K-4 p.m. Newsletter
November 2, 2016
Our Fall Festival on Monday was so much fun! Thank you so much to our wonderful parent volunteers.
This week students are beginning to learn our new November songs. Parents are invited to come to our Thanksgiving Feast on Wednesday, November 16th at 2:00 in K-4. Students will perform our November songs and then we will have our Thanksgiving Feast. Parents are encouraged to stay and help students make their “Thanksgiving Turkeys”. I will be sending home an e-mail for Sign Up Genius. You can donate food and supplies by signing up on-line. After our feast we will join the other P.M. kindergarten classes to do the Turkey Tango out on our playground at 2:45. Parents are invited to join us on the playground to watch the students dance in their Turkey Tango hats.
Students have been working hard in small groups and centers this week. We are doing a lot of report card assessments. In Centers students are doing a Turkey Position book, Turkey numbers,Lexia on the iPads and working on theirGg page for their alphabet book.
Our Fall Stampede is coming up on Friday. I’m sending their Fall Stampede shirts before the run. Please dress your child in this shirt for Friday (they do not have to wear a shirt underneath) as well as tennis shoes and appropriate clothing. Students will be running around the field/blacktop as part of our PTA fundraiser. Our class is running at 1:25-2:00. PTA has requested that each child provide their own water bottle. Please send your child with a water bottle on Friday marked with their name and room number.
Remember that next week there is no school on Friday. Our field trip to the Ohlone Play “Frog Prince” is coming up next Thursday, November 10th. All kindergarteners will attend from 8:10-11:30. I will be sending home field trip t-shirts on Wednesday the 9th along with a reminder note.
Have a great week,
Mrs. Bravo
Dates to Remember
-No School Friday, November 11th – Veteran’s Day
- Thursday, November 10th – Field trip to Ohlone Play. All kinders attend from 8:10-11:30.
-Thursday, November 17 and Friday, November 18th – Early days. All kinders attend from 8:10-11:30.
-Parent/Teacher Conferences- Monday, November 14th to Friday, November 18th
- Thanksgiving Break, No School: November 21st – 25th
*You’re invited, Wednesday, November 16th, at 2:00 in K4. We’ll be singing, having a feast, and then dancing the Turkey Tango in the Kindergarten Yard
Student of the Week
- Anson has one sister named Ashley (10 years old).
- He has a dog named Snowball.
- Anson’s favorite foods are chicken nuggets and mango smoothies.
- His favorite book is ABC Alphabet Book.
- His favorite toys are his cooking toys.
- Anson is really good at drawing.
***Don’t forget your G Sharing on Friday!!!***