Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes
School name: Rupanyup Primary School / Year: 2017School number: 1595 / Based on strategic plan: 2017-2020
Principal Julie Powell Feb 2017 / Senior Education Improvement Leader Dr Joanna Day [date]
School council [Matt Downer] [date]
Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives
Report here the goals identified in the current School Strategic Plan and tick the Improvement Initiative/s that your school will address in this Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.
School Strategic Plan goals / Improvement Priorities / Improvement Initiatives / ü· Over a two year cycle teachers will fully implement the Victorian Curriculum so that students access all learning areas and capabilities
· Over the life of the Strategic Plan we will promote and communicate an agreed school vision and values so that wellbeing will be enhanced.
· Over the life of the Strategic Plan we will maximise student performance across all curriculum areas by utilisation of data to inform teaching so that students achieve their full potential. / Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / **
Curriculum planning and assessment / 3ü4
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
Community engagement in learning / Building communities / ü
Improvement Initiatives rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
This is the first year of the strategic plan.
All government schools are required to move to implementation of the new Victorian Curriculum in 2017. Rupanyup’s challenge is to cover all mandated learning areas. Arts, science and ICT sessions will require increased specific time allocation.
The Parent Opinion data and recent review discussions with parents have shown a want for higher levels of communication to the school community.
There is a need to increase teacher’s data literacy and analysis of assessment data to plan for the literacy and numeracy needs of learners.
Key improvement strategies (KIS)
List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Improvement initiative: / Key improvement strategies (KIS)
To implement the Victorian Curriculum so that students access all learning areas and capabilities. / · Align the school’s curriculum provision and assessment structures to the Victorian Curriculum
· Review the whole school planner to allocate dedicated time to ICT, Science and the Arts.
· Review the reporting of student achievement
· Develop a whole-school approach to the teaching of writing.
To promote and communicate an agreed school vision and values so that wellbeing will be enhanced. / · Increase the time allocation for principal’s administration responsibilities
· Refresh the school website
· Review the electronic message system and ensure more frequent and timely communications
· Conduct twice yearly survey of parents on communication between parents and school.
Published: February 2016
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives
Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.
Please not that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / Over a two year cycle teachers will fully implement the Victorian Curriculum so that students access all learning areas and capabilities.IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / · 70 per cent of students show an average of one year’s growth each year across the Victorian Curriculum Standards.
· NAPLAN: at least 75 per cent of students show medium to high growth by 2020
· at least 70 per cent of students achieve one year’s growth in literacy and numeracy, as measured by external measurement tools and teacher judgements.
12 MONTH TARGETS / [Drafting Note the measures of progress may be a breakdown of the 4 year targets, however, where this is not possible due to frequency and availability of data (e.g. NAPLAN), consider other school-generated data that will indicate progress (e.g. OnDemand data)]
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Align the school’s curriculum provision and assessment structures to the Victorian Curriculum / Map current curriculum provision and compare to Victorian Curriculum.
Create scope and Sequences for all curriculum areas across all year levels. / All / Ongoing / 6 months: Semester one content will be mapped and revised as necessary / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: Semester two content will be mapped and revised as necessary / l l l
Review the whole school planner to allocate dedicated time to ICT, Science and the Arts. / Employ 0.6 staff member to enable additional staffing for Science and technology.
ICT to be integrated into curriculum with a focus period of time allocated to coding. / All / End T1 / 6 months: Review planner from Semester one to evaluate effectiveness / l l l
12 months: Review whole year planner and make any necessary changes for 2018 / l l l
l l l
Review the reporting of student achievement / Focus groups with students, parents and staff to determine what is desired from reporting.
Look at goal based reporting, improvement based etc to determine preferred system / School community / 6 months: Will have had meetings with all stakeholders and be developing a proposal / l l l
12 months: Proposal will have been offered, discussed and altered as necessary and be ready for implementation in 2018 / l l l
Develop a whole-school approach to the teaching of writing. / Use specific writing program (7 Steps to Writing Success) across the school.
Provide dedicated time each week to the teaching of writing, focussing on specific genres. / All / End 2017 / 6 months: Whole school approach to writing developed and documented
Review the effectiveness of the program. Cross class observations at least twice per term. / l l l
12 months: Include program in each classes curriculum planning / l l l
Published: February 2016
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / [Over the life of the Strategic Plan we will promote and communicate an agreed school vision and values so that wellbeing will be enhanced.IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / · The ATTS school mean score for
o Student safety,
o Classroom behaviour
o Connectedness to school
to be at or above the state mean by 2020
· The Parent Opinion survey:
o to maintain the high response rate at the 2016 benchmark of 80 per cent
o general satisfaction response to be at or above 6.0 by 2020.
o an upward trend in parent responses in twice yearly school-generated feedback surveys, indicating improving levels of satisfaction with communication.
