No. Volunteering hours are tracked per family. You will use the same NGIN account that was used for the registration process.

I forgot my password?

  • Click on Loginat the top left of the page and then click on 'forgotyour password?'
  • This will prompt you to enter your username or email address- please do this and hit 'submit'
  • An email will then be sent to your primary email address you used to create your account with additional instructions.
  • Click on the link in the email to initiate the password reset. (If this does not work, try copy and pasting the link into your web browser/address bar)
  • The system will then prompt you to type in a new password if clicked that you forgot your password.
  • Once a new password is typed in, you will automatically be logged into the system