National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP)
Job Specification & Terms and Conditions
Job Title and Grade / Director of NDTPConsultant
Campaign Reference
Closing Date / Tuesday 5th September 2017 @ 12 noon
Proposed Interview Date (s)
Taking up Appointment / A start date will be indicated at job offer stage.
Organisational Area / National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP)
Location of Post / NDTP Office, Heuston South Quarter, Dublin 8
Informal Enquiries / Prof. Eilis McGovern, Director – National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP)
Phone:07669 59911
Details of Service / The National Doctors Training and Planning (NDTP) function incorporates Medical Education and Training, Consultant Division and Medical Workforce Planning.
The department has a number of responsibilities relating to Medical Workforce Management in the Irish Health Service. These include:
- Developing and delivering medical education & training strategies
- Medical Workforce Planning for all levels of medical staff
- Approval and regulation of consultant posts
Reporting Relationship / To the National Director of Human Resources
A strategic alignment to the National Medical Director (when appointed) to be agreed with a focus on peer to peer review and to strengthen governance arrangements and to quality assure decision-making from a medical / clinical and whole system perspective.
Purpose of the Post / To be accountable overall to deliver on the objectives of the NDTP Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020 and agreed NDTP Vision: Patient care and patient outcomes are maximised as a result of an aligned and appropriately skilled medical workforce.
To provide overall leadership in collaboration with key stakeholders in relation to NDTP’s core functions:
Medical Workforce planning
Medical education & training
Approval and regulation of consultant posts
Evidence, knowledge and data management
Principal Duties and Responsibilities / Governance and Leadership
- Deliver and implement the NDTP Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020 ensuring that the objectives and operations of NDTP are supported by, and aligned with key HSE divisions including the Health Services People Strategy. (NDTP Strategic Objective 4)
- Lead the development of a shared vision among all stakeholders of the workforce planning requirements and the future of doctor training and consultant post requirements in Ireland. (NDTP Strategic Objective 1)
- Ensure legislative and regulatory compliance and take a lead role in the ongoing implementation of the recommendations of the Fottrell and Buttimer Reports and other Government policy and relevant legislation, including the Health Act 2004 and the Medical Practitioners Act 2007, in line with the HSE’s aims and Corporate Plan.
- Participate and contribute as a member of the HSE HR Leadership Team.
- Act as a senior HSE representative in nurturing and managing relationships with internal and external stakeholders in respect of NDTP priorities, in line with the DOH and HSE policy.
- Take a lead advocacy role in ensuring the medical education and training system reflects the changing service needs of the health service.
- Provide expert advice and input to the HSE in relation to issues pertaining to NDTP. In this regard ensure that the work of the NDTP is informed by best international/national research and evidence
- Represent the HSE as required in public fora and act as a public spokesperson on behalf of the HSE in relation to NDTP related issues as necessary.
- Further develop productive engagement mechanisms and relationships with key internal and external stakeholders and partners at national level. (NDTP Strategic Objective 5)
- Use medical knowledge and training to assist other parts of the system to optimise their outputs
- Negotiate assertively, develop robust contracts and ensure performance / delivery in line with agreed outcomes as a key commissioner of services.
- Attend to the developmental and influential aspects of the role as it relates to progressing the objectives of the NDTP Strategic Plan across the whole system supporting multi sectoral collaboration.
Workforce Planning
Work collaboratively with the Deputy Director of NDTP who will have specific responsibility for Medical Workforce Planning (when appointed) to:
- Ensure that a comprehensive workforce plan is in place based on current and predicted service needs, evidence informed pathways of care and staff deployment.
- Ensure that trainee and specialist/consultant numbers, speciality and skill-set are aligned with current and future requirements. (NDTP Strategic Objective 3)
- Continue the development and enhancement of the medical workforce planning function in line with the Framework for Integrated Workforce Planning, (Department of Health).
- Develop specialty-specific workforce projection reports.
- Utilise and incorporate medical workforce planning reports into decision-making regarding training numbers and consultant posts.
- Drive the implementation of recommendations in the Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structure (MacCraith Report) that are specific to NDTP.
- Lead discussions on the annual service agreements between the HSE and postgraduate training bodies and intern networks with the aim of continuous improvement in the way postgraduate and intern training is delivered.
- Based on the output of workforce planning make submissions to the Medical Council of those NCHD positions being required for specialist training for entry onto the trainee specialist Division.
- Publish an Annual Assessment of NCHD posts as required under the MPA (2007).
- Ensure postgraduate training meets the requirements of the health system and promotes a life-long approach to training, development and learning.
- HSE lead for the International Medical Graduate Initiative (IMGTI) in conjunction with the Forum of Postgraduate Training Bodies. Build on the recognised successes to date and contribute to the strategy to further develop the initiative whilst meeting HSE objectives.
- Work collaboratively with the HSE Leadership, Education and Development service to promote medical involvement in all relevant multi-disciplinary development programmes.
- Ensure the regulatory function of the Consultants Division is discharged fully and effectively.
- Participate as a member of the Consultant Applications Advisory Committee (CAAC).
- Drive the necessary reforms to the work of the Consultant Division as recommended in the report of the consultant recruitment group.
- Oversee the implementation of a suite of Key Performance Indicators for the Consultants Division to drive quality improvements.
- Encourage the use of electronic solutions to automate and streamline manual process within the division and to provide greater transparency to those employers who are submitting consultant applications.