12 MONTH TARGETS / [Drafting Note the measures of progress may be a breakdown of the 4 year targets, however, where this is not possible due to frequency and availability of data (e.g. NAPLAN), consider other school-generated data that will indicate progress (e.g. OnDemand data)]
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Increase the time allocation for principal’s administration responsibilities / Employment of 0.6 staff member will enable this.
Timetable to be rearranged to allow principal to have the afternoons for administration. / JP / T1 / 6 months: Principal will be able to complete all administrative tasks in a timely manner. / l l l / [Drafting Note report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: Review ebb and flow of workload over the 12 months and adjust time needed as required. / l l l
l l l
Refresh the school website / Review current website and update/upload current content / JP and IT support / 6 months: Website will be uploaded / l l l
12 months: Any changes needed will be made on a set review schedule / l l l
Review the electronic message system and ensure more frequent and timely communications / Look at alternative means of communication including Edmodo, Facebook, Skoolbag app etc / School community / 6 months: Refreshing use of Apps4urBiz. Parent forums as to requirements. Implementation of a school facebook page or agreed whole school communication method. / l l l
12 months: Community forum to assess effectiveness of changes / l l l
Conduct twice yearly survey of parents on communication between parents and school. / Create survey monkey and send to every family. Also offer to all parents at Parent Teacher Interviews / JP / End T2
End T4 / 6 months: Review data and look at any areas of concern / l l l
12 months: Using parent data to find areas of concern and address them / l l l
Published: February 2016
Section 3: Other Improvement Model Dimensions
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / Over the life of the Strategic Plan we will maximise student performance across all curriculum areas by utilisation of data to inform teaching so that students achieve their full potential.OTHER IMPROVEMENT MODEL DIMENSIONS / [Drafting Notes Use this section for the dimension identified as an area of focus in the SSP (e.g. Positive climate for learning and Health and wellbeing)]
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / · 70 per cent of students show an average of one year’s growth each year across the Victorian Curriculum Standards.
· NAPLAN: at least 75 per cent of students show medium to high growth by 2020
· at least 70 per cent of students achieve one year’s growth in literacy and numeracy, as measured by external measurement tools and teacher judgements.
12 MONTH TARGETS / [Drafting Notes the measures of progress may be a breakdown of the 4 year targets, however, where this is not possible due to availability of data (e.g. NAPLAN), schools may use alternative data sets (e.g. OnDemand data)]
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Continue to implement the external testing tool across year levels and triangulate data with teacher assessments / Review assessment data used to ensure the most appropriate is being collected. Explore PAT, On Demand, NAPLAN etc
Ensure regular teacher moderation time is provided / All / End 2017 / 6 months: Data will be collected and assessed by teachers.
Teachers moderate work samples at least twice times per term / l l l / [Drafting Notes report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: Data will be discussed across year levels to assist in transition
Teachers have moderated 2 work samples
Teacher judgements align with external data sources. / l l l
Conduct professional learning on assessment data to plan differentiated learning activities to meet individual needs and to inform feedback to students and parents / Provision of dedicated time during staff meetings to train staff in different data analysis tools.
Offer external PD opportunities as they arise / JP
All / Ongoing / 6 months: Staff meeting time is used to train and practice the use of Data tools such as PAT and NAPLAN / l l l
12 months: Staff are able to use data collected to create student specific learning programs.
Staff able to demonstrate differentiation of tasks in response to data / l l l
Implement regular curriculum and assessment meeting schedule / Meeting schedule altered to included curriculum and assessment time each week. / All / Ongoing / 6 months: Review of meeting time to ensure that this is occurring regularly. / l l l
12 months: Plan in place of schedule required for 2018 / l l l
Redesign Individual Learning Plans for every student / Review current ILP documentation and make changes as required. / All / Ongoing / 6 months: Students will set their own goals which will be incorporated into ILPs / l l l
12 months: All students will have a complete ILP / l l l
Review within-school transition processes. / Review class structure for 2018 and create a transition program within the school which best fits this structure / All / End t3 / 6 months: Student numbers by year level will be looked at as well as student personalities in order to create a good mix of composite classes. / l l l
12 months: Transition program will be set up which covers all the main years. / l l l
Published: February 2016
Section 4: Annual Self-Evaluation
[Drafting Note Annual self-evaluation section enables schools to continuously collect, monitor and analyse school data about all aspects of school performance. This ensures that all aspects of school performance are considered throughout the year and that any risks, issues and opportunities are identified as they emerge. The Annual self-evaluation against the Continua of Practice should be completed as data becomes available]