- Continue to develop streamlined data gathering and reporting processes and systems to meet the requirements of the system and to enable evidence informed decision-making.
- Progress the development of the NDTP as a data hub with particular reference to the Consultant and NCHD database and the national employment record.
- Develop reporting and performance measurement systems to monitor and quality assure the delivery of NDTP functions ensure that measurable performance targets are achieved on time and within budget.
- Commission research adopting a range of approaches including co-funding, collaboration.
- Provide professional leadership, direction and support to the NDTP Unit promoting an interdisciplinary approach to ensure an integrated and cohesive approach in line with policy.
- Ensure that the policy and practices of the NDTP are bench marked with best practice requirements.
- Prioritise the focus for NDTP activity and direct the workload of the team.
- Ensure that the role, responsibilities and added value of NDTP is understood by all key stakeholders. (NDTP Strategic Objective 2)
- Lead the further internal integration of the core functions of NDTP to ensure that workforce planning, medical education & training, and the approval of consultant posts work in a complementary fashion. Promote collaborative working with complementary HR related services at appropriate levels.
- Manage and harness the strengths and talents of employees at all level and attend to ongoing development of the Unit and staff.
- Provide supervision to the National Lead NCHD/Fellow role and continue to develop this position as a significant enabler of change in the health system.
- Advise on the appropriate allocation of the NDTP capital and revenue budgets in line with HSE priorities, Government policy and value for money.
- Contribute to the preparation of annual Estimates and Service Plan.
- Ensure delivery of the Service Plan and specific programmes and projects funded by Government.
- Ensure that NDTP produces an Annual Report.
- Perform such other duties appropriate to the role as may be assigned from time to time.
Eligibility Criteria
Qualifications and/ or experience /
- Medical Clinician with first-hand knowledge and experience in a significant leadership role, ideally in medical training, or alternatively in a clinical/academic setting in Ireland or a similar system
- Excellent understanding of government and HSE policy with regard to the vision for medical education and training, workforce planning and consultant appointments
- Evidence and a proven track record of successfully delivering and implementing a significant change programme in a relevant area e.g. medical education and training, workforce planning
- Experience of working constructively with stakeholders both domestically and / or internationally to deliver innovation to the core functions of NDTP.
Skills, competencies and/or knowledge /
- Proven leadership in clinical services and medical education & training.
- Demonstrate the capacity for collective leadership to build collaborative and productive relationships across sectors.
- Excellent understanding of Government policy and HSE policy in Medical Education & Training and relevant legislation.
- Strong track record in the management of resources.
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of international advances and trends in the design, delivery and assessment of medical education programmes, including e-learning and distance learning.
- Demonstrate top-level experience in leading the design and practical delivery of innovative medical education programmes at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level in Ireland.
- Provide evidence of published medical scholarship.
- Demonstrate high standards of personal responsibility, accountability and performance and be driven by a value system compatible with the aims and ethos of the HSE.
- Experience of developing practical, innovative and creative solutions to the management of strategic issues and complex problems.
- Excellent presentation, communication and relationship building skills, ability to influence, persuade and establish credibility at all levels.
- Capacity to constructively challenge established practices and evidence of being able to manage change and deliver complex work under sustained pressure.
- An ability to work well under pressure with the energy, initiative and resilience necessary to deliver results.
- Computer literacy and adaptability in relation to ICT
Application Details / Please forward a current C.V. with a covering letter, outlining your suitability for the position and reason for applying by email only to: , Office of the National Director of HR on or before the closing date.
Applicants may be shortlisted for interview based on information supplied in Curriculum Vitae and letter of application. Criteria for short listing are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the post specific requirements, duties, skills, competencies and/ or knowledge section of this job specification. Those successful at the short listing stage of this process (where applied) will be called forward to interview.
Director – National Doctors Training & Planning
Terms and Conditions of Employment
Tenure / The appointment is for a period of three years, with the potential for renewal.Secondment arrangements will be considered.
Remuneration / Academic Consultant Salary
Working Week / The standard working week applying to the post is 39 hours.
Arrangements may be agreed with the successful applicant to facilitate continuing clinical or academic commitment on a part-time basis.
Health & Safety / It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that the management of safety, health and welfare is successfully integrated into all activities undertaken within their area of responsibility, so far as is reasonably practicable. Line managers are named and roles and responsibilities detailed in the relevant Site Specific Safety Statement (SSSS).
Key responsibilities include:
- Developing a SSSS for the department/service[1], as applicable, based on the identification of hazards and the assessment of risks, and reviewing/updating same on a regular basis (at least annually) and in the event of any significant change in the work activity or place of work.
- Ensuring that Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is integrated into day-to-day business, providing Systems Of Work (SOW) that are planned, organised, performed, maintained and revised as appropriate, and ensuring that all safety related records are maintained and available for inspection.
- Consulting and communicating with staff and safety representatives on OSH matters.
- Ensuring a training needs assessment (TNA) is undertaken for employees, facilitating their attendance at statutory OSH training, and ensuring records are maintained for each employee.
- Ensuring that all incidents occurring within the relevant department/service are appropriately managed and investigated in accordance with HSE procedures[2].
- Seeking advice from health and safety professionals through the National Health and Safety Function Helpdesk as appropriate.
- Reviewing the health and safety performance of the ward/department/service and staff through, respectively, local audit and performance achievement meetings for example.
[1] A template SSSS and guidelines are available on the National Health and Safety Function/H&S web-pages
[2] See link on health and safety web-pages to latest Incident Management Policy